The Great Holy Grail War (Part 4)

Command Spells.

They are three claims of absolute obedience, the crystallization of a great magic, that a Master has over a Servant in the Holy Grail War system. Unable to normally be controlled by humans, they are burdened by the 'absolute condition for materialization', the authority of the Command Spell carved into them at the moment of summoning.

They are holy marks signifying a Magi's status as a Master, a system that was created by Makiri Zolgen after the failure of the First Holy Grail War. If they were to ever be lost, a Master would lose all authority over their Servant.

The miracles close to the level of True Magic, they are the trump cards of every Master seeing that they could get them out of any precarious situation without much trouble.

At C rank, the Skill [God's Resolution] grants me two Command Spells for each Servant participating in the Holy Grail War. They cannot be re-purposed for the other Servants, but that is still enough to be a major advantage.

Although they have around 80% of the power compared to a Master's Command Seal, what Master in the world would simply use two of them immediately to counter a Ruler's Command Spell?

The good thing is that the other two who have a great amount of Command Seals are all constrained by their own roles.

Jeanne does not dare to use them extravagantly because she's afraid that she will lower her morality's standards while Amakusa Shirou lost his Ruler privilege and is bound by his role as the Master of five Servants so he needs to carefully utilize them as strategic resources.

However, what if there's a third Ruler in this Great Holy Grail War? One who is not tasked to maintain a ritual or the leashing of a group of deadly familiars? It's a waste to expend such a precious resource... but for me, who has 28 Command Seals... what's the point of saving them when I have a chance to kill another Servant?

I need to be victorious.

Yes, to win, it simply comes down to how low someone will go.

To win, I'll shake my hands with the most heinous devils with a smiling face. To win, I'll transform into the most innocent and pure angel while blessing the masses with the sacred hymns of the Lord.

To win, I won't hesitate to cut down a child's parents in front of him before doing the same thing to him without changing my countenance even once. To win, I will betray my allies at the optimal moment and laugh at their foolishness for believing in someone as depraved as me.

Regrettably as it is, that is the man known as Fenric von Leiqritus.

"...What are you doing, Rider?" Chiron spoke up in surprise. It's not just him either. Fiore and Darnic, who were standing nearby also watched in surprise as Fenric took a wider stance with his bow. The dark purple sword sheathed on his waist was drawn, and he promptly nocked it onto the similarly-colored bow.

The imitation which took over a decade to manufacture screamed in protest, yet it expressed its delight at the same time knowing that the one it will pierce is a legendary hero.

What he was doing was a special act that no other Servants would ever perform. It is possible to sacrifice a Noble Phantasm, their ultimate weapon, for an attack that is one rank higher, which is called a Broken Phantasm: The Destroyed Illusion.

Vast amount of magical energy were injected into the crusader sword. Only before it explodes from too much Prana did Fenric released it to the skies. The Noble Phantasm, packed with enough magical energy to destroy itself found the Chaste Huntress as its target and howled for her death.

'By the power of this Command Spell, I order you, Archer of Red, do not attempt to escape by any means.'

'By the power of this second Command Spell, I order you once more, Atalanta, do not attempt to escape by any means.'

The crystallization of great magic was used to prevent the female Archer's escape. Then, an additional one was used to reinforce the previous command. Even if Amakusa Shirou were to see it, a single Command Seal would not be able to save her.

Nevertheless, Rider of Black was an incredible cautious man. He instantly activated a High-Thaumaturgy that would guide the arrow to its mark, he then utilized another three to increase the projectile's lethality.

The sword's flew faster in the wind, the air resistance disappeared, and sound created by the sonic boom was muffled. Surely, the Archer of Red would not detect it and she would definitely not escape alive.

However, even that was not enough. Eyes glowing purple, a huge quantity of Prana flowed, and his total focus was now on the soaring arrow as the Mystic Eyes of Force accelerated the shaft and further amplified its speed

Such a deadly attack created by the combination of a Broken Phantasm, High-Thaumaturgy, Command Spells, Mystic Eyes, and Heaven's Feel has reached the realm of a powerful certain-kill Noble Phantasm.


Like a shooting star, the sword came down like a meteor and directly pierce through the Chaste Huntress' chest. Not even given a chance to cry out in pain, her heart, her spiritual core, was destroyed before the very eyes of Achilles.

A Command Seal from the Red Faction's Master was quickly activated at this moment... but they discovered that it did not work. She could not be save. No, she was already dead when the arrow hit her, consumed by the flames of a massive explosion.

'...Ah, how unfortunate this fate is... Was I that wrong...? I only wished for the salvation of the children... All children throughout the world, far and wide, happily smiling together...' Giving Achilles a parting smile, a yearning smile which included her hope to save all children, Atalanta quietly disappeared into motes of lights.

For killing a Servant during the Holy Grail War +30,000,000,000 EXP

"NNO!" Achilles held his hand out, trying to grasp the vanished green huntress. She was gone. She has already disappeared. She was dead. It is too late, once again, for the hero of the Trojan War to save someone close to him.

"...Sister." Staring at the space where Atalanta stood, Achilles crouched down beside the destroyed tree, in the open space created by the sword's destruction. All the trees in the area were fell by the passing projectile. The explosion have consumed them and left nothing behind.

The other Heroic Spirits present were similarly paying their respect. The cruel Vlad III observed the battlefield in silence. The isolated Avicebron inspected the sword's passage in interest, the nearby Siegfried lowered Balmung in sympathy, and the growling Frakenstein quietened down in the face of a hero's sorrow.

"...You were always a person who can't stand losing your loved ones, Achilles. That is fatal in a war... but my student, just for this time, I'll show my respect to the Chaste Huntress and not target your back." Chiron closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

On his left was the man who had killed Atalanta. Fenric stared at the deep crater he made. The weight of loss made itself known on his chest, as he gazed on Achilles mourning the late Atalanta.

Yes, he sorely regretted his own actions.

No, he was not regretting the death of the female Archer... he was simply regretting the fact that he'll lose all credibility if he were to shoot Achilles in the back at this moment.

Rider of Black is truly, a wicked individual who should be smote down by the Servants altogether.

If only he could nock his bow... he would have a high chance at taking the troublesome Servant's life. Achilles should be taken out early in the war, and he believes that Darnic would agree to his action in a heartbeat... though the soul-devouring Magus would probably condemn him afterwards in order to gain Lancer's favor.

For killing a Servant during the Holy Grail War, you will receive a random Skill or Noble Phantasm from the defeated Servant.

Class Skill: [Indepedent Action A]

Class Skill: [Magic Resistance D]

Personal Skill: [Crossing Arcadia B]

Personal Skill: [Aesthetics of the Last Spurt C]

Noble Phantasm: [Phoebus Catastrophe: Complaint Message on the Arrow B]

Noble Phantasm: [Agrius Metamorphosis: Boar of Divine Punishment B+]

You have received the Skill: [Crossing Arcadia B]

[Crossing Arcadia]

Rank: B

The skill that allows for quickly moving over the field of battle.

At this rank, it is possible to move while jumping over all kinds of obstacles on the field, including enemies.

'That's one down.' A smile formed on his face as he received the Skill suited for close range combat. Yes, it might have been an overkill since he invested everything he could into that attack, but it was well worth it to be certain of Atalanta's death.

Thanks to his helmet covering his face, Chiron, Fiore, and Darnic were not able to see his cold expression. "...I'm leaving." Without caring about the grieving Achilles, Fenric turned his back and went into the shadows of the fortress.

"-Archer of Black, I will remember today's act...!" Clenching his fists till they were pale, Achilles stood back up and called for his chariot. However, he did not know, that he has mistaken his own teacher as the one who killed Atalanta.

"...Master." It was a Command Spell, one which ordered for his retreat. He wished to stay. He wished to insert his spear into Archer of Black's flesh. He wished to annihilate him like what he did to Atalanta.

"This humiliation... I'll definitely pay it back several folds." Sensing their owner's sorrow and rage, the three horses loudly neighed. They thumped their hooves on the earth, and soon, took off to the skies and towards the direction of Sighisoara.

"Do we pursue, Your Majesty?" Darnic's voice sounded out in Vlad's mind.

"...No. That's enough bloodshed for tonight." Lancer of Black replied through their mental link and turned to the other Servants. Declaring their victory, Vlad III thumped his spear on the ground to get the others' attention.

"Servants of Black! Let us return to the castle... in triumph! For tonight, we have taken down both the Archer and Berserker of Red!"



Within the peaceful town of Sighisoara was a quiet little house. Without a care in the world, a young girl slammed the door open, alerting the only resident of the one-story house.

"Oh Jack, you're back?" An alluring woman with long greyish-green hair called out. She briskly took off the oven gloves and untied the apron she has on.

"Yes, Mother, we are back!" Jack the Ripper beamed and hopped onto a chair. Smelling the fragrance of the hamburg steak Rikudou Reika was cooking, her smile got wider. "Quickly, Mother, we are hungry."

"Yes, yes, I'm almost done with it." The smiling woman returned to the oven and picked up the metal pan. "Ah, don't forget to wash your hands first, Jack."

"Yes, Mothe-" All of the sudden, Assassin of Black's carefree countenance changed.

"Huh? What's wrong, Jack-" Reika turned around and discovered the white-haired girl sprinting at her. "What are you-"

"Stay behind us, Mother!" The scandalously-clad Servant equipped her knives and glared at the entrance to the residence. She has sensed killing instincts outside. The stuffy bloodlust was unbearably thick, wishing for the death of someone, and it was clearly targeted at them.

"...Good instincts, Assassin."

"!" A chill ran down Jack the Ripper's spine. The voice was relaxed yet solemn at the same time, similar to someone who was presenting her an irresistible offer during a business deal- No, the most concerning was that it came from behind her... at the spot right beside her Master.

"However, you are still too green. You shouldn't react to mere killing intent... No, that should be expected considering that you are merely a serial murderer who had never seen real combat. You have never experienced the critical life and death situations of wars in your lifetime."

"Who are you?" The green-haired woman took a step forward, closer to her Servant.

"Calm down. I am Rider of Black. We are on the same side, Assassin." As if to dispel the tense atmosphere, the speaker's tone suddenly changed to a more friendly one. "There, there." Rider materialized in front of the pair.

"...Rider? Are you a Servant as well?" Reika asked.

"Yes. I am here to negotiate with you... but why don't we wait for one more addition to arrive first?" Fenric responded by taking a seat at the table. "Ohhh, I smell hamburg. Do you have an extra portion for me?" He stated happily and gestured for the two to sit down.

"You..." The Servant and her Master were speechless at the intruder's shameless behavior.

First, he unleashed heavy murderous intents. Then he barged into their house by sneaking up on them. And now he demanded them to treat him as a guest. It's as if he owned the house and not them... well, they did kill the previous owner and stole it so they are equal in that aspect.

"What is it? Come on, I don't have all day." Fenric chuckled and appeared behind Jack, grabbing her and putting her on his lap. "Yes, before the other one arrive, I'd like you to hear my proposal first." He... no, she whispered softly. Taking off the helmet, the face of a mature woman with her long white hair tied up in a bun appeared.

"So, will you listen to me?"


Jeanne was running.

Sprinting through the forest, she approached the site where the first official battle between the two Factions occurred. Using the holy water she collected from the small church, she was able to locate every Servants in a 10 kilometers radius.

Ruler dipped her right hand into the cold water once more, and cast it into the air. The water gave a dim glow and then began to smoothly draw a three-dimensional map of the forest. The information displayed on it showed that there were no Servants remaining in the woodland area.

The reason she was in such a hurry was because she felt the death of Archer of Red. Yes, it's not strange for a Heroic Spirit to die in a Holy Grail War. It's normal... though it's unusual for one to perish this early in the war.

Arriving at the open space created by the explosion of Fenric's Broken Phantasm, Ruler crouched down and scanned the area. She examined the marks created by the clash of Servants, and soon reached the remains of the tree where Atalanta stood before her death.

"This is... a Noble Phantasm?" Jeanne retrieved a piece of sword fragment. Her Personal Skill, Revelation, chose to trigger itself at that moment and she realized that the fragment was shot by the Rider of Black.

"Why would he destroy his own Noble Phantasm?" She narrowed her eyes and scrutinized the open space for a second time. There were several other bits of the crusader sword laying around the ground. Unfortunately, there were no other evidences which indicated how Atalanta died.

"Did the detonation take out Archer of Red...? No, I must find out what happened here." Closing her eyes, she utilized Revelation and found the direction of her target. But- "He's not in the Black Faction's fortress? This direction... why is he in Sighisoara?"

"...In any case, I must meet him."


Knock, knock.

"Come in." Entering the house, Jeanne's face froze. She did not expect to find both Rider and Assassin of Black at the same place. 'Are they performing recon duty? I can understand Assassin being here, but why is Rider- Huh? I can't see his full parameters...'

She could not receive his true name, his Personal Skills, nor his Noble Phantasms. 'That's weird... does he has the ability to counter a Ruler's True Name Discernment?' She tensed and stepped near the harmonious trio.

Rider was clad in his full body armor and teaching Assassin, Jack the Ripper, how to use chopsticks. Meanwhile, the Master of Assassin was sitting there with a smile as she listened to the silver knight's recount of his fight with a Monstrous Beast.

"Why don't you take a seat, Saintess? Lady Reika here has made the dish called hamburg steak which I believe you would appreciate as well." A pair of red eyes beyond the helmet's visor stared into her own's.

"I am thankful for the offer, but I do not-" Grrr. Just as Jeanne finished the sentence, her stomach growled in a surprisingly cute sound.

"Oh? Then what am I hearing?" Fenric quoted.

So much blood raced to the blonde-haired girl's face that it appeared as if she would pass out from the embarrassment she was facing. "I-I..." Ruler was reduced to a stuttering mess, unable to piece together enough letters to make a coherent word.

"...Y-Yes, then I'll graciously accept your offer and partake in dinner with you." Fighting down the embarrassment, Jeanne lifted her head back up and replied.

"Ah, but we already had dinner so you'll have to eat alone." A teasing smile formed on Fenric's face. Although his face was hidden, the Maiden of Orleans could tell that his features were poking fun at her.

"...Thank you." Ruler inhaled deeply and accepted a plate of food from Reika. The meat was still hot as steams were rising from it. It was inviting, and it smelled delicious. The fragrance lured her to finish the plate swiftly and she'll probably eat everything in one go.

She quickly chanted the prayers to her god, and then wolfed down the meal in a speed that could rival Rider of Red's Noble Phantasm. The taste was homely, and the seasoning was perfectly suited for younger individuals like her.

"You're quite a big eater, aren't you, Saintess Jeanne?" Fenric leaned onto the table and observed the legendary saint's massive appetite as she gobbled down two additional portions before finally settling down.

"Ugh!" As if receiving a fatal arrow to her heart, Jeanne froze and glanced at the man across the table while Jack and Reika giggled at her unladylike manners. However, she stopped for a moment when she realized what Rider has been calling her.

"...Do you know my true identity, Rider?" He has been calling her saintess for a while. Despite being an extremely famous hero, she has not once told anyone her true name up till now. Yes, it's common knowledge that all Ruler-class Servants are saints, but how did they figure out she was Jeanne d'Arc, the Maiden of Orleans?

Was it because of her gender? ...But there are many female saints in the history of man, so it could have not been a lucky guess. Then was it the design of her flag? Although there is a possibility, the chance of him knowing her identity through that alone was exceedingly low.

"I didn't, but you just confirmed it."

"You-" Yes, this man is genuinely a bad person. He definitely is. The instinct of a battle-hardened warrior, and the experience as an apostle of the Lord told her, that the Rider of Black is a villain who likes to watch refined ladies like her suffer from his satirical words.

What an awful first impression she has of him. A virtuous saint and a deceitful murderer, a village girl and a cruel Magician... However, she would soon find that change as they got closer and closer during the course of this Great War.

Will this be a love story between two individuals of great differences? Or will the similar scene of carnage repeat itself once more?

Only fate will know.