
Despite insisting to Rosa he was fine, that he was physically fit and could move around without an issue, she still made him get back into the bed as she quickly left to gather the rest of his family.

After waiting patiently for a minute, Sora heard the loud thumping of running footsteps echoing in the hallway before they abruptly stopped outside his room, and the door was slammed open to reveal a man with the same hair colour as him but with startlingly bright ruby eyes, that widened in happiness upon seeing him.

Without saying a word, the man flung himself into Sora's arms and squeezed him tightly, even tighter than Rosa did.

When Sora wrapped his arms around him tentatively in return, he started making incoherent noises that sounded a lot like crying and talking at the same time. Sora patted his back awkwardly, yet a strange fondness tugged at him.

This was his older brother, Lancelot. He was the eldest son in the family. Sora remembered him looking out and taking care of him around the house. He appeared so much older now, nearly 23 years old, compared to the much younger version of Lancelot in his memories.

"Lance! You're going to crush him!" Rosa scolded from the side, but her smile betrayed her angry tone.

"Ah!" He immediately let go, but still kept Sora within an arm's width, unwilling to part. His expression was sheepish, and he sniffled loudly.

"Sora, my little brother. You're awake," he thread his fingers through Sora's hair, a comforting gesture that felt familiar, and his body automatically melted into the gentle touch.

Until there was a loud yell, followed by someone tripping outside the door and another yelp as someone else toppled on top of that person.

Sora and Lance both jumped, and turned their heads to the noise, seeing a boy and a girl in a pile of tangled limbs on the floor. But they quickly stumbled to their feet, joining the bed.

"Sora!" They both exclaimed, cuddling up to him.

These were his older twin siblings, Mei and Lucas. They were only older than him by 2 years, being 18 years old, and instead of white hair like Lancelot and Sora, they both had shiny blonde hair, with mismatching eye colours. Mei's left eye was purple, and her right was red, while it was the other way round for Lucas.

They squealed and snuggled up to Sora adorably like oversized cats, purposely pushing a pouting Lancelot out of the way and Sora couldn't help the amused laugh that left him at the scene.

But then, he heard a low murmur from the doorway.

"Oh my… Seiki... our baby, he's finally awake," he heard his mother's trembling breath, filled with nothing but pure love and awe. Her voice was soft spoken, soothing, and Sora's heart almost lurched out of his chest.

"He is, isn't he?" Seiki, his father, responded quietly in the same tone of voice. "He's found his way back to us again."

Sora looked up from the twins that seemed to be smushing themselves against his chest, trying to get as close as possible, and saw the couple staring at him. His parents.

Sora's eyes immediately burned.

His mother was so beautiful. She stood tall and elegant beside his father, and had long blonde hair that cascaded down past her waist in loose waves, porcelain skin and vibrant purple eyes that shined and sparkled with warmth, the very same eyes that she passed down onto him, without a doubt. Her smile was bright like the sun, lighting up the room.

On the other hand, his father had a lean, muscular figure, like that of a fighter. His spiky white hair contrasted against his golden tanned skin, as well as his red eyes that seemed to glow with a mysterious power. He emitted a calm aura, one that is strong and dependable. Trustworthy.

All in all, they were a gorgeous, picture perfect pair. Sora hadn't realised he'd been staring until his mother, Persephone, stepped closer.

"Hi, sweetie," she said gently. Mei and Lucas had already moved out of the way by now, sitting quietly at the side next to Lancelot.

A surge of an inexplicable emotion bubbled up inside his chest, and his vision blurred. This wasn't his own family, so why was Sora feeling such strong emotions towards them? Is it because he now owned the previous Sora's memories, memories of these people that he held dear?


She cupped his cheeks with her palms and kissed him on the forehead, glistening tears falling down her face. His father came around the other side and engulfed him in a bear hug.

His siblings, upon seeing this, felt the need to join in, and eventually the whole family was hugging each other on the big bed, happy and relieved laughter ringing in the air.

But then his mother pulled away, looking up and down at his body, analysing him in concern. "How do you feel, sweetheart? Does anything hurt?"

"I feel fine," Sora replied, "Great, even."

His mother hummed before she turned to his father, "We should probably contact the physician just in case," she glanced back at Sora, "A check up on your body won't do any harm. We want to make sure that you're completely healthy, okay baby?"

Sora nodded in agreement, that was understandable.

"You're right, Sephy. That would be good. We also need to consider the options in helping him adjust," his father muttered the last part a little more quietly.

"Ah…" Persephone looked back at Sora sadly. "Oh, my sweet child. Do you know how long it's been?"

Sora knew, but obviously he wasn't supposed to. So he pursed his lips and shook his head.

"It's…" Seiki sighed. "It's been 7 long years, kiddo."

Sora gasped. "No way… is that why you look so old now?" He said teasingly. "Old age must be wearing you down, Pops."

His siblings laughed alongside his mother while Seiki rolled his eyes in fond amusement.

"Yeah yeah, kid, still haven't lost your sense of humour I see," He said, rubbing Sora's hair. "To make a joke even in this situation."

It was strange. It felt… so easy, too easy, to interact with them like this. The conversation flowed naturally, and the banter back and forth was familiar. He didn't even need to think about it. It's like he's known them his whole life- which, Sora supposed, he can probably say that he did.

"What can you remember? Is it everything, or-" but before Persephone could finish her sentence, Lucas interrupted.

"Wait, do you remember me?! Please tell me you do, I'm your favourite brother, Luc-"

"Of course I remember you, Lulu," Sora giggled.

"Ugh, that nickname," Lucas grumbled, "As much as I used to hate it, you have no idea how much I missed it these past years." He smiled softly.

Everyone was chatting, getting lost in the conversation and explaining to Sora that there was a lot to catch up on while trying not to overwhelm him at the same time. It wasn't until a loud grumble of a stomach broke through the voices.

It was Mei, and her face blushed in embarrassment. "I'm hungry." She pouted.

"Alright, who's up for some food?" Seiki said, and everyone put their hands up eagerly.

When Rosa had woken up the family, it had been quite early, but now it was late morning and just in time for breakfast. There were still a lot of important things to discuss, but they could do that after filling their stomachs and getting energy for the rest of the day ahead.