To Paris(part 1)(remake)

Fourteen Years hast past and you might be wondering what happen in those Fourteen Years,well Long Cheng our Main Character has shocked his whole clan and Family.Not only with his appearance but with his heaven defying talent and intelligent.

"He was a one in million years genius,

he isn't a human he's a dragon in human skin,

the Cheng clan is going to sour to the heavens."that is what the elders and disciple are talking all day even after fourteen years has past and this not  without any reason.

He could crawl when he was three months old,walk when he was Seven month old,speak his first word in Nine month,speak properly the age of One,he started his material art training at the age of three, defeating someone Older than him when he was 5 years old.

When the other clans heard of his feats, some got jealous and envious, why no one in there clan has this shocking amount of talent, so there sent assassin hoping to get him killed because there fearing the Cheng clan will definitely rise with him and oppressing the weaker clan like themselves or worse attempting let them be a versal clan of the Cheng Clan.Thinking of the possibility let them have cold sweat dripping in there back and let them fearing.

Many attempts failed but one of them succeeded penetrating the defense of the Clan and setting up an ambush.

,Hidden weapon soaked in poison has been thrown at him but some how Long Cheng feels the killing intent and trying to deflect the  needles with bare hand but something magical has happen as the needles flying closer to him and Long Cheng was feeling hopeless, and then suddenly he feels some strange energy rushing from his hearth to his hand who is now glowing gold, and a gold coloured circle appeared before his hand and the needles that has been thrown by a assassin was sucked in and the golden circle disappeared.

The assassin was shocked even Long Chen himself was shocked and then he experienced a splitting headache and a weird  Mechanical voice appears in his head explaining who be himself is and t

and we can see a Handsome boy his name was Long Cheng, he is so Handsome with his multicolored hair, fair skin,flawless face,golden eyes and a well balanced body that any girl would have heart shaped eyes even older woman's would blush and have strange ideas. (AUTHOR :( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ho ho )

But now he is battling against his father,  a man more Handsome as the devil. He was so handsome that he has to wear a mask to go outside or some ladies will have the idea of  doing a reverse rape on him

As there exchanging blows, the fourteen year old Long Cheng is trying to make use of his monstrous strength and magical ability of portals to overwhelm his father,

but he makes use of his speed to success full escape his son attacks. For normal people there would probably shouting

"Hey you guys, fuck this Isn't a fucking novel (AUTHOR:technically it is) how can this be.  They are moving to fast, to see them clearly …. and this handsome prick of a fourteen years old boy can also do magic is the would going insane or what....Is this real life…. I'm a just some random character that can be killed in second and nobody will care,because i fucking think this Isn't real life"(AUTHOR: .... i...well.. "ahem" forget it)

There we're fighting for about 3 hour straight as  someone called them she was Long Cheng mother Nian Cheng, and Tian Cheng his Father's wife

She is a very beautiful woman, with white silky skin as snow,flawless face that can turn anyone braindead and a body of a Succubus that screamed with sexappeal that will awakened all Male deepest desires and junger boy braindead. 

If there where in the ancient time you can even call her a Empire toppling beauty .

" Honey the food is ready quickly come eat before it's gets cold".As she walked back to where she was coming from. The son and Father pair stopped fighting and Long Cheng   father emidently rushed to there house…. well you can't really call it a house it's more like a Ancient Chinese Pagoda because Long Cheng wasn't in a normal family with normal parents and house no…. He is the Son of the Patriarch of the Cheng Clan a Ancient martial art Clan,

There Clan history goes back to thousand of Year's and had tremendous of power in the country even the government didn't dare to cause trouble to them.

There we're a ancient martial arts Clan with many experts in Material arts dwells in and givind the this exclusive status.

He locks back an see his son about to cultivate 

"Son aren't you coming you can can cultivate later, you already a dragon in human form why are you so hard working,are you trying to ascend to be a god in human disguise?"asked Long Cheng Father.

Speechless he answer" i am just going to meditated a bit before getting food, you can eat before me" his Father nodded and went away,no one know not even his parents but there's a mechanical voice in his head telling him what to do and even saving him when he is in a dangerous situation, he going to check out the voice that now was ringing in his head

""Ding- Daily Mission:


Granting rewards:

Dragon-face Hood(cloth)

(AUTHOR: The dragon-face hood will be almost the same thing Oropo is wearing just with dragon markings instead of a owl)

,10.000 Sp, Skill-point 1, Unlock main Mission.

DING-Congratulations you have unlock your main Mission go to "Status" for more details"

He chanted status in his head an a transparent blue screen appeared before his eyes 

"Name:Long Cheng

Race:Human /EliatropicWakfuDragon 

Titel:First of his kind,Blessings of five Gods, **********,Son of the Cheng Clan Patriarch

Affiliation:Cheng Clan

Heath:Perfect Healthy 

System Points:1 Millions 


Sword Master(Grade D),Bow Master(Grade D)

Close Combat (Grade C),Spear Apprentice (Grade F)

Flame Magic(Grade C), Water Magic (Grade C)

Anima Tranfomation (Grade E),

Eliatrop Magic(Grade D),Nature's Voice(Grade E)

Wakfu Manipulation(Grade D)

Cheng Clan Art:Art Of The Fall Sword (Grade C)

Cheng Clan Art:Art of the Phantom Steps (Grade D),

Cooking (Grade A), Singing (Grade B) Guitar play (Grade B)

Cultivation:Body foundation 10the Circle

Dragon Welp

Cultivation method:Way of the Origin Dragon

Skill points:5

Inventory: 3x apple, 1x iron sword, 7x stamina refill pill,4x medium boundless wakfu pill,,Dragon-face Hood(cloth).


Daily Mission Completed

Main Mission ongoing

Detail:The main City of France a Human has awakened with power but he used it in the wrong way find him and take away his power

Reward:******** ********* **** ********* ***********

Failure:********* ** *** *****"

"Paris ...France ....hmm  but how am i going to paris without suspicions  haaaa system this Mission is impossible to complete and why aren't you telling me my reward completing the mission and the failure.

""Ding:Host you don't have enough authority to know that""

"Alright alright i know it man it's still a bummer to not know what you going to get or punish, welp time to eat. But fist let me check out the stats of this Dragon-face Hood

"Dragon-face Hood(Cloth)

Info:This cloth is partial waterproof,fireproof, if damaged it's repairs itself, Grows with the Strength of the wearer. Basically it's Cool"

As he walked to the dining room, before he opened the door he hears his parents talking

while waiting for him to eat together" Honey i think it's time to tell him"said Nian Cheng. Tian Cheng was surprised,he was staring at his wife and asks" are you sure it's time to tell him?

Long Cheng was confused about what his parents a talking about so he entered the room while saying"Mom,Dad what is it that you want to tell me about"

His Father little surprised that he didn't notice him in front of the door sighs"well before you were born we have already arranged a marriage between on of my good friend",Long Cheng Mother butterded in" our good friend" Yes our good friend said Tian Cheng  emidently with cold sweat."But there where'd some complications and she was banned and chased out from the clan and even when i became the Patriarch of the Cheng Clan i can't let her return to the clan because i can't undo one of the commands of the previous Clan Patriarch and the Clan Elders wouldn't allow it also."

 Long Cheng was confused he asked how she was banned from the Clan, his mother answered him"She was the only daughter of one the Grand Elder and he also arranged a marriage, but she wasn't happy about it because she already fell in love with someone else.

When the Grand Elder found first he was happy to know someone has finally melted that icey heart of hers, he thought some jung men from an an influential Clan had captured her heart but when he saw that his daughter has fallen in love and was about  to marry with a Backer she met when going to another country, a commoner.

He almost died from anger.

He emidently told her to stop her madness and cancel the marriage and odert her to come with him to search for a proper husband she refused and told him that he is the men she loves and be  with.

The Grand elder in a fit of rage was about to kill this men who corrupted his daughter, but when he saw her teary face and a knife on her neck he calmed down but told her she will never be a part of the Cheng clan if she insists on the marriage between her and this Backer from France and left.