The truth and before the ceremony

The next morning i woke up to find my self in an unfamiliar huge bed that could fit atleast four poeple on it.As i looked around i realized that the room itself is huge being three times in size of my room but it was barren of any other furnitures except of the bed with the only thing i could see were the windows and the three doors attached to the room.

I got up and realized i am naked so i went to the closest door and opened it to find a huge bathroom with a beautiful blue eyed brunette inside wearing an old style maid outfit.She turned around and asked me if she should get the bath ready making all of this even weirder so i simply closed the door and went and opened the next one where i found a walk-in closet filled wiith clothes and shoes so i got dressed but i couldn't find any underwear so i went commando.

I went back to the bathroom and found the preaty brunette still there so i went and asked her where the fuck i was and how i got here from my house that is when she told me my father brought me here and will explain everything to me when he got here since she already called for him.As i heard that my father will come to explain to me in a while i relaxed a little and then i rembered that i haven't asked her name and what she was doing here.

She told me her name is Anna and she is here to fulfill my every wish making me go hard immediately,i mean what hot bloded male wouldn't go hard when a pretty twenty year old in a maid outfit tells him she is here to fulfill his every wish,so i decided to test her by asking for a blowjob.When i saw her walk up to me and then going on her knees i understood that she was serious as i was ready to stop her,she already had gotten me free from my pants so i decided to let her continue.

She started by licking the head but she didn't take it in her mouth instead she run her tongue down my shaft until my balls then took each one in her mouth and then licked her way up again.That us when she put the head in her mouth sucking and then licking it making me moan from pleasure.Afterwards she put more of my meat inside her mouth until my cockhead reached deep in her throat while jacking off the rest of my shaft which couldn't fit inside.I put my hands behind her head and started cumming and she managed to swallow everything not letting even a little bit out.

That is when i heard voices coming from the other room so i tucked myself in and went in the bedroom finding my dad standing behind an extremely beatiful and tall woman.She was what you call a ten with sharp blue eyes,long almost reaching her ass silver hair,high cheek bones,bee stung lips and amazing tits and ass with a mile long legs on her 6"4 frame got me hard instantly.Well that was until i heard the four simple words coming out of her lips which made soft instantly"there is my grandson"coming over and huging me while my face was on her cleavage thanks to the height difference.

I was stuck dump not knowing what to think or do so i simply stayed there silently waiting for the next shoe to drop.Thankfully my father took things over and intoduced me to my grandmother and started explaining where we are,what we are and why i am hearing this now.When it got to the part of Virginia being my father's slave i felt a little bit sad that she did with me just because she was ordered to and weirdly aroused knowing she followed all of her master's commands.

After two and a half hours i managed to put an order in what my father explained to me.We are an envolved kind of human that has powers,super strong bodies and great sexual libido which we use to measure how strong we are plus we have really long lives and our bodies age very slowly after we reach twenty years old.

The first reason as to why we are here is because i had too much sex and got my body filled with energy which could have caused me damage if he didn't bring me here and had that maid in the bathroom give me a herbal bath but it was weird because even though the excess energy got out of my body i was still out of it.The second reason is because my powers awakened and i needed to take part in some kind of ceremony in order the family to understand my potential and powers and the third reason was so i can introduce my self to the rest of the family.

It rally is crazy learning that you have powers and all that but it is even crazier learning that you have fourty-two siblings that your father knows of and so many other relatives that i can't even count making me dazed about how to approach the situation withmy newfound siblings since many of them where much older then me if you take in consideration that my dad had his first son at twenty one and he is now two hundred and eighty six years old but i should leave those thoughts behind for now since i had to get ready for the ceremony.

The ceremony was not something complicated all i had to do was drink a medicine which will make my powers to come out and then i have to fuck until i drop,which is very enjoyable and demanding at the same time in order to judge my pontential amd how much room i have to grow.Although i didn't really understand how my potential and room to grow can be judged by my bility to stay hard and produce jism something i would have to ask later.

After our talk my father left saying that he has to get some things ready for me that i would get following the ceremony and told me how proud i make him feel something making me happy.As i was waiting in my bedroom until the time the ceremony was supposed to start my grandmother came back.I saw her coming through the door while holding a chain but i couldn't see where the chain was attached to so i got up from the bed were i was sitting on and imagine my surprise finding that bitch Kimberly on all fours with cat ears on her head,a cat collar on her neck and a cat tail in her ass with nothing else on.

This was kitty according to my grandmother's words and she was brought here in order to repent for what she did to me the past year.I was free to do whatever i wanted to do to her but i shouldn't cum more than two times since that could affect my performance today.As she handed me the leash she told me to enjoy myslef and walked out leaving me alone with my new kitty.

After my grandmother left Kitty started mouthing of thinking that she can scare me making me mad in the process so i gave her leash a strong tag making her fall face first on the floor while i got behind her and started spanking her not stopping even when she begged me to.After making both of her ass cheeks an unhealthy sade of red i unzipped my self and checked with my hand her pussy which was extremely wet even after all that begging for me to stop,something i pointed out to her making her mouth off to me once again,so pushed my cock inside her with one swift stroke which went easily all the way inside making her cum.I kept my hands on her red asscheeks for leverage as kept pounding her making her cum again and again until i came deep inside her which set her off once again.

After i came i got my cock out of her and went in front of her while she was lying on the floor face down so i yanked her chain and made her sit up so she can clean my cock.Her blowjob was hesitant giving my cock a few licks tasting our combined juices in her mouth but i didn't want something like that so i grabbed her head and forced my cock as far as it can go while cutting the air supply for her and getting back out letting her take one breath while i shoved my cock back again and again the same thing making her orgasm once more but i didn't want to cum in her mouth so i pulled back and had her put her arms and torso on the bed with her ass sticking out.This time she followed the instructions immediately and with no backtalk making me almost cum seeing what a good little kitty she was getting to be.

When i got behind her i couldn't help but give a few slaps to her abused angry red looking pussy making her moan from pain and pleasure at the same time.I reached for her tail and pulled out the tail vibrator and replaced with my cock making her ass hole stretch even more since my cock is much fatter then the vibrator.I kept pushing my self inside while her tight ass kept accomodating more and more of my length,all that while kitty was bitting the sheets while moans where coming out of her throat.After much try i managed to het all of my ten and a half inches inside and started pounding her once again making her orgasm again and again until she passed out and i finally came.

The door opened and in came my grandmother saying to me i did a good job and picking up her kitty she left while telling me to clean my self up and relax until the ceremony so i got up and went to the bathroom,where i found the bath ready and Anna naked on her knees right next to it with shampoo on her hands telling me that she will help me bath.

I got in front of her and took my t-shirt of while she pulled my pants down and took my flashed cock stained with semen and kitty's ass in her mouth telling me that she had to clean it extra carefully.As i was getting hard once again she stopped and told me that i couldn't cum again until the ceremony so she got up and helped me spread the shampoo while i kept playing with her tits and ass.Once i was ready i got in the huge bath and started relaxing with Anna giving me a head and shoulders massage.After a good soak and an enjoyable massage i got out where Anna was waiting me with a towel helping dry my self with my cock getting a little tongue filled kiss after it was dry.

I got in the bedroom and went straight to bed where i found some food on a tray i gladly devoured since i hadn't eaten since yesterday and the lied down thinking about what will happen on my ceremony,that is how i fell asleep.