So I've died

Everyone was going about there usual lives during December. The season thats usually supposed to be jolly and merry for many people. In the state of New York however, it got stained by a little blood on one tragic day. A group of angry protestors surrounded a court building chanting death threats and hand them over. They demanded the head of a man being sent to prison for killing hundreds with a smile.

One protestor got a little out of hand though and brought a bomb secretly unknown to anyone with no previous warning. When the criminal was boarding a police cruiser, they chucked the bomb like a football player towards the car. Many screamed and ran, while the police in the surroundings tackled the protestor. Who cackled like a mad man from a horror movie gutting an idiot that decided to go alone.

One person, however, an average man passing by picked up the bomb with a look saying fuck it. With little than thirty seconds, they ran like a mad man to a nearby empty park. As it went off and destroyed half the park, the man was basically vaporized by the blast but he died shrugging once he heard the bomb starting to beep. He didn't really feel like he'd make it so he just kept running with it till it exploded in his grasp.

Thus his soul wanders between the living and the dead. Till a being pulled his soul into a white space like one from a fantasy novel. In the middle of the space, sat an old man in a blue robe drinking some green tea. As the soul of our unfortunate hero materialized before him. With a blank look on his face till he guessed the situation.

"So I'm dead and something good is going to happen right, god-san?"

"Mm I'm afraid that's quite so young man, but for your deed, yes I'll give you let's say three wishes."

With some thought over the wishes, our mc slowly and carefully tried to explain every part of the wishes to the god before him. As he wanted to be as detailed as possible in order to reap some benefits from these wishes.

"Then first, I'd like to go the walking dead world but, four months before the outbreak as an ex-military soldier, with all the knowledge and skills of that profession, drilled into me. However, I'd like to visit other worlds later on if possible at a later time, like say if I die a list of options appears on the next one so I can fit in better with that world. Sorta like an RPG character creation screen of sorts but not restrictive and not overwhelming for me to use."

The old man nodded with a small smile at the young man's first wish as while not original he had made it not so idiotic.

"Second, I want the gamer ability with a minimum of a 10x10 inventory that gives me at least a hundred slots to work with. But the stuff inside of it has time paused for it like say I put a hot bowl of soup inside of it, it'll still be hot once removed. Which will greatly help me in that world and survive the daily nonsense that occurs so I can have a few hidden trump cards on hand. However, if possible could you have a starter kit prepared in it for basic stuff? Granted I'll probably get some more dangerous stuff later on in my start and travels I would at least like a starter kit with one gun, one bladed weapon, one blunt weapon, 6 months worth of food and water, a years worth of medical supplies, a survival kit, thieves tools, and technician tools."

Hearing the second wish the god rubbed his chin a bit before agreeing that the wish sounded fair and possible.

"Third, I want a phone and headphones that have a microphone, that can connect to the gamer so I can secretly use it under people's gazes. If possible that can act as a global walkie-talkie, never dying of battery or either breaking on me. Although there is one feature I want desperately and that's a lab-like function. So I can collect samples of the dead to make a cure or delaying medicine for the infection."

The old god had a small smile at these detailed yet simple wishes and chuckled softly a bit. So the old man took another sip of his green tea before, setting the cup down on a table that appeared.

"Hm those seem fair enough and quite well thought out in my opinion, not many think like that they just want a bigger dick. So I'll grant you them young man just have a fun time in your next life. That is all I would truly require of you in this next life, though I shall be watching over your journey young man."


soon our mc woke up in a recliner in a hotel suite, the first thing he decides to do is get up and go find a mirror. To see what he looks like before he does anything else yet, finding one he took a look at what he looks like and what he's currently wearing.

His hair is shaggy brown hair that goes past his ears a bit but not his eyes. His body is average-looking but you can tell there's a bit of muscle underneath. His eyes are a nice simple hazel in colorization. He then moves on to see what he is wearing, noticing what all he is wearing with a bit of a chuckle.

He is wearing a black military beret with the insignia of a chimera in front of a moon, likely a spec ops unit of sorts. He has some navy blue and gray steel-framed glasses that have some tinting on over his eyes, glad about this fact as the sun can be a blinding bitch. A ragged-looking brown trench coat, dark gray tank top, and steel-plated kevlar combat gloves. Checking inside of his pants he notices gray boxers, his pants are some black jeans, black socks, and black steel-toed combat boots. With a pleasantly satisfied smile, our mc thanks the old god.

Next, he moves on to check his status through the gamer and what his name in this world is.


Name: Biazar Lazurus Chimera

Race: Human

Age: 21

Titles: 2nd Lt. , Mad Man, The Gamer

LVL- 7 8/700


HP: 150/150

Mana: 500/500 (Locked)

Str: 20

Agi: 15

Cha: 14

Dex: 16

Wis: 26

Int: 24

luck: 20

Points: 50

Money: $60mil

Abilities: Gamer's Mind- passive lvl max, Gamer's Body- passive lvl max, Appearance Default- Passive lvl max, CQC- passive lvl 5, leadership- passive lvl 4, Marksmanship- passive lvl 6, Blade Mastery- passive lvl 3, Blunt Mastery- passive lvl 6 Stealth- active lvl 4, Observe- active lvl 6, Spy- passive lvl max, Thief- active/passive lvl 50, Technician- active/passive lvl 80, Doctor- active/passive lvl 125, Radio Operator- active lvl 145, Psychosis- passive lvl 500, PTSD- passive lvl 400, Soldier- passive lvl 899


Everything there seems quite as expected well expect for the whole money thing. Guess I really saved and barely spent anything and have a shop function at least. Also, my Name is Biazar and I'm an ex-second lieutenant. Pretty decent rank if I have to say anything about that.

The title mad man however is a bit worrying but I likely got that from running with a bomb. Now let's see my inventory to check it all out and sort it. Pulling up my inventory I see it's like what I've asked for. Before anything else, I pull out my phone and headphones from it and equip them.

Looking at my phone it seems to be an android and a galaxy s10. My headphones look like some standard gray-black military ones issued out. They seem to be wireless too so that's a great boon for no cord hassles. Taking a glance back to inventory I see a few other items.

One is a PMR30 handgun with about two hundred .22 magnum ammo for it. Pretty generous gift but I'll run out of it if not careful. Next up is an M16A2 rifle with four hundred 5.56 rounds. I'll save this for extreme cases since I currently have no way to make ammo. A long sword that is being displayed at 6ft long, that's a bit scary honestly. Then welp I have a big fucking stick... I mean a quarterstaff, that's made from one of the hardest wood out there. The rest is six grenades, three Molotov's, a 17x6 tent, a fully ready survival kit, a set of thieves tools, everything a nerd working with tech would need, the food and medicine, and a combat knife.

Seems like a decent starter kit to be given but, I can quickly run out of ammo with how many walkers appear at every street corner turn. Now I need some base building supplies so I can make a temporary little base to stalk the main character of this world once he gets sent to the hospital. Maybe in somewhere like an abandoned building right next to the hospital to give me a good vantage point for observation.