Siege Military Survivor Camp!

Looking down from a tree above a sieged and broken military base that's been sealed off. likely since this has all started, I noticed that there are over forty thousand dead wandering. More likely inside buildings stuck and waiting for room to get out. Putting down my binoculars and stowing them in my inventory I descended the tree rapidly while drawing my sword. Performing an downward air strike as the blade of my sword lights ablaze.

A military scout wearing an unknown symbol looks up to late as I cut him down the middle. Searing his flesh and organs close as his gear catches on fire while he falls apart. Shaking my blade I douse the flames and sheath it once more as I look around. Noticing out of the ordinary dead silent land scape I hear a muffled scream as a tiger snarls. Soon a body of a second scout lands violently to my left with their throat torn out as Glacial stalks forward from a bush. Blood staining her white furred mouth as she chuffs a bit at her kill happily.

"Good work big girl, that's two unknown soldiers dealt with. They're likely that bastards so I don't feel sorry for them."

The static of my ear piece comes to life as a voice of one of the JSDF officers comes on.

"Captain, this is sergeant Hashima reporting in. Six unidentified soldiers have been neutralized after jumping First Lieutenant Daryl and Master Sergeant Merle. Private Carl Grimes neutralized two with his silenced Hk417, the rest were beaten by the brothers, one alive for questioning."

Listening to the aged voice of Hashima who is about thirty now. I tap my ear piece tp radio back as I slowly make my way to the camps west gate.

"This is Chimera, if your going to keep one alive strip them to their underwear. Leave them nothing, not even medicine for any pre-existing conditions. Advancing towards west gate to see if its possible to use it."

Getting close to the gate door it suddenly rattled violently, as something screeched a drawn out sound. Peeking through a crack of wire I saw the cause it was a armored special, code Tank. Amidst the crowd behind it were some of the things from the CDC, code Skell.. Seeing about six of them trying to blend in as their fleshy bone skulks slightly looked towards me. I drew a flare gun, loading a purple flare and aimed above me as I drew my sword. Glacial retreating as I fire the flare and holster the gun, I grip the sword hilt tightly and summon my riot shield.

"This is Calico 1-1 signal acknowledged, sending in the Task Squads. Hold out till they arrive, ETA ten minutes."

My crackled as the voice of one of our stealth helicopter's pilots sounded off. Tapping my ear piece I speak as I held my sword.

"This is Chimera, Acknowledged. Gates about to come down so I'll be pre-occupied. Got Skell's, and a Tank, possible any of the other Rares. So everyone high tension paranoia, and may you live."

Swing my sword violently it ignites once more, the west gate comes crashing down. The armored dead screeching at me fogging up their face shield. Slamming my shield into their torso I send it flying back, as I cleave through normal dead with my sword lighting them ablaze. The Skells came running pass the flying Tank as it toppled and crushed packed together dead. Swinging my sword once more I cleave one with an upwards diagonal slash from the left armpit to the head.

Bouncing two off my shield I violently head butt another sending it to the ground, I stomp its head in. Spinning around to my right I slam the pommel of my sword into a normals skull popping their head. The dead are just pouring out of the camp slowly as I continue to hold my spot like a stubborn wall.

『Encampment hybrid skill learnt, level 1』

『Name: Biazar Lazurus Chimera

Race: High Human

Age: 29

Titles: Colonel, Mad Man, The Gamer, Squad Leader, Fort Chronicle President, Wolf Pack Leader, Tiger Keeper, Executioner, Judge, Jury, Nightmare, Walker Whisperer, Community Leader, Trader, Trainer, Favored Merchant by Visitors, Legendary Survivor, Evolved Human, Myths Husband

lvl- 100 300/100,000


HP: 100,00/100,00

Mana: 100,000,000/100,000,000 (Locked)

Str: 500

Agi: 360

Cha: 800

Dex: 600

Wis: 1000

Int: 1002

luck: 310

Ki: 6,600

Points: 3000

Money: $99,796,693,830

Abilities: Abilities: Gamer's Mind- passive lvl max, Gamer's Body- passive lvl max, Appearance Default- Passive lvl max, CQC- passive lvl 5, leadership- passive lvl 4, Marksmanship- passive lvl 195, Blade Mastery- passive lvl 230, Blunt Mastery- passive lvl 120 Stealth- active lvl 200, Observe- active lvl 603, Spy- passive lvl max, Thief- active/passive lvl 600, Technician- active/passive lvl 400, Doctor- active/passive lvl 300, Radio Operator- active lvl 299, Psychosis- passive lvl 800, PTSD- passive lvl 800, Soldier- passive lvl max, Assassination- active lvl 200, Builder- passive lvl 600, Multi-Lingual- passive lvl 900 Negotiating- active lvl 300, Point Gain Efficiency- Passive lvl max, Han Xiao's Machine Knowledge- passive lvl max (EX), Necromancer(EX)- active/passive lvl god, Ki Sensing - passive lvl 400, Ki Manipulation - active lvl 999, Nature Attunement - active/passive lvl max, Encampment - active/passive lvl 20

Gear: Prototype PMR30 railgun (handgun (200 .22 magnum ammo), M16A2 rifle with (360 5.56 rounds), Dawn Blade (long sword (6ft long), quarterstaff, Grenades (6000), Molotov's (300), thieves tools, Varying Tech Tools, combat knife, Guitar』

From the dead swarm a code Banshee appeared, glaring at the rare as it screamed. I bash a tank to side as I slash towards it direction launching grenades from my inventory. A cluster of thirty hit it the face before going off evaporating the surroundings with a thunderous boom. As I cover my front the Tank I smacked aside grabs my right side trying to lift me. Its armored fingers digging into my side but it fails to even budge me as I stubbornly stay planted in place.

My shields edge meeting it face with a sicking crack of the helmet as it ripped through into the brain. Pulling my shield back out I twirl my flamming sword a bit before slashing a code Sprinter in the head. Its partly headless body running past me before tumbling dead into a tree. Looking at the dead I give a chilling roar as I stare them down. Smoldering bodies, headless bodies, and various other bodies around me.

"You rotting fucks can't make me budge! I'll just kill you all from this spot! So come at me mother fuckers! not even your special friends can budge me!"

Hearing me from the dead swarm twenty Tanks and six code Feral, come bum rushing me. Smirking at them I take a flying knee kick of a Feral with my shield undaunted. Seeing my smirk it makes a confused noise before a code Stalker suddenly appears ripping its head off. To explain Feral's, think the State of Decay game, its those fuckers.

Stalkers are dead who've become a bit feral and very skinny as skin sticks to their bodies. They come about from very starved dead being stuck some where with no food. Their fingers sorta became like claws, from clawing for a way out and they use those to mutilate things. Seen one rip a six a year old in half from a corner suddenly as it ripped the top half off of the kids body.

Seeing the Stalker before me though that appeared from a manhole suddenly. I chuckle as I give it spirited shout of approval, the rare wearing a skin tight special operations uniform. He, yes he, is a dead I accidentally found pitifully stuck in a cramped closet. I fed him a cat and he's been following me as my first loyal necromancer minion. He for some reason really liked the gift of a cat, that his Waker that resurrected him came under my necromancer skills control.

"Lets show them who's boss Xander!"

Stepping forward for once I charge into the swarm shield bashing dead away. Xander on a Tank ripping its armored chest open. Shoving his left arm up its chest and neck grabbing a chunk of brain. As Xander's arms are rather long due to his type of rare he can easily accomplish this. As from us studying a dead Stalker we found their average arm span is two times longer. Their bones are stretched basically and muscle is redoubled to give them some fearsome strength.

As we both clear a path in the dead a giant wolf and special one skulk up from behind us. Myriad and Laura looking at the dead before snarling and rushing in. Violently ripping some of the dead apart with their fangs and claws. Laura being a Barghest, is poisoning the Wakers in their skulls by being around. Myriad is sorta doing the same but she's mixing in whatever she's all made of.

As the four of us took on a majority of the horde, teams of ten entered the other gates, and over the walls. They dealt with smaller packed groups compared to us honestly. My crackled and a voice a lot of people loved came over the radio.

"This is Lee Everett, Task Force First Lieutenant sounding off. We've breached the south gate and dispatched code Banshee and code Skell. Proceeding to sweep buildings and exterminate the dead stuck inside."

"This is Chimera, I read you loud and clear Lee. If it gets to bitey use the repulsers. I've spent a while create those for you all to mess with the Wakers inside the deads skulls. So put them to go use will you?"

"President Chimera, you really shouldn't be in the field the base could use you there. We've got the dirty work so you don't need to worry."

"You telling me to be a desk hugger?"

"For everyone's sanity yes."

"I'll remember that Lee."

"This is Merle, can I punch the ex-professor? It'd be funny to knock his black ass on the ground. Because I frankly see no reason to bitch if our crazy leader wants to be out here romping through the dead with his dick out!"

"Merle, twenty days of day care duty."


Cutting the chatter of my radio I sheath my sword and restore my shield. Pulling my PMR30 from its holster along with buying a Colt Python revolver and eight hundred FMJ AP ammo from a workshop project. I aim both guns forward and pop heads with my bullets as electricity trails from my PMR30's shots. My bullets biting through flesh and brains with each shot I take.

after four hours of grueling mass genocide we cleared the camp as teams threw bodies into burn piles. Stripping them of anything useful while I stood before the locked up armory taking note of the door. Its been beat up and is coated in dried blood but its held strong. Tapping the door loudly with a series of knocks nothing happens from inside. So I pull a thermite charge from pocket and plant it on the door hinges to blow it off.

Stepping back as the thermite goes off and eats through the hinges with a sizzle. I push the door in with my foot and watch it thud to the ground loudly. Inside standing still and looking at me is a code Sentinel in a general's uniform. Looking at in the eyes, I don't even give the thing a chance before quickly blowing its brains out six times. My Colt Python's barrel smoking a bit as I unload it then speed load it and snap its chamber back in place.

Looking around the armory I see various weapons when I spot the one sniper to be a known fear. Walking towards it I pick a heavily modified 50. cal sniper off the wall and notice a rather large bullet below it. Picking it up I check the cartridge size and read something rather unbelievable. 150. Caliber round that it triggered a notification.

『Unique weapon found, 150. Cal Anti-Material Sniper. 150. Cal rounds added to workshop store as already studied due to a complete sample. price $360 per ten bullets.』