Pentagon Hunt

After my call out on the radio teams close by cleaning out the dead, quickly swarmed towards the pentagon dropping their task. Can't blame them, these guts have potentially kidnapped people they knew, started this all, and are still playing god. As everyone began a man hunt undead were gathering in a rather large amount. We did make a lot of noise and no one seems to be watching me really right now. So lets cull the masses a bit and claim I used a prototype silent sonic attacking weapon. Snapping my fingers I focus on my necromancer side of things.

『Half Of All Life - active lvl 44』

『Skill function update... 12%.. 46%.. 88%.. 100%』

『Half Of All Life - active lvl 44: A movie inspired Necromancy skill to either kill or revive half of all life around you. By snapping your fingers and channeling the energy of death, you cause this effect within a set radius around you. Radius 20 miles (60 miles every 100 levels). Can use your life force if you wish to encompass large areas.

Mana Use: 100,000,000 mana』

『Necro Throwing Knives - active lvl 14: Channeling death energy into the form of throwing knives. You can cause a bloody scare tactic while secretly creating undead servants.

Mana Use: 1 mana』

After those notifications popped up the undead gathering around me dropped dead, with black gunk exploding out the ears. Of course while it didn't say it I had selected what the fuck dies. But it also mentions revive.. So snapping my fingers once more I eye a ripped up Donald Trump. Didn't even notice him at first but I'm curious plus he'll die once more anyways. His body visibly fixes it self and expels the dead Waker from his ears.

He stays still for a few seconds before twitching and getting up, very much human once more. As he stands up looking confused at the dead and me before he can even speak. One of my cyan blue green knives with a white handle pierced his forehead. He crumpled once more dead as the knife dissolves before, I pull out my Colt Python and fire all six rounds into his head. Unloading the casings I stow them in my pants pocket.

Looking over my revolver I pull up the workshop, and begin to modify it after putting it into my inventory. Redesign the barrel to this... Add these many round chambers... Change the metals color... Add some engravings... Now add some functions... Name it. Pulling it out once more from my inventory I look over the gun with some pride.

The gun handle is now a sleek polished dark maple wood with skull engravings, filled in with cyan blue green solidified "Soul Liquid". The metal body and inner workings of the gun, became a pure white metal with black scorch marks. Black engravings of skeletal arms reaching down along the body towards the muzzles. Now instead of one barrel it has three conjoined parts, each containing four barrels.

While gun is bulkier with the new three styled cylinders with four triangular round chambers. While it can still use its .357 magnum rounds I gave it the option for stronger rounds, like a .50 cal round. Admiring my new gun work two new notifications pop up.

『Weapon Information Added』

『Name: Death Hazard

Weapon model: Colt Python

Type: Revolver

Place of origin: United States

Production history

Manufacturer: Colt's Manufacturing Company

Produced: 1955–2005 & 2020–present

Variants: 2.5-inch (6.4 cm),

3-inch (7.6 cm),

4-inch (10 cm),

6-inch (15 cm),

8-inch (20 cm) barrel


Mass: 38 ounces (1.1 kg) to 48 ounces (1.4 kg)

Cartridge: .357 Magnum

Action: Double-action

MFR: 200+ yards

Feed system: Six-round cylinder

Sights: Rear adj.; front ramp

Modifications: Twelve gun barrels each taking a triangle style, three conjoined cylinders with four triangle chambers, white body with black scorch marks, dark skeletal arm engravings on body, dark maple wood gun handle, skull engravings on each side of handle containing solid soul water from the River of Styx

Special Effect(s): Death Rounds, Necromancy Empowerment, Soul Bound, Gunslinger』

After this all I head inside of the pentagon once more with a bit of a chuckle. As soon I entered I bumped into a fleeing soldier, she looked at me briefly before I aim my muzzles under her chin. Clicking my tongue at her I cock the hammer and watch her head become basically nothing. Moments later my favorite Irish looking soldier shows up carrying a Hk417. Abraham looks at me briefly before continuing to search for more of the soldiers.

Shrugging I head off to find a way into the underground network, loading a mix of .50 cal and .357 rounds in my gun. Along the way I find a stairwell down but the door is jammed shut by an iron bar. Shrugging I raise my left foot back and kick the door off the hinges. Watching it fly and fall into the abyss down with a bit of railing after denting the wall in front of me. Heading down I eventually hear the door make a loud crashing banging sound with a scream.

Looking over the railing down I see the door has pancaked two running soldiers. Another soldier and Holland Graft... A rogue biochemist from the military. Seeing him I jump the railing and plummet the rest of the way landing violently on the door. My feet sunken into it as I blow the soldiers head abd neck off while I grab Holland by the face. Yanking him towards me I knee him in the stomach before letting him go and kneeing his face.

Holland crumples over out of it with a broken nose since I want him a live. Now reloading my gun I fire behind me, a newly headless code Leaper hits a concert support pillar. Picking Holland up while swiping a hand over the dead soldiers. Storing their well everything down to being a naked corpses. Got the two below the door by my using my feet through the door. Heading back up the stairs A couple dozen Leapers emerged.

Looking at them I leave a parting command while heading up stairs. Holland being man handled over my left shoulder all the while.

"Eat each other."

Getting out of sight of them it didn't take long for me to hear them, the sound of them ripping into one another. Frankly it was quite loud at first. Reaching the top once more I set down Holland before hog tying him bdsm style. Must say its very fitting for this asshole chemist that helped cause this. Picking him up like luggage by his new bindings I carry him outside. Heading towards home with my new human suite case.

『 Name: Biazar Lazurus Chimera

Race: High Human

Age: 30

Titles: Colonel, Mad Man, The Gamer, Squad Leader, Fort Chronicle President, Wolf Pack Leader, Tiger Keeper, Executioner, Judge, Jury, Nightmare, Walker Whisperer, Community Leader, Trader, Trainer, Favored Merchant by Visitors, Legendary Survivor, Evolved Human, Myths Husband, Vanguard Guardian, Regicide

Job: Warlock: 1, Hunter: 30, Necromancer: 60, Soldier: Max, Technomancer: 12, Combat Medic: 400

lvl- 144 44,999/144,000


HP: 1,089,000/1,146,000

Mana: 1,900,000/100,900,000

Str: 710

Agi: 1,300

Cha: 1000

Dex: 600

Wis: 1000

Int: 1002

luck: 2000

Ki: 6,600

Points: 400

Money: $900,000,579,743,898,987

Abilities: Abilities: Gamer's Mind- passive lvl max, Gamer's Body- passive lvl max, Appearance Default- Passive lvl max, CQC- passive lvl 299, leadership- passive lvl 409, Marksmanship- passive lvl 195, Blade Mastery- passive lvl 230, Blunt Mastery- passive lvl 460 Stealth- active lvl 200, Observe- active lvl 603, Spy- passive lvl max, Thief- active/passive lvl 999, Technician- active/passive lvl 800, Doctor- active/passive lvl 600, Radio Operator- active lvl 306, Psychosis- passive lvl 800, PTSD- passive lvl 810, Soldier- passive lvl max, Assassination- active lvl 250, Builder- passive lvl 900, Multi-Lingual- passive lvl 920 Negotiating- active lvl 330, Point Gain Efficiency- Passive lvl max, Han Xiao's Machine Knowledge- passive lvl max (EX), Necromancer(EX)- active/passive lvl god, Ki Sensing - passive lvl 500, Ki Manipulation - active lvl max, Nature Attunement - active/passive lvl max, Encampment - active/passive lvl 100, Technomancer - active/passive lvl God, Twitch Chat - passive lvl 70, Night Vision - passive lvl max, Thermal Vision - active lvl max, Transmutation - active lvl max, Danger Prediction - passive lvl EX, Chimera-Nomicon - passive lvl ???, Limit Break - passive/active lvl 60, Torture - active lvl 34, Regicide - passive lvl 1, Genocide - passive/active lvl 0, Half Of All Life - active lvl 44, Necro Throwing Knives - active lvl 14

Gear: Prototype PMR30 railgun (handgun (200 .22 magnum ammo), M16A2 rifle with (360 5.56 rounds), Dawn Blade (long sword (6ft long), quarterstaff, Grenades (6000), Molotov's (300), thieves tools, Varying Tech Tools, combat knife, Guitar, Power Fist Gloves, Black Oni Mask, 150 cal Sniper, Implosion Grenade (400), Waker Control Drone (999), Death Hazard』