New World(1)

The person who was called your highness was still sitting their in a daze as she couldn't comprehend what was going on. Unconsciously she replied without thinking

"I'm fine." In a cold but melodi's tone. With her cold eyes she stared at the men kneeling not to far away from her.

Chandra was taken aback by her voice but shrugged it off. She started to ponder about all of this and how he survived, but the thing most confusing to him is how did he transmigrated into another person's body.

Don't get me wrong I am exited about transmigrating and going to a different world and all of that but I didn't get any memories of this deceased's body. T-T

*cough* *cough*

"Yes what is it" Chandra coughed a few times and stared at the poor soldier on the ground.

"This subject was worried since this subject heard a noise coming from your highnesses room. This subject will atone for his mistake as this subject barged in without your consent."The soldier started know towing and banged his head hard onto the ground until blood came out.

Chandra started to panic but calmed down after a while and thought of what to say' I presume I am some kind of royalty as he presume me so, but should I trust him. What do I know maybe this might be a set up or maybe this whole thing might just be fake and they might just be shooting a movie and I'm playing as an empress Of some kind of empire'

Looking around trying to make sure there aren't any hidden cameras or fake walls, but he couldn't find anything. So he gave up and pretended to be the person they presume him to be.

Chandra is a great actress and liar as he would go chunni sometimes and play as his favorite characters. One of the roles he loved to play as a leader of some kind of hidden force or sect as he liked to show off to nobody since he didn't have any friends.

"You May be forgiven as nothing serious happened,"replied Chandra as he waved his hands. With his back straight, he slowly stood up, finding nothing wrong He walked over to the curtains.

'Hmm this place need a little bit of lightning,it's a little bit to dark in here.'

With a swift move of his hands the curtains swung open with the rays of the morning sun spread into the room lighting every inch and cranny.

What came into Chandra's view was a beautiful sight as the sky was a ting of light blue stretching until it got darker, you can even see a couple of stars here and there on the darker spots making it a beautiful sight to behold. Under that was a magnificent forest with its beautiful green leaves shining bright as one of those stars in the sky, with a few water droplets hanging from the leaf edges. On the outside of the forest you can clearly see all the vegetation and the sound of birds humming a musical note as sweet as bells but deeper in, it gets darker as the leaves are covering up the sun making it harder to see anything. The ground is covered in grass as soft as feathers with white on each of its ends.

Taking in all of this scenery made Chandra's mood better as he started to forget about the unnecessary things. But it was broken by the words of the soldier.

"Your highness"

"Yes what is it"

"I was wondering if your highness found the scenery nice to look at."

"Yes indeed I have"

Turning around Chandra responded in a cold chilling voice "Hmm. What is your name soldier"

"This subjects name is Ling yong your highness."he bowed his head and said.

Giving a nod Chandra replies." Anything interesting happened while I was gone"tapping his finger nails on the window as he talked."since my memories feel a little hazy why don't you fill in the blanks and tell me How did I end up here"

The soldier bowed his head and responded. "We encountered a deadly foe as he almost wiped us out and your highness stepped in to save us"

"Your highness was about to eliminate him until he used an old relic of the past and immobilized your highness rendering your highnesses cultivation useless for awhile."

"He was about to finish your highness off until we used a sacred treasure and saved your highness" his voice started to saddened as he continued. "A few of us stayed behind to delay him and give us enough time to get your highness to safety but that was futile as he finished them off in a couple of moves"

"The Mysterious foe chased us across the universe rendering us unable to shake him off."there was a few hints of anger and sadness in his eyes when he said those words.

"The only way we could have lost him was by scattering our forces. So we split our Main forces up into a dozen smaller forces going different directions."

" We manage to lose him as he chased after another group."

"We do not know what happens to the other forces as we lost contact with them after we split up and went different directions."

"We came across this inhabited planet that looked just like the planet we used to live on. We were exhausted so we found this place and set your highness here. While your highness was gone we found a few interesting details about this planet and its inhabitants."

"En, get right to the point." replied Chandra in a cold tone

"What we gathered while we were down here was that the inhabitants of this planet use a kind of cultivation totally different from what we use but at the same time similar instead of circling the strings into the dantian they circle it into the heart and mind. We found that they used a thing called magic as they take the strings from the heart and circle it to the hand. They also have to say weird echantation to summon an element or some kind of power."

Chandra started to laugh as her laughter sounded like the strings of a heart but at the same time it gave chills to who ever had the chance to ever hear it.

"En, indeed that is interesting. A power that is so different from ours. I want to study these people and examine just how do they do it." An evil grin appeared on Chandra's face as he said that."anything else to report while you are here."

"Yes, we found out that there are three continents. The first continent being the smaller one is called starlight as it got its name from the stars shining on the land the most. The second continent being a little bigger is called dragon continent since there are many dragons roaming the place. The third continent being the main and the birth place of most land species is called destiny."

"But we have not gotten any information about the kingdoms and empires"

"En, alright.""said Chandra

"Give me the counts of how many of my men are with me and there cultivation."

"Yes your highness, there are 2035 soldiers Including me. 1015 are at the early to mid stage of the saint realm. 720 at the peak of saint and some are at the early stage of Demi god realm. 250 are at the mid to peak stage of Demi god realm. 35 are at the early god realm 10 are at the mid god realm and 4 are at the late stage while this subject is at the peak your highness."

"En, good enough " replied Chandra in his cold and calm voice but inwardly he is freaking out about the report

'That's a lot of people.'

'From what I remember from reading light novels, aren't saint cultivators and up rare??' 'But it seems to me that this is a powerful group' 'since saints are like normal people here'

'And this is literally one of the dozens of group that split up'

'I can't imagine how powerful that guy was since he can eliminate them in a few moves and how powerful the original owner is since she managed to almost eliminate him before he used a relic' Chandra started to have a chill up his spine while imagining about that.

"Alright gather all of the people who are at the god realm in front of my door And make sure they are prepared as we are heading out and also get someone trustworthy to take care of this place while I am lgone "ordered Chandra.waving her hands to dismiss him as Chandra started to ponder about all of the information that she gathered so far.

The two best next move she can think of as right now since she is not a great strategist and just a normal neet in her past life. Was bye infiltrating theses nations and implant spy's. the second was to make a nation of there own out of scratch by taking over smaller villages and uniting them, or taking over a small unknown nation and make them into a powerhouse. before he could ponder further it was interrupted by a few knocking outside.

*thomp* *thomp*

"What is it" replied Chandra

"This subject gathered the people your highness wanted"

"En" getting off the bed Chandra made his way to the door. Breathing in and out a couple of times to calm herself.

Chandra slowly opened the door as she walked out. There were hundreds of tents set up in neat roles spreading across the horizon so people can walk by them. There were a few soldiers outside there tents polishing there swords and amor. Some were patrolling while others were training trying to get their cultivation up.

In front of her was 49 armored men with each holding their own unique sword as they were kneeling on the ground with their helmets in there right hand, facing down. Ling young was to the right of her also kneeling down with his unique sword in hand.

" Everything ready Ling young"

"Yes your highness "

"Good, now let's move out"

""Yes your highness"" yelled the 50 men as they stood up to follow

All the soldiers in the surrounding area stopped what they were doing and saluted as they went past them.

"Look that's the empress, so make sure you behave when your in her presence or off with your heads" replied an old looking soldier as he talked to the younger ones and inexperienced(young saints)"

""Yes captain""

At the entrance of the camp facing the forest" Ling young where is the nearest kingdom from here"

" it should be northeast from here just 4,576 km away "

"En, not to far away. Now let's go"

With a swish they sped ahead in a speed unimaginable and unseeable to even the naked eye of Demigods.

In a few seconds they reached their destination just a few miles away from the kingdoms borders on top of a hill.

"Put on your cloaks and mask and make sure your face is covered. We're not here to fight but gather information. Avoid confrontation as much as possible."

""Yes your highness""

"Let's go" in a blink of an eye they appeared outside the city walls and in line right behind que.

" remember we are adventurers looking for a place to settle down and haven't registered an I.D. Yet"

"Do as the guards say for now and don't cause a ruckus if they ask you to do something outrageous ."

"This subject was wondering why do we need I.d. When we can just walk in and they will never find out.

"We need the i.d. To make a name for ourselves and also to setup some kind of network while covering it up. And besides we don't know how strong these people of this worlds top are so we need to be low key for now."

A group of people with cloaks and mask attracted a lot of attention as you don't see those things in your daily life's.

making eye contact with Ling young, Chandra nodded to him. And Ling young nodded back as he made his way to the front of the group.

There were 20 to 30 people in line waiting to enter the city. This was the only que on the southern side of the city as they wanted to minimize as much openings as possible just Incase of a monster raid.

Monster raids don't happen much often as they only happen once every 10 years but once they do it will cause a devastation and mayhem. To stop these kind of raids the kingdoms and empires agreed on a cease fire until a monster raid was over as a kingdom or an empire will have to spend most of its manpower trying to stop this raid from causing havoc.Who ever were to break this treaty will be attacked by surrounding countries. this was implemented was because these monster raids can topple even empires of first grades If they are left untouched.

There were ten guards at the entrance of the gate each holding a spear and a shield with their matching leather armor with each metal plate protecting their vitals.

There was one guard in-front checking the i.d making sure it's legit while the rest were keeping watch for any suspicious people. And the people who caught their eyes were Chandra's group as they stood out the most out of the normal people as they were dressed differently.

After awhile of waiting it was finally there turn.

The guard came up asking for their I.d.

"I.d pls" asked the guard as he tapped his clip board with his pen

"sorry sir we don't have any I.d as we are traveling adventures looking for a place to stay as we were hoping to register an I.d for us here as it was the closest ." Ling young replied in a straightforward manner as was told by Chandra through telepathy.

"Figured so, as the way you were dressed."

"Alright mine taking off that mask of yours for me and we will get right to registering your I.d." The guard looked at Ling young with interest as he is kinda curious on what he looked like.

"Alright." Replied ling young. Taking his mask off his long hair started to flutter and drop to the ground as his face was shone. Ling young has a feminine face so people will think he's a women if they did not hear his voice for the first time.

"Hmm alright mined asking your companies to also take off their mask." The guard was surprised by ling young's looks for a second before turning back to his plain old smiling face.

"Shouldn't this be enough to get our registers I.d as I have shone you my face." Replied ling young in a cold tone.

"Alright calm down, any ways right this way."the guard pointed to a small house just right near the gate as he led the way.

"Humph" Chandra and the rest followed suit.

Once they were in they were led to a desk with some papers in it and a crystal ball floating near the desk.

"So who is first" asked the guard with his smiling face.

"I'll go." Chandra walked straight up to the guard and asked him" so what do I do."

"Just place your hands on the crystal and it will register your I.d."

"En" Chandra slowly placed his small hands on the crystal ball as it started to shine with a deep dark purple-ish color with a ting of black in it.

Name: Chandra




Power index:???

"Interesting I never saw this happened before. Oh well here's your i.d and that will be 2 silver coins."

'Interesting indeed' a smile started to form on Chandra's face but it was gone just as fast as it appeared.

After they got their I.d, Chandra led her group to an inn after checking the whole city with his soul power.

After they got to the inn two people stayed behind to gather information while the rest registers in and got them self a room.

Not long after, Chandra called in for a meeting at her place as she sets up a protection and voice canceling barrier

"Tomorrow morning I need all of you to split up and gather as much information as possible." "Go with the plan and try to infiltrate the noble district" got it"

""Got it""

Once everyone was gone Chandra went to her room. She jumped on her bed as she face planted into the pillow.

"Sigh, this is going to be hard"

Turning around Chandra started to ponder once again about life. Chandra is still confused on how he managed to survive as to him none of this seem real. Sitting up he started to channel Qi to his Danton just like what the book said.

But the Qi was so insufficient that it barely fills up one liter of a cup out of an ocean of space.

Chandra held a piece of her hair as she dangled it on her fingers. Not minding the strands That feel to her as she smelled it as it smelled like roses. Looking out the window as the sun was about to set and two moons were about to rise up in the sky with each star appearing in the sky like a dot. Chandra started to reminisce about the old days before he was a neet and left home. He lived in a happy family Of 5 with an older and younger sister. His dad would work late hours to earn some money for them while mom would stay home cook and send us to school. It was a happy family until but not everything needs with a happy ending. An accident happened at work causing his father to lose his right leg making him immobilized to do anything but rest until thy got an implant which a family like them couldn't adored to pay right now.

Not being able to have a steady income of money, mom and sis had to get a job. Now a days getting an employment is extremely hard as their is no available jobs in the area or all the slots are full.

Every day mom and sis would set off to find employment but every day they would be turned down

After two months of not getting employed and the money was about to run out they were desperate so they called a friend for help and through that friend luckily they managed to find a job, but that wasn't enough to pay off the living expense and medical bills so they had to do shady stuff which landed the two of them in prison.

Everything went downhill from their. Chandra was only 8 by than so he didn't understand all of those things that just happened until he got older. They were adopted by their aunts as the father couldn't do anything.

They asked for help from their relatives at first but even after accumulating a lot of money they still couldn't pay off the medical bills and problems started to arise from there.

Chandra being the oldest of the two youngest siblings had to take care of the little one as she was only 5 years old. Life started to get better from their as there oldest sister was out of prison and their dad got a new plastic leg so he can get back to work. They would visit their mother from time to time as they missed her very much. After a few years she was out so Chandra moved out at the age of 19. He started to get addictive to gaming and novels and manga at the age of 20 a month after he left home. He made some money off of gaming and writing novels which surprisingly managed to earn him big bucks. He would send his family a few hundreds dollars a month as he knew his dad wouldn't earn a lot from his low paying job.

Until now he still misses his family very much. He knows this body is very strong and can move through the void but he can't get ahold of this bodies Powers as he is in control of the body and not it's powers.

For now while everyone is gone he is secretly trying to get ahold of this mysterious force. Getting up Chandra slowly walked to the window. Placing her hands on the handle she slowly unlocks it and opened it. The cool breeze of the wind flowed in like water as it cooled the whole place down with its chills.

In the quiet night as silent as an assassin a figure can be seen gliding above the rooftops of buildings as it made its way to the city lord's mansion.

Just a few yards from the city lords mansion the dark figure stopped as it slowly ascended to the roof tops of the nearest building.

Making out the body shape of this figure it looked to be a woman. She took off the mask and...nope it's not Chandra. It's not a character I introduced yet but. She started to mutter under her breath as she caught sight of a figure in a window looking straight at her. It startled her to the extreme so she hurriedly put her masked back on almost dropping it in the process. When she looked back up the figure was gone as if it was never there in the first place.

Feeling confused and creeped out she flew back not intending to do what ever she was going to do tonight.

Chandra being the person who was peeping and creeping the other person out by doing it ,was laying happily on the bed as she spotted a beautiful girl and she was even making eye contact with her and she was the first one to flush and look away, doesn't that mean she likes me

'Wait I don't even know this person why am I skipping steps and besides we're both women unless the other person is lesbian if so that's perfect, I don't mind having that lesbo action.'

'What am I thinking'banging his head he started to be embarrassed as he can't believe he would think something like that.'

Rolling around in bed as she covers her face with her pillow not showing the elegant lady she was in front of her subordinates as she looked like a person in love. (Love at first sight People).

After awhile of rolling in bed she stopped because she was messing up her hair and the bed. *sigh* "What is happening to me"mutters Chandra. She closed her eyes trying to get some sleep and before she knew it, it was already morning. Getting up she used some of her powers that she got a hold of to clean and wash her face and tidy up her bed. After all that was done she put on her armor and mask as she made her way down stairs. she attracted a lot of attention especially from men as even with the armor on it can't hide the slender body which was underneath the armor as it can't be stopped from being Seen by the onlookers.

Chandra being a man from his past life was disgusted as you wouldn't want a man looking at you like that even if your in a girls body when truly inside your men.

It's too late trying to get the cloak as they will still recognized her so she just went down with her sword in hand to the table all the way at the back corner of the room sitting there in peace.

Folding his arm Chandra was in a very bad mood. Getting stared at like that made him so disgusted that he wanted to puke. Not having his subordinates around to sho these kinda of people away made him upset as he did not want to take the intuitive to talk them.

Cooling himself down he tried to to ignore their disgusting stares. Whiles also trying to listen in to there conversation.

"Wow look at that chick, you don't see one of those these days boys, I'm telling ya a girl with that body is good in bed."


"If I were you I better watch that mouth of yours, cause I feel a bad vibe around that girl, she might be dangerous."

"Dangerous my arse, stop being so cautions and besides what can a little girl like her do to us"

"Yea what can she do, I bet you she can't even swing that little sword of he—


One of those guys who were talking about her got smashed and made a dent on the wall as he passed out.

The only thing Chandra wanted was to come down stairs peacefully and listen to some gossip but she did not expect to draw a lot of attention to herself and being checked out by horny guys. Thinking everything was over she didn't expect to be belittled just because she was a girl. Chandra is a type of person to get offended if people belittle women and talk down on them. Chandra loves his little and older sister very much so when he ever hears someone belittle or say that girls are inferior to men he would get really mad to the point of even fighting that certain someone.

When he heard them belittle him he was furious so he punched the last guy who was talking about him.

"Hey what's the big deal lady." Replied a men sitting right next to the buddy who was punched."can't you see we—

*bang* *bang*

A punch to the face and a kick to the stomach he flew to the wall as the dent was much better than the last.

Everyone was dead silent by this point as they were scared sh*less. They didn't expect the girl with the mask they said was week knocked out two of there strongest guys.

"I dare you to say that again."said Chandra in a murderous tone

Even though Chandra told her subordinates not to make a Scene and to keep a low profile. She did not do what she said they should do.

Everybody in the inn now regretted ever offending this women as they swore never to mess with her again.

"Humph, cowards. Acting all big at one second and now a scaredy-cat the next"

"You can only think with your rods and not your brains, I don't think you even have brains to be honest." Like that Chandra left.

Looking at the fading back of the women they all sighed as they looked at each other. They could all see emotions in each others eyes.

Being insulted and beaten by a women hurts there pride as men but they couldn't do or say anything back as they didn't want to end up like those two retards.

After venting her anger she turned back to the ice beauty she was. "make sure they are gone before the sun sets"

"Yea your highness"replied a figure as the next minute everything was quiet again.

Chandra looked around the place as she headed east to the slums.

The slums was a place where most of the people who couldn't pay off their debts were and there would be a lot of shady business there to. It was a place mostly abandoned by the city lord as there were barely any patrols here.

Chandra knew what the slums were like but still went as she knew there were always Genius born in horrible conditions as this was a world of the fittest. She knows about this because she read it from a novel. So she was betting on this and spread her soul force covering the entire slums looking for a certain someone.

After a week of waiting there was only two candidates. A 8 year old boy and a 8 year old girl. She found them 3 days ago huddling together in a shed near a campfire. They were really frail and dirty as there was a lot of dirt in there hair and there clothes were tattered. The boy and girl would work together to steal food or money. After a whole 2 months she finally decided to take them in as she saw potential in them. Even though she found out that they had extraordinary talent that didn't mean they were geniuses as they need to to put effort to gain something. The person who puts the most efforts in life will always gain something extrodary even if they started off bad.

Like everyday the two would get up early in the morning to start there morning routine. But today was different as they met a strange women with a mask right in front of there broken down door. She was wearing a blue decretive dress with white out lines on the edges of the dress with two dragons facing each other.

The women walked up to them as she took off her mask. With a beautiful smile"why hello there" said the women in blue.

They were shocked by the women's looks as they have never seen someone like her before. At the same time skeptical. Why would a women like her walk up to two poor kids in the slums as they have never met her.

"W-who are you,and w-what do you want from us."asked the little girl

Waving her hands around as a friendly jester"Me,why I'm just a pass buyer and managed to find this humble abode of yours."Chandra was trying not to scare the two away, as you two would be scared if a stranger walk up to you like that out of know where. She had on a calm face but in reality she was nervous.

"Um ok."said the little boy nervously. Chandra was emitting a powerful force. Even though she was trying to keep it in control, there was still a lot leaking out which was like being crushed by a mountain to people like the little boy and girl as they have never cultivated before.

"What's your name little boy"

"It's Shin big sister"

"What about you little girl"

" It's ying big sister"

With a smile chandra took out two bone cleansing pills and handed to the two of them. "Here's a gift from me to you" Chandra decided to try again as the time was not right for it right now. Chandra found out that shin and ying were trying to cultivate an unfinished cultivation with only 1/3 of it being finished." And here a cultivation manual for you."

"Thanks big sister, but why are you giving us all of these things" asked shin confusingly.

"It's nothing I just found the two of you, Interesting. But I hope you don't disappoint me in the future."said Chandra before disappearing"we'll meet agian"

With that everything was quiet again.


Inside a deep dark room 4 figures can be seen talking.

"Ling young don't you think the empress is a little different from usual" said a little friend

"Watch your mouth ling sho, because I don't mind ending you here right now for rebellion."said ling young in a threading tone.