Summer: An Adventure That Brings Forth; Truth PT. 2/4

"So, you said you wanted to take me somewhere?"

We were walking through the neighborhood, getting closer to the city with every step. Passing us by were a variety of shops and businesses, and many of them called out to me to say hello as I passed by.

"Yeah, where we're going, we need wheels." I waved at a baker, and he motioned me to come closer.

"Hey, it's been a while kid! Oho, you've got a girl with you this time huh?"

"Nothing like that. What's up?" He grabbed some pastries and offered me some.

"Here, on the house."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah of course, especially after you and your dandy club helped us out that time, it's the least I could do." He handed me two tarts, and I accepted, nodding in thanks.

"Thank you, I mean it."

"No problem! And hey, tell that pink-haired girl to come here soon as well, yah hear?"

"I'll tell her when I get back home. I'll see you later." I waved goodbye and handed one of the tarts to Pandora.

"Someone seems popular. Also, I thought you didn't have a license."

"Oh, that. Yeah, my club helped these people out a while back. They often offer me stuff like that whenever I come down here."

"What did you do to have that happen?" Pandora asked, taking a bite of her tart.

"In a nutshell, saved their business'." I took a bite out of mine as well. "Mm, tasty."

"No other explanation?"

"It's a really long story. I'll tell you later. Anyway, we're here." I stopped in front of a bike shop, where the owner was waiting for me.

"Ah, here you are Depra! Your bike is fixed up. Although, I do have to tell you, it would've been simpler if you just bought a new bike. I have plenty here." The owner steered us towards my old bike, now with a new addition to it.

"Also, I added this as you requested. Are you gonna have the lil' lady ride on the back?" The owner laugher, her hair bouncing jovially.

"Yeah, that was the plan," I said, and Pandora looked alarmed.

"Hold up, I'm riding with you!?"

"Yep, it's simpler than asking you to bring a bike as well. Besides, you're all dressed up. I wouldn't want your dress to get dirty you know."

"Aw, look here! A bona fide gentleman this one is!" She nudged Pandora, who only sighed.

"Good thing I have shorts underneath."

"Anyway, you don't have to pay anything Depra. On the house. Just make sure you don't wreck her again, yah hear?"

"I'll do my best," I said, and I turned to Pandora, who took off her white sunhat.

"Anyway, where we're going is pretty far, so if you have to pee, do it now."

"Seriously, where are you taking me? Are you going to have your way with me or something?"

"Ugh, you sound like someone else I know," I said, groaning as the image of Prez appeared in my mind. "No, I'm gonna visit some people I owe a great deal to. It's in the farmland, so it'll take a while."

"Why don't we just take the bus?"

"We are, but it'll still take a while even on bike afterwards."

She seemed flabbergasted. "Okay, I'll be back. Watch my purse." She handed me her white purse, and the owner directed her to the bathroom.

"So, how'd you end up with a cutie like that?"

I felt my face grow red. "Is that how people see it?"

"Is that not how you see it? You like her, don't yah?"

That was a complicated question. Just thinking about it caused my heart to ache.


I froze as those words echoed through my head. No, not now. Stay calm Depra, stay-


The owner saw me swaying and grabbed my shoulder. "Whoa, easy there. Are you really struggling with that question? Ah well, boys will be boys after all."

"No, I…" What did I think about-!


"Hey Depra, what's wrong?" I heard Pandora's voice, and I focused on her face before sighing.

"Huh?" Suddenly the voices were gone, and I blinked as I caught my breath. "Oh, I just got a little dizzy is all."

"Huh. If you're feeling like that, I could bike."

A brief image of Pandora riding the bike while I sat behind her, clinging to her, flashed through my head, and I quickly shook my head. "Yeah, that's not happening in a million years."

"Alright then, a million and one years it is."

I sighed at her ridiculous answer. "Anyway, thank you again for fixing my bike."

"Not a problem! Come visit more often, bring your club and that girl along sometime, yeah? The others would appreciate it."

I nodded as I hopped on my bike. "Yep, I'll ask about it later today. I'll see you later then."

"Take care now!" Pandora hopped on the back and clung to my back, and I kicked the stand up, and we were off to the nearest bus stop.


"Hey Depra, are you okay? You're breathing kinda hard there."

We were now in the farmlands, far away from the bustling city. I had been biking nonstop for over an hour and was still only about halfway to my destination.

"It's no hah problem hah!" I barely managed to screech out those words, my lungs burning due to how little exercise I've been getting.

"You wanna take a break than?" Pandora suggested, and at her word I immediately stopped, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm so, hah, out of, hah, damn shape!" I yelled out, kicking down the stand for my bike before collapsing on the grass field next to the road. Pandora laid down next to me, looking at me with worry.

The view was nice though, I thought as I desperately tried to catch my breath. There was farmland as far as the eye could see, with houses dotted here and there. The fields were almost glowing gold due to the sun shining down from above, and in the distance, I could see the mountain Olympus tower above the clouds.

"Now that I, hah, think about it, hah, why are there, hah, always clouds around Olympus?" I managed to pant out, and Pandora looked to me with excitement in her eyes.

"Sounds like another excursion, right Clyde?"

"I'd rather not get, hah, arrested Bonnie."

She pouted at my answer. "No fun! But I've always wondered myself. Maybe we really will go up there and solve the mystery of Olympus, hmm?"

I groaned as I sat up. "It's sacred, isn't it? There's probably just a shrine or something up there. Oh, thanks." Pandora gave me a water bottle from her purse, which she bought when we went to the convenience store while waiting for the bus to arrive.

"No problem chief!" Huh, I actually didn't mind that one. She grabbed one for herself and drunk about a quarter before releasing a satisfying "Ah!"

"So, you wanna explain what happened back at the bike shop?" So, she did notice. I chugged my water until it was halfway before glancing at her. She was looking at me earnestly, waiting for my answer.

"It almost happened again. You know, an incident. I don't know why it didn't happen this time though…"

"Hmm, I wonder indeed. Maybe because a cute girl is here by your side, willing to listen to your every need!?"

I chuckled. "Yep, that's definitely the reason why. Good job." She smiled happily and continued to drink more water. "Honestly, I'm relieved though. I didn't want to worry the owner or anything like that."

"Aw, look at you, being considerate! It's one of your many good points."

"I really don't think I have any though…"


I froze as those words echoed through my head.

(A greedy, indecisive coward.)

"No, I'm not…"

(Greedy, Indecisive, Coldhearted, Slothful, Cowardice, dare I say more?)


(What right to live do you have that they didn't?)

"No, they're not…"

(Oh, so they are alive then? Bullshit, as if you could make a decision regarding that).

"I don't know anymore…"

(Giving up? Guess we can add weak-willed to the list.)



(Tch, annoying bitch. But, you will never forget who's fault it is, right?)



I woke up, staring at a purple sky. Wait, no, that can't be right.

"Depra, are you okay!?"

Oh, it's purple eyes I'm looking at. She really does have beautiful eyes, doesn't she?

"Depra, are you okay!?"

"…so beautiful."

I slowly managed to get up, groaning. "Ugh, it happened again, didn't it?"



I felt myself get tackled down to the ground as Pandora leapt onto me. She was glaring at me, her hair looking as if it could be on fire.

"Don't worry me like that stupid!" She started to hit my chest.

"Ow, hey, I'm sorry! Geez, please stop!" I managed to push her away, only for her to lunge back in, hugging me tightly.

"Seriously, you should tell me when stuff like that is about to happen!"

Why is she being so irrational? She knows I can't just tell her. I frowned as I patted her head.

"Sorry. I'll do better."

"Hmph! You better!" She quickly let go, turning around so I couldn't see her face. I sighed, scratching my head.

Why do I always worry the people I care about…