Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The next day, I followed my regular routine. I had no choice but to go on my usual days.

Despite my tiredness, I woke up at the designated time with an erection. I took a long cold bath, which didn't help much but continued on with my routine. I ate the food given to me, and thankfully, by the time I finished my breakfast, it wasn't as noticeable.

The morning was spent working on simple administrative works, and as usual, the afternoon involved teaching the prince. The boy prince seemed different, which was understandable. Any average person who went through such a traumatic event would remain in shock for a prolonged time. After all, the prince saw someone die in front of him for the first time. He also ended up burying this person and getting rid of any evidence of it too.

I remembered the first time I killed a man. I was much younger than the prince, and at the time, I was engulfed by red hot fury that I acted clumsy and got caught by the enemy.