Chapter 83

Chapter 83

The pale people's cheeks were flushed, and they didn't look scary at all. They were just… normal people. I saw some of them hugging each other in pure joy. It seemed that they were being united.

"Carlos Creator! Carlos Isnilena!"

"Eho, eho, eo!"

Adults, children, elderlies, young, men, and women. They were all mingling with each other.

I was the only one alone here. I should have studied Hwenian when I had the chance. Only if I still had the dictionary the prince gave me, then maybe I could have asked someone about what was happening here.

Thankfully, it was not necessary because, behind me, I heard some people talking in my language.

"So let's talk in Isnilenian."


When I turned around in shock, I saw a man who looked very calm. He was a stranger, but he was speaking my language and was wearing an Alinchan outfit. He had jet black hair that reached below his ears, and his face was ashen like the others.