hell night 3

Lily trembled she's so scared as she listens to their conversation. (oh God please save me from these vultures of a person ) lily prayed

JORDAN: whatever!!! I don't care who fuck her after I'm done whether you want to do it with her at one go!!! who cares but I am going to be the first hahaha. Jordan laughs maniacally as he started to remove his clothes.

Yeah!!! the three demons of a person shout like wild animals

Jordan came to Lily's side and started to touch her body maliciously, he fondled her breast as he rips her clothes open. the buttons of her white dress flew away as Lily struggle to fight Jordan to no avail

JORDAN; Aaah shit!!! feels so good!! you're still a virgin huh!!! Jordan trust wildly as he feels himself cumming.... aaaaahhhh

Lily felt like dying after Jordan finished raping her!!! she felt horrible but she can't do anything to fight back nor escaped .she can't even scream because of the gag in her mouth.

She tried to move but she didn't have the strength at all when the door opens and the other three men walked over to her side. they fondled her, play with her and rape her all night. she's already bleeding from scratches and cigarettes burn on her body. it's a hell of a night for her, and she only prays that they were done with her.

she fell asleep from tiredness and didn't know what time when she woke up...

she struggled to sit upright when she heard someone is coming.

Lily saw Jordan holding an empty bottle of vodka walking to her. her eyes open wide from fear... when she saw him. and then...