Chapter 11; Ghostcapade;

Lily can't accept the fact.... she cried so hard like a pig and howl like a dog in the middle of the night...

at they're neighborhood.....all their neighbors can't sleep because of all those noises.... they can hear a woman's crying while a sound of footsteps running on top of the roof of the apartments compound can be heard, some people can also hear the sounds of voices talking from inside the water tank...

it seems like all the ghosts gathered together to have a ghostcapade in that apartment compound.....

at the morgue Lisa and Lilac fainted for the nth times after seeing Arnie'S remains and hearing the doctor's explanation of her autopsy .....they can't stand the sight of the state her body suffered from those men.

according to the doctor who examines her body Lily is still alive when the killer shove the empty Vodka bottle inside her body through her vagina, causing damage to most of her internal organs ...they also found lots of cigarette burns, lacerations, wounds, cuts, and bruises all over her body.... there are also sign of multiple orgasms that proves four men rape her before killing her.

it was a very brutal way of killing not even a devil could do such a monstrous deed...

Damian signed all the papers for the release of LILY'S remains and take her back to their hometown in San Antonio Zambales