what do you mean by that??? are you telling me that she incited all the ghosts to come out? that she leads all of them to create havoc in that place? that's ridiculous!!! dead are dead and there's no way they can still think like us alive people!!!! Jordan said furiously

SALLY; I hear you, boss!!! but in this case, things here are quite different now. boss, I need your help!!! we need to do something to get rid of those ghosts! or else my business is done for good...

who knows I might attract a new beautiful and sexy tenants once those ghosts are gone...

JORDAN; alright....alright.... stop yapping about!!! ill send you the money, go look for professional help to get rid of those ghosts...

damn!!!! as if all the money I am sending you'S still not enough!!! you come calling me to ask for more

SALLY; thanks boss... you're really an angel!!! sally said trying to butter up to Jordan

JORDAN... fucked off! and stop pestering me!

Jordan.... irritated by the call decided to go out and have fun with his friends at the bar, he called them to ask for their location

DRAKE; hey man!!! nice to see you! been a long while huh...

JORDAN; shut up! just pour me a drink okay!!!

NATE; what's up with you man? anything bothering you?

JORDAN; ah... Sally called asking for money, she said the apartment is now haunted by all the people we killed there

NATE; that so? ah.... maybe she's just making it up to milk money from you?

JORDAN; I don't know.... let's not talk about it, where's all the girls you're talking about?

RUSTY; they'll be here in a minute man... forget all those troubling you..... we're going to fuck all night!!!

JORDAN closes his eyes as the girl on top of him keeps rotating her waist moving faster.. quick I'm cumming... Jordan said as he open his eyes.

His eyes open wide... mouth agape he looks at the face of the woman on top of him.....

JORDAN; Lily??? ( the woman stop moving while Jordan struggle to get up) he pushed the woman, and she falls down the bed accidentally hitting her head on the bedside table.....

Jordan run out of the room without bothering to wear his clothes and kicked Nate's room door opposite his own room...

NATE; wtf!!! Nate yelled as he pushed the woman who's sucking his dick...

JORDAN; Nate!!! she's here!!!

NATE; who?

JORDAN; Lily.... she's here and she's haunting me!!!

NATE; what? are you nuts; she's dead!!! alright!!!

they both went to Jordan's room, Nate saw the girl sprawled on the floor unconscious. he called at the front desk to asked them to send someone up.