IS THAT SO??? all the ghosts appear again the moment Sally lost sight of the old man

aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Sally screamed so loud and almost lose consciousness. she tried to run out of the apartment but her legs can't move. as she looked at her feet she saw that a hand is holding onto her feet...

huhuhu I've been fooled, dammed that old man he's a big fake!!!!

Time flies it's been years since Lily's death

Lilac is now married to Rob and she's on the family way.

she went to her doctor for her monthly check-up and ultrasound

SALLY; doc is there a way to find out the gender of my babies?

DOCTOR SUSAN; yes.... by this time we can now see the gender, just wait and I'll show you after checking their heartbeat and health condition.

after a while, Lilac can hear the babies faint heartbeat.

DOCTOR SUSAN; here look!!! you have twin baby girls and they're both very healthy, the doctor showed Lilac the gender of her babies at the screen.

LILAC; oh my gosh!!! they are so adorable!!! I can't wait to tell my parents about the good news

Lilac went home and dialed her dad's number while resting on the soft leather sofa.

At Garcia's house.....

ring ring ring lilac phone's rang. Damian hurriedly walks over to where his phone was and answered the call.

DAMIAN; hello???

LILAC; dad!!! hi!!! where's mom?

DAMIAN; she's at our room resting, why? is there a problem at your end?

LILAC; dad, no! not a problem! actually, I have a surprise for you and mom...

DAMIAN; really? wait up I'll go to your mom so that she can hear it too...

stomp.... stomp.... stomp... Damian's feet sounds while walking

DAMIAN; Lisa honey Lilac is on the line she has a surprise for us!

LISA; really? c'mon let us talk to her...

Damian gave the phone to Lisa and Lisa put it on speaker while she greets Lilac

LISA; hello Lilac? how are you, sweety? dad said you got a piece of big news for us? what is it? Lisa questioned Lilac excitedly

LILAC; mom! calm down! your heart! don't get so excited...

LISA; ok... ok...

what's the big news then?

LILAC; mom, dad guessed what! I'm pregnant ! and I'm having a twin baby girl!!!

LISA; oh my GOD!!! really? oh, sweety, we're so happy for you!!! when are you coming home? Lisa asked Lilac as she hugged her husband and burst into tears.....