LILY : you're right Lilac

they are the reasons of all our sufferings and grievances ....

outside Sally notice the light in Lilac and Lily's room apartment on

SALLY : hmmmmmpppp she's here again?!?

i wonder, when is she going to stop coming

and give up on the case of her sisters death...

sally mused to herself while walking over to Lilac and Lily's room door apartment .

she's about almost near the door when something caught her attention inside the apartment from the apartment 's window.

she stopped on her track, dumbfounded by what she saw....

she can feel all her hair stood from it's roots as she also feel all her limbs go weak and numb..... shocked written all over her face.

SALLY : lily? .....

she whispered.... unable to take her eyes off the scene, she is seeing inside the house.

she started to shiver thinking of the moment she saw Lily's body sprawled on the bed with her eyes open...

like she's looking at her...

SALLY : she's dead! but who is that person? i can't be mistaken!!!

that girl is Lily ...ho... how did it happen???

inside....... Lily saw the silhouette of Sally outside from the window....

she smiled....

LILY : i can feel it.....

JUSTICE is near...

Sally turn around and hurriedly run to her own apartment, at the far end of the nine door apartment is her own place.

she hurried to her room as she get inside the

house and try to dial Jordan's number with a shaking hand.

ring .....ring ........ring

Jordan's phone rang....

Drake who came over to visit his friend Jordan took the call for him....

he knitted his brows seeing Sally's name at the phone screen...

DRAKE; what???? he yelled at Sally on the phone

Martha Zobel, Jordan's mom who's at the room with Jordan and Drake frowned and walked to Drake side to see who's calling her son... Drake who's that????

SALLY : boss???? sally asked stupefied thinking if she dialled the wrong number

listening carefully she can hear a woman's voice at the other end of the line

DRAKE : what boss ? who are you calling boss? Drake said irritatedly

SALLY : boss Jordan it's me! Sally !!!

DRAKE : I'm not Jordan ! !! it's me Drake!! what do you want this time???

Martha looking at Drake tried to listen to the conversation. thinking that the caller is one of Jordan's ex girlfriend

MARTHA : who is she Drake? what does she want from my son?

DRAKE : oh auntie she's just a nobody... just some gold digger who probably want some more money.

MARTHA : oh??? is that so? then she turned to go back to her son at the bed.

SALLY : boss Drake??? what are you doing with boss Jordan's phone? is that woman i heard ..... his mom?

DRAKE : so what if she is? what is it to you and what do you care?

why did you call anyway?

SALLY : boss i have something to tell Jordan and the others. ...

i don't know if you can say if it's good news or bad news

DRAKE : what is it ?

SALLY : boss it's about Lily

hearing it's about Lily Drake walk out of the room to avoid Jordan's mom to overhear their conversation.

DRAKE : what about it? Drake asked as soon as he's out of the room.

SALLY : boss it's like this....

sally then told Drake about what she saw and heard.

DRAKE : okay don't call up again, I'll talk to Jordan and the others....

A month after Sally's call...

At the Manila International Airport.....

A handsome guy came out from the plane with three of his friends behind him. walking down the step of the plane.

he said to himself...