as all the police officer finished their business there, they were all still in a state of shock as they once again cast a lingering last look at Lily...

they also bid them goodbye and turned to take their leave in a dazed, as they went out of the apartment and hurriedly walk out of the gate...

INSPECTOR ALBERT BERNAL: am I hallucinating? or did we really just interviewed a ghost?

INVESTIGATOR ALLAN DECENA: aaahhhh I guess we're all just hallucinating and seeing things

CHIEF MORTICIAN FREDDIE ALEGRE: hmmm we're definitely just imagining things.....

after all the things that have been said and done... I think..... those ghosts leave us a problem, not even the genius Einstein can easily solve

then they all sighed ...

after all, it is not easy to tell those dead peoples parents about what really occurs here, and those people are big shots from a very rich family

I don't know about you guys, but.... me??? I want to leave this place now, as soon as I can...

after that ...the doctor who came over to take a look at the corpses hurriedly run to his car.

inside the apartment lilac and Rob are still both shaken at all the things they witnessed, they decided not to tell their parents about what happened.

Jordan and his friends are now dead..... so

basically, Lily's soul is now free to roam wherever she wanted, no longer confined in that apartment complex...

Lilac and her family went back home to San Antonio with Lily

LILAC: I'm glad everything's over now... I'm sure mom and dad are going to be very very happy seeing you back again...