Chapter 23: a thief slayer in the night (2)

"Ah! Ah! Ahhh!"

Gorza steps back in pain as he tries to hold the fountain of blood coming out of the place where his hands used to be.


Ethan extended the barrier to protect both him and his friend while casting healing magic on Gorza.

(( it's true, most of the bandit and criminals I've killed so far were between lv3 to lv6 and even when they're higher level than me their stats are vastly inferior))

Markus was surprised at his own strength as even when he was at lv 1 or 2, he still would've been able to easily pull this kind of thing off.

((This is definitely the work of the Exforia, or more accurately the Laplace factor inside the game the Laplace factor was just a fancy way for the game to call Exp or "experience points" but now after reading up on Ian's study on it and testing, I'm confident it's more of an increase in base stats rather than exp like in the game...after all despite being able to beat guys like these so easily even at lv 1, I'm still technically at the starting levels of the game according to my insignia))

Markus began to think about what this means.

((Rather than "experience" the Laplace factor should more easily be equated to "talent" or "potential" where it pushes the human who possesses it far beyond what they would normally be capable of...))

Ever since Markus started this whole "black demon" shenanigans, he has always had one overarching goal other than his main one-

And that was to test out how he truly compared to the denizens of this world.

In doing so he found out multiple things.

Most normal people with non combat related jobs have a level eternally set as 1.

While bandits and small time monsters that can be found around the area of the capital have a level of around 2-5.

The guards stationed in the commoners district generally are in the area between 5-15 and beginner to low intermediate rank adventurers are also in this ballpark if not a bit higher.

And Markus was able to go toe to toe with Sypha who was level 19 and possibly close to level 20 by now when he was only level 1, even if she was holding back, this meant that no one in the entire commoner save for Aidan Silver and others of his level that can match the current Markus.

And with the rate he was gaining these levels Markus will soon have no one to fear, that is until later into the game's progress.

"'re going to pay for this kid! I swear I'll rip your guts out"

Gorza growled as Ethan gathered his detached hands and tries to heal them with magic.

""Big talk for someone who' bleeding on the floor""

Thinking nothing of the bandit's threats Markus just waited patiently for his two enemies to get ready, not because he couldn't kill them instantly or anything, it's just because he's got too much time to kill right now.

"Don't get conceited you little brat! Once I get my hands healed I'll chop that arrogant head off!"

"Calm down Gors!"

Ethan maintained the barrier he had erected to focus on healing his friend.

""Dude I just unilaterally took off both of your hands, and I haven't even tried yet!...the only reason why I'm letting that third rate degraded mage heal you without attacking is because I don't feel the need to rush myself here, I can literally kill you anytime I want, I'm basically just playing with my food at this point""

Markus shrugged as he put his blade backed into his sheath, showing his lack of interest in fighting, an act of complete disrespect for Gorza.

"Why you!"

Gorza immediately tried to grab his sword that was on the floor after he was healed and tried attacking Markus again but was stopped by Ethan.

"Calm yourself Gors! This kid is clearly not normal! We need to be careful! As long as we're in this barrier he can't attack us, we need to move this battle out into an open field if we want to want to win, it's clear we're at a disadvantage when it comes to reach..."

Ethan reasoned with the short tempered Gorza, convincing him not to engage Markus right now.

"Grr!! I know that! But still! I can't just let this brat say what he wants about us!"

((Really!? At least try to whisper when you're discussing your plans...did I really climb up a steep 600m cliff for these idiots!?...(sighs)...I take back what I said earlier, these guys are a joke))

Markus was incredibly disappointed by the two who so boldly proclaimed their high power earlier and yet this was all they amounted to.

((But at least they did say something interesting...))

""I wouldn't be able to attack you while you're in that hamster ball huh...Are you sure about that?""

Markus sarcastically asked Ethan.

"Of course! I am a mage who graduated at Roa magic academy! I have complete confidence in the power of my barrier magic, a snot nosed brat who's just started learning swordsmanship like you have no hope of breaking it!"

Ethan powerfully shouted while keeping his eyes on Markus.

""You sound like you're trying to convince yourself that you can actually beat me...""

Markus tilted his head in a half hearted demeanour.


Unable to deny the truth of that statement deep in his heart, Ethan grunted and took a step back.

""If this is what a mage from whatever magic academy you just said can do, then the empire's entire educational institution is fvcked...and just so you know, I'm not a swordsman""

Markus said snapping his fingers.

The moment that audible *snap* sound came out the barrier that was erected by Ethan completely shattered like glass, and the pieces dissipated into nothingness.


Unable to maintain his composure anymore, Ethan mouth was gaping.

"Nullification magic?! And with no chant too..."

Gorza had pretty much the same reaction, his previous fighting spirit was completely overwritten by the shock and eventual fear for Markus.

""Now let me give you a lesson that those teachers back in the academy couldn't teach you...""

Growing weary of the annoying flies in front of him Markus held up both his hands.

Lights of blue arcane magic begins to appear out of nowhere and saturate the surrounding, bathing everything in a beautiful symphony of phantasmal proportions.

""You claim to be powerful with just those mediocre abilities? Pathetic, your words defile the truly powerful burn this into your sights and carve this into your thick skulls scums, THIS is real power""

Those Blue particles of shiny light began to gather into both of his hands and he held it out in front of Gorza and Ethan.

"No wait! Hold on! We give up"

Ethan was the first to give in and tried to beg for mercy.

While Gorza just stared in silence, whether he was entranced by the beautiful scenery or frozen in fear was unclear, as even he couldn't tell.

(([arcane blast]))

A blue beam of magic blasts out of the house travelling from this side of the cliff the the other one on the opposite side of the valley, completely obliterating the two remaining bandits.

((Well, at least I managed to find out that the [null mage] class works and I killed some time too...))

Markus was conflicted to consider this trip a success or not.