Chapter 10: Yggdrassil (1)


The sound of metal scraping against metal reverberated in Markus's ears as the giant ancient black stone double door opened up to him revealing the darkness within.


The moment the door opened ancient dust blew out on Markus's face carried by the wind.

((The first trap of the dungeon!...[Heatwave]))

Markus thought as he conjured a mass heat wave to sterilize the dust coming out of the dungeon.

((At a glance this dust might just seem like your stereotypical ancient dungeon dust but it's actually a trap, there's a pathogen that's been brewing within this dust for thousands of years, I know because I've already played through this dungeon in the game, should you not have a barrier cast on you beforehand or drink a tonic to stave off the pathogen you'll get a status effect called plagued which does 2% of your overall health every 10 seconds))