Dreams of Anarchy

"Ladies And gentlemen! Tonight we have a special guest joining us today, to discuss the newest innovation in the VR industry." The host Judy Berkins of Gamer's Lunch-rush announced. The Gamer's Lunch-rush was one of the many television talk-shows that sprang up with the growth of virtual reality games.

As more people joined the exodus from console to helmets and pods. The more that people began doing a profitable business on the virtual platform, the better and faster the technology improved. From the initial steps of creating the Oculus-rift tech to finally introducing immersive games.

This influenced television networks to follow the masses and endeavour to bring the latest developments in the gaming world. Thus began the age of dedicated gaming shows, and those companies that had a large enough client base could make entire channels dedicated to their products. It wasn't strange to see whole sieges being televised for entire days live as they were happening.

The technology had reached the pinnacle of immersion nearly 5-years ago. Nowadays, most games that were available offered an 86% rate of immersion. There were no pods that allowed players to enter an REM sleep pattern, which allowed users to sleep while playing. However, Moirae Inc. was about to completely change the entire industry with its newest addition to the gaming and business network.

"Now Introducing," Ms Berkins continued. "The Lead programmer of the latest release from Moirae Inc, Dr JD Cummings."

Across the stage from the hostess entered a tall, slim man, around 6ft 4in with chestnut-brown hair and goatee. Dr Cummings appeared to be in his late-30 to early 40. They dressed him in a tailored black two-piece suit with glasses hanging from the chest pocket of his lime green shirt.

"Welcome to the show Dr Cummings," Judy said. "Can you please explain to our audience and the viewers at home what has brought you to our show today."

"Thank You, Judy. Please, just call me JD." He replied, "I came here to announce to you here, and everyone across the world that Moirae Inc. has completed beta-testing on our game called, Olympian Anarchy Online (OAO). The Game will be part of a package the first true self-regulating system, as well another breakthrough innovation in the brand new pod systems to play our game in." After those words, a cheer rose from the studio audience, while the hostess tried to cover her shocked expression.

Taking a moment to recover, Ms Berkins asked, "JD could you give a more in-depth explanation in that regard."

Dr Cummings replied with a smile, "What I meant is that the game will not be run by admins; Instead, it will be run by A.I's that have been modelled to take on the roles of the gods in Greek mythology. Also, just as a warning to the players, when dealing with these deities, hubris, is a sure way to cripple your character," he added in a serious tone.

"That being said, it is unlikely that players will directly interact with them. The company will create events for players, excluding those quests of a certain rank may cause that. We will post item and quest rankings on the official website," he pointed out.

As the doctored paused, one audience member shouted for an explanation about the pods.

Chuckling, JD answered," Ah… that is the question of the night, isn't it? The answer to that was a happy accident, meaning that we have increased the ratio between in-game time and time IRL. We could finally crack the REM block. With this, the last obstacle to reaching a perfect 96% rate of immersion is breached."

"Not only will players experience the game in a 4:1 time ratio, but they will also be able to taste, smell and feel the virtual environment." He said before adding, "Our beta-testers said that the game was no longer discernible from real-life. It was only the monsters that reminded of where they were."

"So what you're saying is that this game is the most advanced system that has come to be available." Judy interrupted, "Will this influence gameplay in any way?"

Nodding his head in agreement, JD explained, "Yes, and Ms Berkins, indeed. The increase in immersion will allow players to bring their natural talents across the virtual world. This is also to promote a healthier lifestyle for our customers. If you work out, your gains will translate as a bonus towards your character stats. Players can also use the martial arts learned in-game IRL, as long as they do it in a safe environment." The doctor finished.

The hostess had a bright on her face as she said, "That's all the time we have for tonight, my loving audience. Also, thank you, Dr Cummings. If you had a few last words before we end the show, please go ahead."

"Thank you for having me, Ms Berkins." He answered, "I would like to tell the viewers at home that Moirae Inc. will run a contest 1-month after the international launch of our game. There will be six winners drawn from every continent. These winners will be awarded a lifetime subscription to the game and their very own custom-built character. The draw will include people who already own a pod, and those who don't receive one as part of their winnings. I hope all the players the best of luck in all of their in-game endeavours."

"Also, there will be the option to exchange in-game money for real money." He chuckled before adding, "May Artemis guide your path in the hunt."

"Thank you again, Dr JD Cummings, and thank you, everyone, at home for joining us. Join again next time; this has "Gamer's Lunch-rush" with Judy Berkins. Good-bye." Judy Berkins said in farewell.


Darian cut off the T.V after watching the rerun from a year ago. It was three days before they revealed the results for the draw in the African leg of the competition. He saved up enough to buy one of the "data-subs" (That was what the company had called their pods, about a submarine that dives into the game's data), but he had hoped to enter and win the contest to save himself some money.

'What was the point of buying the pod and game if you would just get the game for free,' he thought in frustration.


Two weeks later, he received a phone call at around 6 a.m.

*ring, ring, ring*

"Hello, who is this?" Darian asked the phone irritably. "And this had better not be someone trying to sell me insurance."

"Hello," replied a young lady (judging from her voice) seriously, "My name is Nandi Snymaan. I'm calling to congratulate you on being one of the lucky entrants to receive a lifetime subscription to Olympian Anarchy Online and a custom character for your utilisation in said game. If you don't have a, Data-Sub, we will provide your own to you. Do you have questions concerning your prizes?"

'Uh…' that was the only thing going through his mind for a full minute before, he finally realised that she was waiting for his response. Taking a deep breath and mentally slapping himself awake, he asked, "Can I get a matte black pod, please? The white ones just look surgical, it kind freaks me out." He even shivered mentally at the thought. He followed up by asking how long it would take to deliver the material to play the game.

"It depends on where in South Africa you live and whether you live in your own home or if you're renting an apartment." She told him.

It took a further 30 minutes to iron out the details. Lucky he was living in a granny-flat in his parents' yard. That meant he would receive his pod and have it set up by 4 o'clock that afternoon barring any unforeseen circumstances.

Feeling elated, he got up and went into the bathroom for his pre-breakfast ablutions. He paused in front of the full-length mirror to look at himself. Standing 5ft 9in he was well muscled from the swimming, and the MMA he'd doing since the 5th grade when the bullying got worse.

He was a 26-year-old of African descent (Xhosa to be specific) with unusually dark skin, seeing as he had a Japanese father. He inherited his father's slanted eyes, and height while his mother passed on her chocolate brown skin, and afro hair, which twisted into dreadlocks, with 3 sets of corn-rows on each side of his head. What was strange about him was that, his light brown eyes with a mix of green and gold flecks in them.


Later that afternoon, the delivery truck arrived with his pod in tow. It took them an hour and a half to set everything up. Thanking the men when they finished, he skimmed through the manual for the pod and checked for anything that hadn't been in the forums on the game. Running through the final setup, he stepped into the black pod and waited as his mind faded away into the ether of the loading screen.

Welcome to Moirae Inc.'s "Data-Sub"

Your vein, brain, and retina-scan has revealed you are a new user.

Would you like to open a new account?

With an excited smile on Darian Kuroneko's face, he said, "Yes."

Right after he answered, he started to feel his conscious mind slip away. It felt he was sinking a plastic ball pen before a flash of light that came out of nowhere suddenly blinded him. After a moment, waiting for the stinging in his eyes to die down. When he finally opened his eyes, he realised that he was standing barefoot in the middle of a crossroads, on a plateau a thick fog bank surrounded that. In the very center was a woman leaning against a signpost.

"Welcome to Olympia, adventurer." She said, "I am Hecate, goddess of magic and the crossroads." Hecate wore a grey dress with a bronze inlay that made her silver eyes shine. Her black hair piled up and woven with precious stones. Her slender build and medium-sized bust fit her well. Then Hecate continued, "This Is my domain. Whenever a person comes to the crossroads, it means that a choice. Now is the time for you to make your choices." She took a moment as if to collect herself.

"What is your name, mortal?'' she asked." Adarius." Darian said. "Adarius" she repeated. "A Noble name. Now then," she said while waving her arm. "It seems you have been blessed by the "Moirae", thus you shall be gifted with a passive and an active trait of your choice. That will depend on the race you choose. If you look around, you will find your representation of each standing before. This is the first choice you will have to make."

Available Races:

Type: Human

Talent: Adaptability

Though lacking in magical and physical strength, Humans have managed to thrive their versatility and force of will. Thus they are one of the most successful species.

Type: Dwarven

Talent: Metalsmith

A race of short beings with great strength and an even greater love for working metal. They prefer to live in their underground citadels but will leave if the need calls for it. You are unlikely to find anyone better than a Dwarven-blacksmith

Type: Elven

Talent: Mana Sense

A race that has incredibly close ties to nature. Powerful in magical terms, Elves prefer to not deal with the other races.

Type: Beast men

Talent: Animal Senses

Many believe that they are the blessed children of Pan, the god of the wild. Gifted with the special abilities of their respective animal halves.

"There are various bonuses dependant on your chosen race's traits. These are the races currently known among the common folk. Many more will become available as they are discovered, through quests or other player actions." Hecate added as he looked around.

Standing around him were copies of himself as members of the different races. All wearing outfits that similar to his own at the moment, then an idea blossomed in his mind, "I choose the Beast man, but I want a Tigard beast-man." Darian asked the goddess, "Do you think the Fates would allow that?" Hecate tilted her head to the side as listening to something only she could hear. It was a few before the light came back to her eyes and she said, "Yes, it's fine. In concern of your Traits, these are your options."

Suddenly a huge window with a long list of traits he could choose appeared before him. After scrolling through the list for about 15 minutes, Darian, or rather Adarius chose "Serene Mind" which was a passive that boosts Mana Regen and decreased mana cost. It also boosted defence to mental status effects like the charm, confusion and enraged status. He also chose "Lycoan's Curse", it changed his race from "Tigard Beast man'' to "Were-Tigard Beast man", this gave him the ability to transform into the androgynous forms of his animal nature. Thanks to his beastman origins, he doesn't lose control during the full moon, though he will be forced to take his hybrid were-form for that whole night. [Serene Mind] further balances out the effects of [Lycoan's Curse] by suppressing the rage that the transformation induces. Looking at Adarius quickly edited his character, changing his eyes into cat-eyes. He also changed the cornrows on the sides of his head from black to blonde and braided his dreadlocks together at the base of his neck.

"Please choose a beginner village," Hecate commanded. Immediately a map of the continent with the kingdom borders marked out. There were only six small circles coloured green while they marked most of the others in red. There were two more medium-sized circles and one large marked green. Darian decided on Helion Village in the Katagarian Principality. It was a kingdom near the southernmost tip of the continent that governed a cluster of five islands. "Go forth, hero. Destiny awaits you.'' Hecate said before opening a portal.

Nodding in thanks, Darian walked through the portal, ready to see what this game offered him.


Meanwhile, on Mt. Olympus As Darian entered the portal, Zeus was peering into one of the scrying mirrors in Apollo's temple. He was trying to see what was happening in the mortal world. Suddenly the glass of the mirror he was looking through became opaque before clearing to show the clouds of a powerful storm. Slowly, the view moved through the clouds to show a battlefield from above.

As Zeus continued to gaze at the battle going on, he noticed a single warrior leading the charge. From what he could see he was a beastman of a cat species but something seemed off. As he watched the battle ensue, suddenly the scene shifted to show the storm as it began clearing up. As it cleared, the full-moon came into view. As soon as it made it past the cloud cover, the pace of battle changed. Where before the cat's army was on the offensive, they quickly pulled back behind their line of shield bearers. Once behind cover, the cat beastman said something that chilled Zeus to his very marrow.

"The time has come!" he shouted. "Let us show them the power of the true goddess of the moon. Let Selene's light give us strength!!!" As he finished the bones in his body started to shift, his mouth becoming a feline muzzle full of fangs, and his tail growing longer and bushier time with his body. As fur covered his body, it roared so loud it shook the ground. That is when the vision ended, followed by the mirror shattering.

As Zeus stood in complete shock, Apollo appeared looking none too happy to find the cause of the commotion. "Father, if you didn't like what the mirror was showing you. It's probably better to not scry and leave my mirrors in peace, rather than in pieces." Apollo whined. "Can you even imagine what kind of bad luck you could get as king of the gods? That thought is frightening. "Zeus grabbed Apollo, "forget the stupid mirror. We have more troubling matters, boy." At the sight of Apollo's confusion, he glared at the god of prophecy and ordered him to call the rest of the Twelve Olympians to discuss what he saw in while scrying. Flashing himself to the throne in the hall of Olympus, Zeus had one thought rattling in his mind. 'How could they stop this before it awakens the rest of the Titans?'