A Sense of things to come.

On the way back to the village, I entertained myself by watching the adventurers hunt. Few seemed to have any combat experience. They could figure out how to keep control of their opponents. I almost lost my composure when one of them died, kicked to death by a pack of rabbits.

When I asked the guard about the monsters that come out after dark. The only answer I received was a glare before he pointed to a notice board a little further passed the gate. Thanking him, I walked up to the board and looked it over. What I saw was close to a hundred notices and wanted postings. Off to the side was a list from the leatherworkers store asking for leathers of various creatures, including locations, times, and average levels.

A few examples included:

*Wild dog: They find these canids at the edge of the forest covering the slopes of the nearby mountain. Very aggressive, they roam the plains an hour after sunset.

*Spout-tusk Boar: Stout and vicious, these elemental beasts have a tough pelt. Their fur is soft. I think it to assist them in traversing into the water where they eat coral. Usually seen coming to shore from sunrise until high noon.

*Tailed Fox: A cunning and subtle evolution of the fox, these are adept at avoiding discovery. Few people have seen them in this area, but we know them to roam in a variety of environments.

The part near the end was a reminder that the quality of the pelt would decide the price of purchase.

I stood there for a few minutes before moving on to find an inn to spend the night in. Upon reaching the village square, which I came to realise also served as the marketplace. I caught sight of the elder from earlier reclining on a bench next to the fountain. Thinking to myself that there was no one better to ask. I walked over to Clawden, who smiled when he noticed my approach.

"Ah, welcome again, young one. How did your first stroll through the plains treat you?" Was his way of greeting me. He kept going before I could reply. "You seem to have been successful on this hunt at least. I can smell blood on your sword, and your shoes enough." The elder gazed at me curiously as I replied.

"I was fortunate enough to find myself in a position to ambush some foxes mid dispute. they were in the middle of fighting over a kill." I took a breath before asking, "Elder, you wouldn't have an inn to recommend in this beautiful village, would you? I need to prepare to go out again before nightfall."

"Oh. already wanting to have another try, are you?" He asked, "You Come through the East gate now, right? The Adventurer's guild was out of sight to you as came in. If you walk around the fountain towards the northwest, it should the second building on your left on the main road."

At his mention of it, I took a moment to appraise the water fixture. It had a large pool of water that surrounded a statue in the middle as though it was an island. The statue was a relief depicting three humanoids in various poses.

The one on the right was a beastman which lupine ears and tail. They dressed him in armour, which was a balanced mix of medieval and ancient Greek. They crouched him with his spear supported by his raised shield/kopis.

The next was wearing similar armour, but it looked more like a wolf with humanoid features. They captured the statue as it was pouncing on to his prey. The last was a statue of a woman of exceptional beauty, who stood behind the two warriors with her arms wide-spread. she was tall, with wide hips and a generous bust.

They adorned her with a crown that had the various states of the moon adorning the crest. She wore robes that flowed elegantly across her tall frame. A belt that also had lunar reliefs cinched her waist.

I awoke from my musings when a notification appeared.


Totem of Helion Village:

Standing as the spiritual centre of the village. This statue and accompanying fountain stands as a sign of gratitude to the titan Selene. And a reminder of the fate of those who lose themselves to the beast within, should they forsake her guidance?

Legend also says that the last of Lycaon's descendants carved it after news of their ancestors' death the village. When the sculptor finally laid down his tools, Lady Selene appeared before the gathered villagers and told them she was sorry for their loss. She thus cleared the curse from them, leaving the only evidence in their features.

I turned to the elder and asked him, " Are The tribes of the beast-men descended from those infected by King Lycaon ages past?" He took his time to stand up and join me next to the great monument before he answered. "Yes. Initially, all those bitten by Lycaon and his pack turned into werewolves. However, after Mistress Selene lifted the curse. All weres everywhere regained their sanity, but also gained the senses and features of the animals that most represented them closest. Strangely, there were a few who gained the gifts of prey, while many more gained the power of the predators."

Curious, I asked, "Were there any who gained reptilian markings?" Elder Clawden ended up chuckling when he heard my question. He had to catch his breath before he could answer me. "No, young one. The Draconian and their ilk are of much older, darker origins." He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to us. Satisfied in our relative seclusion he continued, "We believe they spawned from the union of gods and demons from the darkest corners of Tartarus. They are some of the most powerful beings to walk this plane of existence. Usually the most trusted guardians of the gods' treasures."

His words left me reeling at their weight. It also brought my "curse of the Were" quest back to the forefront of my mind. 'Well, is this not just the most fucked up a situation to wade through?' was I could think to myself. His next statement compounded this. "Many also think our existence to be a thorn in the Lady Artemis' side. She was the one who hunted the Weres most vigorously."

"A word of caution to you, Young One. Avoid her shrine at any cost, if you can." Smiling, as he saw my surprised face he explained. "I may be an old wolf, but my nose is still as sharp as ever." He turned away after those and started to shuffle off towards the Town Hall. "I've been away from my duties for too long. If you have tomorrow, I might give you a few tasks to handle? Let us see what Selene gifts us on the morrow."