What If My Wife Takes After You And Craves To Eat Food By Me?

Su Meillin was quick to set forth her opinion, "That's because women are lenient towards their man! Talking about me, whenever I brew even a simple tea, I make sure my husband commits the recipe to his memory. In this way, he will never underestimate my cooking! He will validate the efforts I put in!"

Qian Juexi was overwhelmed with an inexorable compulsion to gather blood in his mouth and spit it out! He scratched his head raw, yet couldn't remember the last time his dear wifey entered the perimeter of their kitchen!

"You only brewed tea for me twice, and the inspiration was drawn from your favorite soap opera! If my memories serve me right, then you shifted into a haughty aloof woman right after when the Lady CEO themed drama aired, starring that same heroine. Furthermore, didn't you make me memorize the recipes, because you tend to forget things?!"