Clean Up

Before The Liege realizes what is going on a knife has entered the left side of his brain. It sticks in about one inch and he stares at me in confusion.

I smile as I put my bag of crystals in the Void bag and turn towards the three guards. they are not even sure what just happened as I say, "A Wamit is said to have complete control over fire the second they come into being. I wonder if that's true. Let's find out shell we?"

My hair begins to shorten right before their eyes. My skin turns a lite red. The color of my hair starts changing from green to red and standing up on end when it reaches six inches. My eyes turn red and ears lengthen to points. I smile as they stare in shock and horror.

I look from one to the other and say, "You guys have got to be some of the worst guards in history." One of them comes out of his stupor and reaches for his sword. A smile is still on my face as I say, "To little, to late." A fire appears in each of my hands. I roll my shoulders as the fire starts to engulf my whole body. I throw a fireball hitting the one with his hand on his sword in the stomach he screams as he is set a fire. The one on his left yells, "Shit!" as I send one more hitting him in the face. He screams rolling on the ground.

The last one pulls out a crystal and starts chanting. A thin line of water hits me and he starts to tremble as my fire goes down for a second then blasts larger then before. I rise up in the air in front of him as he starts to cry falling to the ground in fear. I let loose another fireball and he screams as he burns to death. The fire on my body dies down and I move my hand. All the fire in the room dies down and vanishes.

The man I hit in the face is still screaming in pain. I look over at him thrashing on the ground hands on his face. With a smile on my face I walk over to him. Take out my sword and slice his head off. It rolls away from his body his eyes wide open the flesh melted from the bones. Blood flows from the neck and stumps where his hands use to be.

I wait for a few minutes and listen. "Nothing" I wipe the blade of my sword on the guys shirt in front of me before putting it away. I think, "I can fly or at least float when I'm on fire. That is pretty kool." I turn towards the Liege and smile. the woman on the floor is burnt to a crisp and half the bed is gone. The smell of burning flesh is in the air.

I take a step towards Yotal, fear is in his eyes as he makes a, "grunting sound." The knife is still in his head I smile and say, "I'm pretty good with brains. Did you know the left frontal lobe controls speech. If hit just right it can kill or impair someone's speech leaving everything else working just fine.

It will disorientate for a while but that will pass. Normally such a thing is impossible but you have to love magic. The precision is amazing" He watches as my hand turns blue and threads shoot out of my hand pinning him to the bed. "I wouldn't move around to much. That knife in your head, one wrong move and it could shift killing or doing permanent damage and we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

I reach over and lift the young woman's head up, she is still chained. She is still a child. I look her over and run my hand down her naked stomach counting the bruises. "I'd say you haven't been nice to this girl not only does she have five broken ribs but her jaw looks to have been broken in at least two places awhile ago. She has what appears to be some kind of infection on her breasts and I'd say she's what? 10 maybe 12 and pregnant. You really are a piece of work."

I leave the poor girl and pickup the container on the table placing it in my Void bag. I pick up the Ice crystal from where he dropped it and turn to the Liege and say, "Your first mistake was in taking what was mine. Your men came down and took the food I was selling and didn't give me a fair trade. Your second mistake was when I got here and saw you were not worth your existence. So now you will die."

I smile down at him, open his mouth and place the Ice crystal inside. Once his mouth is closed I tap his cheek and say, "Since this is so important to you, I'll let you have it." He stares at me fear in, unable to speak as I take my thread and wrap it around his mouth and nose. I turn away and listen. There is still no more guards.

As I leave the room and I hear him thrashing on the bed the last of his life leaving his body. I head down the hall looking in room after room they all appear to be empty. Over 20 rooms and everyone stripped bare. Finally I get to the end of the hall and open the door.

This room appears to be a babies room. It's done in blacks and blues and is small dark and gloomy. An empty crib is in the corner and a women is starring at me with fear in her eyes. She is holding a baby girl in her arms. The baby appears to be about 1 season old it's hard to tell.

She has lite green hair and orange eyes with yellow skin. I stand there for a few minutes still looking like a Wamit. Then finally I say, "Is that the next air to the Yotal House." The women shakes her head yes and I say, "Don't be afraid I've no intention of hurting her so if you are her caretaker stay here with her and you will be safe."

I turn back down the hall and enter the master bedroom once again. "I've found no more guards in the house." So I look over to the woman on the bed with the now dead Liege. I walk over to the bed retrieve my knife. I wipe it on the Liege's clothing and put it back in my boot. I nod my head as my eyes lock on the child and head outside.

After I'm out in the inner courtyard I reach into my Void bag and pull out a jar that holds a small black flame. I open it and turn it upside down. Once the dog has formed I say, "I want you to protect this bag while I'm gone." He barks and I reach into the bag

Inside the Bag

I appear in my normal room and head into the library. Neens is at a desk reading a book. I clear my throat and once I get her attention I say, "Neens I need you to bring me Viser. Tell her she has a patient. She needs to bring her helpers and any medicine for an abused pregnant girl with an infection on her breasts." Neens runs off and Wizzal comes out. He looks me up and down and says, "A Wamit now, come here I'll need to run some tests." I look at him and say, "Not now I'm busy thinking." I put the Container I got from the Liege on the table and say, "I want to know about this."

Wizzal comes over takes the container and vanishes back into the lab. I walk into my room and am looking in my trap door when Neens returns with Viser. She is an older Florensin bent with age her skin is dark blue and her hair is a very lite green almost white. She is a thin women with purple eyes. The Florensin hair doesn't loose its color like from our world with age. It's more like the color fades away.

I close the door and stand up. Looking at the doctor and her helpers I say, "Hold hands, I need you to tell me if this girl can survive she maybe of use to me." Once they are all holding hands I touch the doctor on the shoulder then reach into the bag and we all vanish.

Outside the Bag

We are standing in the courtyard my fire dog sitting beside us. I point into the house and say, "Straight ahead you will see her. Don't mind the dead body." I'm about to leave when I sigh. "Wait I'll have to help." I leave the bag with Darkness and lead them into the house. When we get to the room the doctor gasps as she is standing in the doorway. I stop, look at her and say, "What have you never seen a dead body?"

I look down at the cuff around the girls neck and change my left hand to normal. I remove the knife from my boot, sit on the bed and lean over the girl as she stares up at the ceiling. After turning the girls neck so I expose the link that hooks to the chain. I cut through the link using the black fire knife blade. The cuff falls away revealing a bruised and battered neck. I put away the knife and stand. As I'm brushing off my pants I say, "Now you can take her. If I were you I'd use the room next doors. There is a bed in there but nothing else."

The doctor jumps as we hear screams coming from outside. I get up and leave as the doctor and the assistants work there way through the burnt room. One of the assistants almost barfs when he gets close to the charred bodies. The smell is still heavy in the air. I head to the court yard and see Darkness sitting where I left him. Ten blackened and burnt bodies around him. I pet him as I pass him and say, "That's a good boy."

As I head pass the doors to the garden a man jumps out. I grab him by the throat and my hand catchers fire. I drop him still screaming as I head out into the entry area. That's where I see the Lizardmen snapping and growling at each other. I smile and get to work. I shoot my thread at the first one and watch as he hits the ground snapping and struggling to get free. I let another thread loose and the next thread winds around his snout locking his jaws together.

I turn to the next one and do the same. There are over 500 Cawlway in this massive courtyard. At one time it had probably been used to train troops. Once I move beyond the main house I come across a rundown looking barracks. There is a training hall, archery range, stables for Raybacks, riding areas and kennels.

Everything looks like someone has ripped anything of value out of the places and left them to rot away. I find a small school house and doctors office even a library but not one book or herb in the place. The weapons store house is empty as well as the root cellar and storage shed. After that I decide to go into the over grown garden and I find a door hidden by the statue missing its head.

I am about to check it out when I am disrupted by the doctor. "Master I need to bring this girl to the caves she is stable enough but we don't know for how long. Also once whatever chemical she is on wears off she will be in a lot of discomfort. She may have withdrawals as well. I can't be sure till I know what she is on." I sigh look at the woman and follow her into the inner courtyard. She flattened herself up against the wall as we pass Darkness shuffling sideways. I get annoyed and straighten her up pushing her towards the house and into the bedroom where the child lies.

Two men pick the child up and follow us. As we bring her into the courtyard where Darkness sits patiently waiting beside the Space bag. I smile at him and give him a pet. The other assistants hold onto the two holding the girl and the doctor holds onto them. I touch the doctor and reach into the bag and we all vanish.