Outside the Bag
Here I am standing yet again in the inner courtyard next to Darkness. He patiently waits beside the bag. I smile down at him and say "Good Boy" As I pick up the bag and I head to the outer courtyard Darkness follows behind me. I walk over to the first Cawlway and reach down. I cut the chain from it's neck and place one of it's tied claws into the bag.
It vanishes and I look at Darkness. Lucky the bag is flame proof cause I tell him. "Once I'm gone bring this bag back where I got it from and continue to watch over it." The last thing I see as I place my hand in the bag is Darkness sitting there waging his tail. Small black sparks slit off with each sweep of the tail before they dissipate into thin air.
Inside the Bag
Wizzal is coming up the small hill from the waters edge. A jar In his hand. The Cawlway is next to me on the ground. It's struggling to get free and growling around the thread keeping his snout shut. Wizzal looks down at the band around his neck. There is a lock on the band so I lean down and using my black fire blade knife I remove it so I can pass it to him. Blood drips from the puncture marks in the Cawlway's neck.
As Wizzal is examining the band I remove the two wrist bands and a tingling goes up my arm. I stand up and hold them out to him. As he is looking at the band in his hand he runs his fingers over the sharp crystals as he mutters, "The use of Lightning crystals as well runes and what looks like shards of Shine crystals. A very unique and dangerous device."
He takes the wrist bands from me and inhales in surprise as he drops them his hand shaking. "Damn" he says as he picks them back up and places them in his Void bag. I look at him in surprise as he says, "I must get these back to my lab. They must be studied. There are Dark stone dust in these."
I look at him in surprise I hadn't realized that when I touched the bands." He looks down at the Cawlway still struggling and asks, "What are you gonna do with him." I place my foot on top of him and say, "Do you really want to know?" Looking at the creature he says, "Tempted but no, not really." I smile at him and reply, "Good answer by the way I need you to figure out how to make more crystals." He looks at me in shock and says, "Are you mad they are natural creations? No one knows how they are made." He stops for a few minutes in thought as I hear him mutter. "If I create the same conditions where they are normally formed I maybe able to create some….. no that will not do….. maybe…." After a good ten minutes of his muttering I shake my head smiling and I take him by his upper arms and take flight. The flight up is harder then coming down and I have to beat my wings hard to go higher and higher.
Wizzal looks down one last time and says, "If we make a habit of this I'm gonna have to make some new way of travel. You are killing my arms." I laugh and pump my wings again. Going higher through gritted teeth I say, "If we do can you loss some weight. You are a pretty big guy for someone so small and are getting heavy. You have got to weigh a ton." He laughs as we continue to climb.
I hear him say, "How did you take my handful of seeds and turn it into this?" In answer I say, "I'll tell you when we get above. You should figure out a way to make this easier next time."
We burst into the tunnel a few minutes later. As we pass the entrance a light fills it followed by a burst of air pushing us up. I keep my wings open and the gust carries us through the trap door. I quickly close my wings and land almost hitting the ceiling. As my wings vanish I say, "It's normally not that hard and in the real world I can catch up drafts. How heavy are you?"
He turns to me and says, "That's not important. What about all those trees?" I smile and pull a jar of clear liquid out of my Void bag you can see a clear crystal in the middle of the jar. I say, "This is what I used. I used an empty crystal to make it and I pulled the magic from your sand. After it's added to the trees they start to multiple until they filled the whole area. Some appeared in areas where the roots couldn't get a good hold so they fell over, but once they filled the area they stopped multiplying. This liquid sand is now created by the crystal in this jar."
Neens and Rayba are standing in the doorway listening and looking at us with concern in their eyes. Wizzal grabs the jar and I say, "I want the seeds back." He just walks out the door ignoring me saying, "That's not important right now. I'll look into a updraft soon. Right now I need to examine this, the bands, also there is.... Oh, Hello doctor, sorry have you been waiting long?"
At that point the doctor steps up from beyond the view of the door. Wizzal and her vanish as they talk heading into the lab. I turn back to the trapdoor roll my shoulders and open the door jumping in I fall down through the darkness. It don't take me long to find the Cawlway I'd left behind.
He is looking around at whatever he can see being tied up. I land beside him and cut the thread holding his snout shut. He looks at me and works his jaws alittle saying, "Thank you for removing me from captivity I wasn't of sound mind. Could you untie me so we can talk?" I don't move to remove his binding as I look down at him.
A smile crosses my face as I said, "Let me explain your current predicament." My smile vanishes and I look at him with contempt. "You are in a world that you can't get help in. In fact you and I are the only intelligent creatures on this level. It's a land that your people will live in but you are all my slaves. This swamp you are in goes on for over 1000 miles in all directions. Your people will be able to live here with no one interfering but me. If I call your people will come or die. It's that simple. You on the other hand will not see another day." I pause thinking, "Well I am a fair person so you do have a small chance."
I open my wings as I look down at him my claws lengthen my skin turns my copper tan color. My tail lashes from side to side. As this happens I pick him off the ground by the threads and I say, "I'm looking forward to this. I've never hunted an intelligent creature in such a manner. Remember to make this fun run and fight for all your worth consider it for the future of your people." I cut the threads with my claw and as he falls on his butt I say, "I suggest you start running. If you can survive for 15 minutes I'll let you live. Now run!" Fear fills his eyes as he stares up at me. His only word is, "Monster." As he turns his back on me and plunges into the green murky water.
I wait for a few minutes before giving chase. I take to the skies and use my clear eyelids. In less then 5 minutes I've located his deep blue magic signature. It is larger then any others in the area. I am high above the water and he is moving through the water at a high speed. I smile and close my wings heading into a dive. I am almost upon him when he dives deeper into the water. I smile even bigger as I dive in after him.
No sooner have I landed in the water then he turns on me and I see a huge mouth full of sharp teeth coming straight at my throat. I block the teeth with my arm. His bone crushing teeth close onto my arm and blood starts to fill the water as he rips my arm sideways. A surprised look fills his eyes. All he manages to do is flesh damage. I smile and my claws make contact with the side of his face as I use his grip to pull us closer together.
He lets go, the left side of his face is busted and his eye is now useless. He turns to swim away and I grab his tail. His tail lashes from side to side as he pulls us through the water. "This is amusing," I think as he tries to lose me by going between two rotten logs laying in the water. That is his mistake as I use the logs to get leverage in the water and pull him to me ripping his stomach open. I watch as blood fills the water and I come up gasping for air.
I pull the Cawlway out of the water after me. His stomach is ripped open and his intestines are spilling out. A smile is on my face as I take his head in my hands and rip his skull from his lower jaw. I can hear the bones snap and break as I pull his head apart going after his brain. "It's a lot more fun to kill something that can think for itself. I'll have to do this again." I think as I lick the blood from my claws.
After my meal I wash myself up and I look at my arm as the last of the damage vanishes. I turn back into my human form. Then look around at the now calm water and the bloody mess that is behind me on the hill. I take to the air and find another spot after a few minutes flight. I stretch and reach into the bag.
Outside the Bag
I find myself standing next to Darkness once again. I pickup the bag and Darkness follows behind me as I head to the outer courtyard. I walk up to the first Cawlway and get to work cutting the chains and placing them all in the bag one by one. As I finish night has finally fallen. I smile down at Darkness who is still following behind me and I say, "One last time tonight. You know what to do." I put my hand in the bag and vanish.
Inside the Bag
I look around and move the Cawlway around till I find the bag. I pull six baskets out of the Void bag and set them beside me. Then cut the bands on the first Cawlway dropping them in the baskets. After a few minutes intelligence comes back into his eyes and I cut his bindings.
He sits up looking at me as I say, "Hello slave, I'm your new Master. You are to address me as such or pay the consequence. Take a good look around. This land is mine and you can do as you please as long as you answer my call when I need you. That goes for all of your kind here." I point to all the Cawlway still struggling and growling on the ground around us.
I pull a knife out of my Void bag. The knife is a flame knife. It is steel and has a fire stone in the hilt. Symbols weave up the handle. When grabbed the symbols light up and the crystal is activated. The blade gets red hot and the crystal heats up the blade. it can cut through almost anything. I drop the blade on the ground with ten others and say, "I want all the bands in those baskets. Once you free everyone the knifes as well." I walk over to a nearby tree and a barrier goes up around me. I reach into the bag.
Outside the Bag
I look around and sniff. The smell of fresh burning flesh is in the air. I see 11 blackened bodies on the ground. That's one extra. Darkness looks very happy with himself. I pick up the Space bag and give Darkness a pet saying, "Good boy." I take a jar out of my Void bag and open the cover after Darkness has entered the jar and I've stored it in the bag again I look around the darkness.
That is when I hear the sound of faint crying. I follow it, entering into the house. The sound gets louder as I move down the long hall. Once I get to the end I enter into the babies room. I look around and I see the baby in the crib and no one else. I walk over to the crib and step back as the smell of poop hits my nose. I look around and grab a black blanket and wrap the little crapper tightly up. Her cries get louder as I take another blanket and pick her up.
I head out the door baby crying as I dangle her in the air in my right hand by the blanket. I walk out of the house, through the courtyard and out the front gates. The baby screams are getting louder her face is beat red. She cries louder and louder in her discomfort. I walk past my inn. The baby is dangling in the blanket and people step in the doorway watching as I pass. Whispers can be heard. I keep going until I reach the alchemist shop.
The herbalist isn't here so I follow his scent through the streets till I come to the backdoor of the medical supply shop. I knock on the door and the door shakes as I hit it. The baby is still crying loudly her face beat red. He comes to the door saying, "I'm coming, I'm coming. What do you want at this hour of night?"
When he opens the door I push the crying baby in his hands. He stares down at it in surprise. It takes a few minutes for him to wake up enough to realize something isn't right and he says, "Wait a minute. What's going on? I don't know the first thing about babies. Where did she come from? I can't take care of her."
I turn away and over my shoulder I say, "You did say the next air to the House of Yotal is your only hope. Raise her right and she can be the hope of this town," I stop and think for a minute then continue, "Say hello to Emma Yotal. In the morning you can go to the Yotal house where she belongs, but if I were you I'd stay away tonight." With that I vanish into the darkness leaving behind a very confused man and a screaming baby.