Starting the Adventure

I have just finished my classes a few days ago. It's now time to wrap up this part of my life. I leave the dorm for the last time and head down the darkened street. There are a few things I start thinking about as I head through the town.

First thing is a day many years ago. I was really excited one day in my second season of school. I was trying to look up a beast to do a beast report for Magical Beast 102. I find myself in the library looking through books in the beast section. When one book catches my attention.

"Beasts of Lapeta"

The book has a red leather binding. I pull it off the shelf and on the front is the symbol for the god of fire. "Lapeta was his island given to him by the creator before he was destroyed." I think as I open the book. I thumb quickly through the pages and see the words "Bulbrib." I thumb back through the pages until I come back to the page.

My eyes get big as I look at the drawing. I think, "I've got to find one of these." There in the book stood one of my favorite fantasy creatures or at least a relative. As I scan the picture with my eyes a get even more excited after I read the description. The creature is magnificent an adult can grow over 500 feet long. It looks like a snake with a magenta back and orange body.

Spikes grow down it's back and the tail has five curved barbs sticking out in all directions. It has two very strong looking front arms that look some what human. Claws and sharp teeth. What catches my attention is the face. It's shape is like an eastern dragon with bat like ears that end in five spikes. It's head is covered in sharp spikes. It has two huge bat like wings. The caption says it can talk and breaths fire and poison gas.

"A dragon, a dragon, It's a dragon. I have to meet one." I think almost dancing around the book shelves in my excitement. "Ever since I was a kid I've dreamed of dragons. This picture it's weird but definitely a dragon." So meeting a Bulbrib snake is on my adventure list.


Yotal's powder

It takes Wizzal a few weeks to analyze the powder from Liege Yotal's bedroom. It's a rare and expensive herbal mix. The mix has been outlawed for hundreds of years, but in Party houses(adults only) you hear about it from time to time. The powder was once used regularly.

There are two ways it is/was used. The way Yotal was using it is when it's unlit. The other way has a far darker history. It was using in the time of slavery. There was a special room that was used for slaves. The room was circular and in the center was a round bed loaded with pillows. The slaves would be brought in and chained low down. They could only rise to their knees. There were four posts around the bed to high for the slaves to reach.

On top of the posts people would come in and place four brass containers one on each post filled with the herbs. They would be lit and the room evacuated. In minutes the room filled up with smoke. The poor victims would be trapped and become complacent. In 10 minutes wind crystals would activate and pull all the smoke out of the room.

People would come in once more cover the containers and leave. The affects lasted for at least 6 hours. Many unwilling slaves and people were taken advantage of or killed and abused in these rooms all those years ago. When slaves become illegal the use of this drug quickly followed and the rooms destroyed.


Spirit plate

A small issue I've found is my age. Shortly before my first yearly exam for the adventures guild Wizzal made a spirit plate so he could examine my different shapes. When we tested my normal shape it said I was a Dark Beast. Wizzal has no clue what that is. He has never heard of it before. Then he looked at my age. It said 18 a year has past and my age hasn't.

He checked all my shapes they all says the same thing. After all these years it still say 18. He has started recording my hair length, body size, weight, everything he can think of and I haven't changed this whole time. So first thing I'll have to do is move down the road cause I don't think it will take much longer for people to realize I'm not changing.

It took a few weeks to figure out how to change my age on the wrist band he gave me. It's funny it's always the small things that cause trouble.


Wimit powder

The black powder that Wimit I killed in Bilge town turned out to be a herb from The Kingdom of Torc. It's used like any tranquilizer. It's usually used to capture large beasts with the help of the Lizeli flowers. In my case, slaves maybe illegal but it don't mean they are still not used. Rare and gifted people can be captured and sold for breeding purposes or other reasons. Sadly places like Bilge town where law is not active things like that happen.


Speaking of Bilge town Emma is now 6 seasons old and from what I've heard everyone loves her. She is still the hope and dreams of that town and everyone does everything they can to teach her. The herbalist turns out to be names Orthota. He is her caretaker and acting regent. last year he started bringing her into the confidence room and the people of the town comes to them to get answers.

True to his word he is already training her to take over the town. The town has turned around and from what I've heard they now have a full guard at the House of Yotal, and others protect the streets. People are returning to the town. The outer fields are productive again cause they are being supplied with the items they need to grew a healthy harvest.


Beasts of the village of Zochnat

Wizzal is still trying to study the Collars from Zochnat village. The biggest issue with them is if you remove the collar from the beast it disintegrates. 10 minutes after the beast dies the collar disintegrates. If I store the bodies in my Void bag when I remove them they disintegrates.

Even if a capture a beast and bring it to him. In 10 minutes after sense it losses connection with the owner it disintegrates. Basically no matter what we do we have 10 minutes to study them before they disintegrates. I have to knock them out, and put them in my Space bag. I also got to make sure Wizzal is ready for the incoming beast. With the help of the herb from the Wimit I have been able to easily knock some out for examination.


I pull myself back to the present as I get to my destination. I'm in the western warehouse district of Azar. This building hasn't been used in years. I take a sniff and can't smell anyone yet. I grow my wings and take to the air landing on the red shingled roof. I can see the two moons high in the sky as I walk across the roof. When I come to a line of skylights that go all the way down the roof I stop.

kneeling down I open the window and click the well used hinge of this window into the open position. I've been using this place for years so I'd replaced this hinge years ago. I lay down on the roof close my eye and listen as I wait. It don't take long before I hear voices coming down the dark road. Some men are laughing as they come my way. One voice I recognize.

Man 1 "Hey dude you better be right about this."

Sizar "It's legit. You are not the first people I've brought here. I'm telling you. She can get you out of this town."

Man 2 "I hope so. I'm just so tired of this town. If you aren't human you don't get nothing."

Man 3 "Tell me about it. You see this thing. My boss put it around my neck yesterday saying, "You now work for me. So you are my property now." It s*ck I don't want to be anyone's property."

Man 1 "hahaha regardless you are now a slave. Fool."

Man 3 "I'm no ones slave. As soon as I figure out how to break the magic on this thing I'm out of here."

They finally come to the door. I hear Sizar say, "This is the place." I hear the door open and continue to listen. I can picture the inside of the warehouse old crates strewn about the place. A stack of old board in the corner. Each step dust rises. I hear one of them cough.

Man 2 "You sure this is the place? Seems kinda empty and dark."

Sizar "That's what. Secret meeting is suppose to be."

I listen to them chat for a good 15mins before they start getting angry. The fourth man still hasn't said a word.

Man 2 "I'm tired of waiting. She either isn't coming or you are playing us."

Sizar knows the drill and I can picture his leaning against the crates near the left side of the door relaxing as he says, "Relax she will be here." Another 10 mins and I can hear them about to blow.

Man 2 "This is bull sh*t. If she don't get here in 2 minutes I'm gonna kick your ass."

I hear Sizar laugh

Man 2 "You think this is funny."

I hear the sound of rustling.

Man 1 "You better wipe that stupid look off your face."

I open my eyes. Stand then stretch. I turn to the open window and step through the window. Air rushes past me. I open my wings to land softly. Before I speak I see two pairs of eyes looking at me. One belongs to Sizar and as I watch a huge grin crosses his face. The other is from the quiet guy in the corner who hasn't said a word this whole time.

I close my wings and start walking toward them. Sizar says, "Hey Master. Did you find out anything good?" I smile at him as the three with their backs to me spin around one says, "Holy Sh*t!" All three take a step back. I turn toward the man with a collar around his neck. He looks scared as he gulps.

He has green hair with green skin and pointy ears. He's tall and thin with green pants and a blue shirt. I says, "Gunic what is your name?" He looks confused as he says, "Shalac." I think for a minute and say, "Do you want to get out of this town? You said earlier no one owned you. This is your chance. Go back to your life or come with me. You must be my slave instead but you can make a future of your own. Have a house, kids, friends, the only thing is when I need you, you come. You must also call me Master or there will be consequences."

He stands there thinking for a minute then he asks, "Do I have to wear a collar?" He points to the metal engraved collar around his neck. I smile and say, "No" He look around and says, "Guess I've got nothing to loose." He falls down on his knees and says, "From this day forth I'll be your slave." I smile reach down and take my fire knife from my boot.

I reach towards his neck, tilt his head to the right and my knife cuts through the collar like butter. A look of surprise fills his eyes when it falls to the ground with a thunk! He jumps up and says, "I can't believe it. I'm free." The other two fall to their knees and I pass them by and walk over to the man leaning up against the crates. He's got a dangerous feel about him and watchful eyes.

His skin is white and his hair is white. He is thin and tall with pointy ears. He dresses in orange with a long sleeve shirt. His belt is a thin silver ribbon like material that streams down his thigh about a foot. He watches me alert and I watch him. He doesn't move an inch as he waits. I stop about five feet in front of him and say, "What is a a Toram assassin doing coming here."

He looks at me with no expression as he says, "I see no reason not to come here." I smile and say, "If you want to have someone to follow I can be your Master." He doesn't say a word. I turn from him and look at Sizar, "You ready to go home." Sizar jumps up and walks over to Shalac. He looks at Shalac puts his hand on his shoulder and says, "You want to get a drink." Shalac shakes his head yes and says, "Sure I'm game."

Sazar looks over at the assassin and says, "Master, What about him?" I stop next to Sazar. Then look over at the assassin and say, "He's unsure." I grab Sazar wrist lightly and put it in the Space bag. I feel it slip out of my hand as they both vanish into the bag. I look around, man 1 and 2 are still kneeling. I walk up to them and look down at them.

After a few minutes they say, "What about us? We will pledge to be your slaves." I continue to look at them and after a few more minutes I say, "If that's true why has your heart been beating so much sense you got here." Man 2 says, "We have been scared."

I turn away look up at the ceiling and say, "No it's not the beat of fear. I know that beat very well. It's something else. Oh, what is that beat?..... Now I remember." I turn towards them and this time their hearts and eyes are filled with fear. I slam my hands into each of their chests as I say, "It's a lier and deceivers heart beat."

The look of shock covers their faces mouths wide open. The one on the right opens and closes his mouth making small gasping noises. I remove my hands from their chats cavity's. They fall over dead. I lick the blood off my fingers and turn towards the assassin. I say, "Meet me at Zochnat town in a few days if you decide to serve me. With that my wings vanish. I leave the warehouse for the last time and head towards the nearest well.