
I look around and see the bars are connected to a pulley system. I bend down and remove my knife from my boot. After examining to pulley system I throw my knife at one of the ropes. The knife slices through the rope and continues on till it hits the far wall of the cave.

With that the bars go up and I follow the trail of the blind man. I follow the small path through the stalagmites heading in a downward direction. It don't take long till I come to a calm water bed. It goes about 20 feet and hits a wall. I change my shape to that of a Cawlway. Then I jump in and start swimming. When I get near the wall I can feel a small current. I think about turning back but the Cawlway are very good swimmers so I take a chance.

As soon as I get within a few feet of the hole in the wall. The current gets really strong and pulls me through. Im spun around for a few minutes before I come up in a underground river. I look around as the water tosses me back and forth pulling me down stream. Looking around I realize the blind man is long gone and I dive back into the water.

I dive for the bottom of the river where the current is the weakest and swim upstream. It don't take long for me to find the hole in the wall. With a few swift swipes of my tail I'm back through. I grab the side of the hole to help pull myself through. Once in I head for the surface and swim to the shore. I climb out of the water and start walking back to the lab as I change back to my human form.

I close my eye when I get back to the lab. I wonder, "Are the beasts still attacking the walls? No matter I'll find out about that tomorrow." I spend a few hours shifting through the charred mess left behind. I find nothing of use and frustrated I go down to the cold water to clean the up. Once I'm clean I head back to the lab and up the stairs.

I'm about to let myself out the back door of the Alchemy shop when I stop and change to my Florensin shape. I walk back to the trapdoor and open it. I place my hands on the stone ledge. As I watch the stone stairs start to break apart. Collapsing into the cave below. The last four top stairs start coming my way and in mere minutes the floor under the trapdoor is solid. I lay the door back on the now smooth floor and listen. After a few minutes of hearing steady snores I stand and look around.

I remember something Wizzal said not long ago, "I need more supplies. I can't do my work without the proper equipment." I smile as I look around at all the crates of supplies and using my thread I start removing crates and tools from the shelves. I take out a Shine crystal and put it on the table as I move into the store. For hours I'm stripping the shop of items. As daylight starts coming I change my change to a Wimit and continue my work.

I've cleared out over half the stuff in the store and everything in the backroom when I hear sounds from the second floor. I quickly use my thread to grab everything left on the top two shelves and pull them into the Void bag. With that I leave through the back door. I head down the empty street. I sniff the air and head towards the baker. She is an elderly woman with lite almost white green hair and dark orange skin. As I pass her she looks surprised.

I smile nod to her and she waves back and says, "Morning." A confused look is on her face. I pass by and down the road. Shortly after I slide into an alley and change back to human. I wait for a good five minutes and head back towards her. I smile when I see her and say, "Do you have any muffins this morning."

She looks confused and it takes a minute for her to respond, "Oh, aaaaaa yes, of course I do Lizeli. Did you just see a Wimit pass by a few minutes ago?" I look at her in surprise as I follow her into the store, "No can't say I have. They usually don't come to this town. Am I right?" She watches me as I pick the muffins I want. Then as I pay and she bags them up she says, "Yes you are correct that's why I find it so strange." I smile at her and say, "It's probably nothing." With that I wave goodby and say, "Hope you have a nice day." She waves and says, "same to you."

I head the way I came and towards my house muffins in hand. I've made it halfway to my house when I can hear a muffled commotion near the town square. I get to my house and put the muffins on the kitchen table before heading to the front gate. When I get to the front gate I smile at the guards as they let me leave and ask, "How did last nights monster attack go?" The guard looks at me and says, "Strangest thing about 10:00 they suddenly lost interest and left. Haven't been a quiet night like last night in over 6 years."

I look at him in surprise and ask, "You have any clue what changed?" They both shake their heads no. I pass through the gates and head into the woods. After a few minutes I come to a field. When I get to the field I reach into my Space bag.

Inside the Bag

I find myself in my room. Very little has changed in the five years I've been in school. There are a lot more book then there use to be in the library. I head through to the lab. I first stop in the doorway of Wizzal's bedroom off his lab. He is sound asleep. I smile before I head back into the lab and walk over to another side room. This room was added a few years ago and is for new deliveries. I start pulling things out of my Void bag. It's far easier to remove things then put them in.

After a few hours I've half filled the room with piles of crates and items I got in the alchemy shop. What took me 5 hours to pack only took two hours to unpack. As I'm pulling out the last few items Wizzal comes over. He is still wiping sleep from his eyes. Wizzal has lost some weight in the five years I've been in school. He is still a big guy but his belly half shrunk to half its original size. His mustache has lost some of its bushiness. The yellow is now almost completely white.

He yawns as he is looking at all the stuff I brought. When I straighten up and turn to leave he says, "It's bout time you bring me some good supplies." I pat him on the shoulder as I pass him to leave the the room. I say, "You should thank the black market." He looks surprised as I leave the room and head through the library and out the front doors.

The town has changed a lot. Five years ago there was ten houses not including Wizzal's workshop/library. Now everywhere you look there is new businesses. The streets are still bare in the early morning. The Kasca or wind spirits were the first people I'd brought to this town. Now there are the Wamit people and Limpit people as well. Humans live peaceful and go to the same schools as the other creatures. You can even find some Salvan people(earth spirits) and Toram thanks to the work of Sizar.

The houses are made of earth or orange stone and the roofs are made of crystal blue grass or red stone shingles. You can find, bread stores, schools, forges, magic shops, clothing stores and more. When I bring in supplies they go to a central supply depot. From there people go and get what they need. After that it all depends on what you do with what you decide to get.

I've choosen a young trustworthy Florensin named Milvit to help me with supplies. People now go to him with what they have made or what not. Every two weeks I bring him to town and he sells or trades the stuff for people. They also give him lists of what they want or need. In order to do this I had Wizzal make another Spacebag. I had both us put stuff in the bag at the same time. Wizzal was shocked when the bag got linked to us both. Milvit will then bring the items to the supplies depot where people can go pickup their stuff.

As I'm heading to the Rayback field I pass a jewelry shop and butcher. Llama was the first of many Partma brought to this town. They now breed them for meat. I see a new bar has opened up as well as a cafe. I stop by the supply depot and drop off some items I've collected for the town. When I get to the Rayback field I'm greeted with a honk of excitement as Llama comes running over to me. I scratch him on the head and give him a treat.

He is now fully grown and the father of many of the current kids running around the Partma field. Llama prefers to stay with the Raybacks unless it's breeding season. Iota is sitting in the field looking depressed. I shake my head and wander over to him. I sit down and say, "You really miss it that much." He shakes his head yes and I ruffle his hair. He looks annoyed as I say, "You are 19 time to grow up." I stand brush off my pant and say, "Follow me."

As I walk to the forest edge he shuffles after me. His head down, shoulders slumped and hands limply at his sides. I pull out a crystal from my Void bag it looks like a Shine crystal the edges are sealed with Dumat. Dumat is a silver metal with a blue tint. It also conducts magic better then any other metal. In between two slices of Shine crystal there is a Space crystal. Ruins run across the metal.

This is the very device that allows me to manipulate this space. When we get to the woods I start walking along the edge of the woods. Iota watches me getting annoyed. I finally get to where I want then I bend down. As he watches I place my hand that holds the crystal on the ground. A light blasts out from three points of the crystal. One shoots right into the woods. We can see it weave through the trees as the line extends.

In a few minutes we can see it cut a line straight across the mountain miles away. The other two curve around and follow the tree line. They make a complete circle of the town and all the fields around it meeting on the other side of the town. Iota watches in surprise as the forest on the other side of the line starts to shake. Flying creatures take to the sky the animals in the forest start calling out in fear. The very forest starts to move.

It's like someone just cut the land in half and is removing the extra. The land parts and the forest starts moving away. Iota stares in shock as a huge black void over 50 deep appears in front of us. As he watches it keeps widening and the mountain in the distance cracks along the line. The two halves separate and a huge valley of darkness appears in the gap.

I stand and the land stops shaking. I brush my hands off as I look at the Void and smile, "That a good two acres wide. It also goes all the way around the town. If you can't make a track it's your own fault." I put the crystal in my bag. When I turn to Iota I can see people gathering behind us. Iota is just staring in shock. Looking back at the Void I can see Florensin peaking out of both sides of the caves.

One man steps up to me and says, "Master does this mean you decided to grant my request for more land to raise fish eggs." I look at him and say, "That will be for the town to decide. The circle around the town belongs to Iota. The flat land that goes through the mountain and forest is up to you guys." Iota looks at me in surprise and says, "What am I gonna do with a cliff?"

I shake my head and say, "I forgot you have never seen this. In about three days this whole area will be flat dirt. I'll come and fill your circle with a mountain of dirt for you. Then you can make your maze race." He looks at me in confusion and says, "What good is dirt?" I flick his forehead and say, "You are a Florensin right?" I change my hand to a Florensin and pick up a hand full of dirt I make a fist and when I open it a small pebble is in my hand.

I drop the pebble and say, "Use what's in your blood this is a chance to design your own race track." He looks surprised then frustrated as he says, "What about Raybacks and riders? I don't have anyone to race against." I laugh and walk away as I say, "That is your problem. Look behind you and you will see Raybacks. Also there are over 500 Florensin in the caves. You can't tell me some don't qualify to race. Train them and nothing says a track has to be underground. Stop making excuses and do what you want." With that the crowd parts for me talking with excitement.

I walk over to one of the wagons and hook one of the poles on the back of one. Then I slide the bag over the pole and it vanishes. I call Fuma and FuRa and they come running. After I blindfold them I send them into the bag. I reach into the bag.

A/N sorry I've almost got a second chapter ready but my charger has stopped working. So it maybe a few days till I can get another charger and finish the chapter I'm working on to you. I apologize for this issue.