
After shutting the door to my closet-sized bedroom, I zombie-walked to the bed and collapsed face-down on the mattress. A moment later, I shifted around so that I lay on my back as I stared up at the ceiling, the light illuminating the room in a soft glow.

I should dry my body and hair properly and then put on my pajamas, I thought tiredly. But then, the bed was so soft under me and I didn't want to get up. Plus, it felt quite nice without clothes on, especially in this heat.

I spread my arms out, relaxed, and was about to doze off when Aiden's face appeared in my mind's eye. Then I remembered the hug he had given me back in the car, and the way he had caressed my cheek. I remembered his warmth, the hardness of his body, and his smell that was so unique to him. The scent that I loved.

"Aiden." I groaned his name softly under my breath. "Aiden."

I flicked my eyes opened, feeling restless.

What the hell was wrong with me? My body felt hot and my heart was racing.

I sat up, and it was only then that I realized I had a hard-on.

Fuck! I was totally turned on by just thinking about Aiden. How sicker could I get?

My dick was sticking up like a steel pole beneath the towel, begging for some hot action. I sighed in resignation. There was no way out of it. I would have to finish this off quickly and then go to sleep.

I was about to unwrap the towel from my waist and proceed to masturbate when a few knocks came at the door.


I panicked.

"Haru?" It was Aiden calling my name.

Double fuck and double panic. I glanced at my stupid hard-on beneath the towel and then at the door.

A few more knocks came.

"Haru? Are you asleep? I'm coming in."

No! I wanted to shout at him. Don't you dare come in, Aiden!

The door handle turned, and I wanted to yell at him to stop right there. But my voice had apparently deserted me when I needed it most.

The door cracked open, and I had no choice but to flop back onto the bed and feign sleep. I turned on my side so that my back was facing the door. This way Aiden wouldn't see me having a hard-on.

"Haru?" I heard Aiden say as he came toward me. "You left your clothes in the bathroom."

I shut my eyes and forced myself to breathe deeply and slowly, as if I was deep in my slumber.

I heard him say softly, "He's asleep."

A moment later, I heard his footsteps coming toward the bed, and I held my breath. Shit! Shit! Shit!

I felt his hands stroking my wet hair and then the side of my face. Oh, fuck! Not good. My whole body was heating up even more now, and my dick was getting even harder.

His touches were so gentle on my skin that I wanted to groan out loud in pleasure. I actually wanted to purr like a freakin' cat. Fuck! Who wasn't going to be turned on by that?

"Haru, if you sleep like that, you'll catch a cold," he said in disapproval. "I thought I told you to dry your body and hair properly. Haru?"

I pretended I didn't hear him. After all, I was supposed to be asleep.

Suddenly, I felt his warm breath on my face. I knew he was very close, like inches close, and my body squirmed in response.

I couldn't help myself and instinctively turned my face to him, my eyes half opened, like I had just roused from a deep sleep.

"Aiden?" I whispered softly under my breath. I didn't know why but I suddenly felt tears brewing in my eyes.

Shit! What the fuck was wrong with me? Just because Aiden was here, I broke down just like that? Seriously?

"What's wrong?" he asked, wiping tears from my eyes like the nice stepbrother that he was.

I bit my lower lip, shaking my head to indicate that nothing was wrong with me. But I knew my face showed otherwise. I probably looked like some kid with a crying face begging desperately for help.

"It's okay, you can tell me," Aiden said soothingly. "I'm here to help. I want to help you, Haru."

God! Why the fuck did he have to be so nice and kind and caring and so freakin' gorgeous? Why did he have to be my stepbrother? Why did I have to go fall in love with him? Why?

The very thought made my heart ache with emotions. I couldn't help myself and whimpered.

"It hurt, Aiden," I said brokenly. "It hurt here." I touched the left side of my chest. I knew I sounded stupid, acting like a kid begging for his attention, but I couldn't help myself.

"I want it to go away," I said. "I want to stop loving..."

"Shh..." He soothed me, stroking my forehead. "I know how much it hurts," he said softly.

"Then how do you make it go away?"

He smiled at me gently. "You have to give it time, Haru. I don't know if it'll be of any help, but maybe if you tell the girl you like about your feelings for her?"

I shook my head. "Impossible. I already said that it's impossible."

"Then the only way is to give it time. You're young, Haru, and you're a good boy. I'm sure you'll find another girl you'll fall in love with."

I shook my head adamantly. "I will never ever fall in love with a girl. I won't fall in love with another person, ever."

He smiled gently at me. "What makes you so sure?"

I took a deep breath. "Because that person is the only one I've ever loved since..."

"Since when?"

"Since—" I stopped short, my face suddenly hot from embarrassment.

Fuck! What was I doing? If this went any further, I'd spill the beans and Aiden would know that he was the one I liked, the one I'm sickly in love with.