
*Takes place at the end of chapter 12*

*Lian Li X Manami*

(Manami POV)

Lian Li and I returned to our little campsite.

Both of us had affirmed our decision to teach the world about our Master's glory after seeing his anguish.

Such a divine being like Master shouldn't have such an expression, to think the act of killing such wastes of space like Dark Sect members could even cause our Master such emotional pain is unbearable.



After watching him cut down all those Dark Sect members so elegantly, his graceful movements even as he decapitates those pieces of trash...

I felt something heating up between my legs.

I smiled to myself.

I had heard from the other fox youkai on how immensely satisfying it was when they found their mate. When I was young and naive, I had wished to experience the same as well.

But after that accident where I crippled myself, I had thought that such feelings were forever denied to me.

No man would be interested in a cripple and there was no way I could have abducted one on my own with my current strength.

For all those years I was alone and miserable, the boastings of the other fox youkais about their mates became a sign of mockery for me. It came to the point that it felt like all the blissful and wondrous feelings they had described were nothing but an exaggeration to make fun of me.

But now…

Now I need to apologize, the feelings they had described were not exaggerated at all.

That increase in heartbeat whenever I look at Master… That strong, intense gaze of his when he turns to look at me that never fails to make my heart skip… And the warm, tingling burn deep within my core that longs for him constantly.

Ufufufu~ I've finally experienced the joys of a woman in love~~

I should try to tempt Master again.

I imagined the two of us, laying side by side in his bedroll with our clothes scattered around the tent. His hands on my back, pulling me close to him while I gently scrutinize the shape of his collarbone.

"Don't even think about it."

My fantasies were interrupted rudely.

I put on my usual smile, "Why not, Lian Li?"

"You already know why," Lian Li scoffed, turning her head away.

"Ara ara, and I told you it didn't matter to me. There's a fire within me that only Master can quench, I intend to get Master to quench it for me as soon as possible."

"I told you Master does not like licentious girls."

"Ufufufu~ You assume I do not have other ways to guide Master between my legs? How innocent... Ufufufu~"

The little girl scowled, "All I ask is for me to be Master's first, is that too much to ask for?"

"Ara? You assume that this big sister here has no desire for the same thing? I may share the same desire to spread Master's holy word to the world, but I also desire to lay with Master you know? Do you know how torturous it is for this fire of mine to burn so fiercely?"

Lian Li raised an eyebrow before standing up and walking towards me, "You just need to be sexually satisfied right?"

The sides of my lips stretched upwards, "Oh? Does the little Lian Li think she can satisfy me in place of Master?"

Lian Li furrowed her brows, "I can never claim to be better than Master. But I am confident of at least curbing your desires temporarily."

"How daring of you, care to try?" I asked, standing on my feet.

Lian Li's eyes glowed, "If you're not afraid of becoming a quivering mess."

"Ufufufu~ I believe only Master can make that claim so confidently."

"Our tent, now."

"Fufufu~~ After you~~"


I laid down on my back on top of my bedroll, my kimono already neatly folded in a corner beside Lian Li's robes.

"No kissing," Lian Li warned. "I have yet to have my first kiss and that should be with Master."

I grinned at her, my tails shifting slightly behind me, "Fufufu… Same sentiments here."

Lian Li lowered her head between my legs, her fingers spreading open my entrance.

"Huh, you're dry," she commented.

I huffed at her, "Of course, Master isn't here is he? Do you take me for a hussy who will get wet for anyone?"

Lian Li nodded in understanding before sticking out her tongue, trailing it along the sides of my entrance.

I shivered slightly, the coolness of her tongue a refreshing feeling that distracted me from the heat of my core.

Her tongue traced a complete circle around my entrance, her hands running along the sides of my inner thighs.

I imagined Master going down on me like that, his hands tenderly caressing me while he laps up my honey from between my legs.

My toes curled at the scene, my thighs spreading a little wider.

"Oh? You're suddenly wet. Let me guess, you imagined Master doing this for you?"

I said nothing, it was a little vexing that she figured out just from that.

She flicked at my exposed clit, giving me a shock of pleasure.

"Keeping quiet? I'll make you sing out Master's name soon."

She clamped her mouth around my clit, her tongue viciously attacking it.

I gasped and bit down on my finger, stifling the moan that almost split out past my lips.

Lian Li sucked hard on it, coaxing it a little further out from under the hood to play with her tongue. He thumbs were now stroking my exposed labia, spreading my own juices around my insides.

Her tongue lapped at my clit greedily, the sensations sending pulses of pleasure straight to my brain.

This feels way better than when I did it myself.

I squirmed more when one of her fingers penetrated me, her finger slowly creeping its way inside me.

I gasped as my insides were spread, my virgin core penetrated by someone else for the first time.

She pushed against the top of my walls, her finger brushing against something that caused me to arch my back and thrust my hips.

Unperturbed by my sudden action, she slipped a second finger inside, pressing against the same spot while increasing her suction on my clit.

My legs drew back to lift my hips higher, my fists were clenched on the bedroll as I desperately held back the inevitable release.

I managed to hold out for a good half a minute, even when she increased her pressure on my sweet spot made my body shudder.

Her mouth released my clit suddenly, replacing her thumb with it. As soon as her thumb pushed against my clit roughly, I found my release.

I moaned out Master's name as I came, the image of him between my legs still fresh in my imagination.

Lian Li let me ride out my orgasm, her fingers pressing firmly against my sweet spot even as my hips bucked against her violently, my juices spewing out to drench her.

Within a minute, I relaxed back into my previous pose, somewhat out of breath.

"Good?" She asked.

"Good," I affirmed. "I take it you had experience?"

"Just a little, there were a number of females I had to entertain in my past," she answered evasively.

I sat up while leaning on my elbows, watching Lian Li wipe my juices off her mouth and face with the back of her hand.

"So, you're done right?" She asked.

I raised my eyebrow at her, "Ara? Did you really think I would be done with just that? I intend to go many rounds with Master you know?"

Lian Li smirked, "I would be disappointed if you were, I would've stripped for nothing."

"What else did you have in mind then?"

She sat back on her haunches, her legs stretched in front of her, "you ever heard of scissoring?"

I raised my eyebrow at her, "Can't say I have. What is it?"

"Something that two girls would do to get off together," she said smugly, aligning her own entrance towards mine.

Her legs crossed over mine, her hands throwing my left leg over her left shoulder while my right leg was curled around her waist.

I gasped as she pushed her hips against mine, our clits touching each other's. There was a wet splat sound when we touched, obvious indication of how wet we were. It was obvious that Lian Li had been pleasuring herself at the same time when she got me off moments ago.

"Mmmm… This is… Interesting," I relented, inspecting the position we were in.

Lian Li nodded, "Yes, when Master decides to take us both, we would be able to sandwich him between us like so."

I nodded in understanding, "And? What does one do in this position?"

"We start bucking our hips against each other," she stated simply before performing said action.

I gasped as pleasure travelled up my spine, my juices mixing with Lian Li's.

She pulled me closer to her as she grinded herself against me, both of our heads thrown back as we immersed ourselves in pleasure.

"Ugh… Master… So good…" I heard Lian Li moan, most definitely lost in her own fantasies.

I immersed myself in my own fantasy as well while my hips matched Lian Li's rhythm, moaning as our clits rubbed against each other.

In my fantasy, Master had his member at my entrance, running his rod against my clit at a frantic pace.

I imagined him pulling on my legs, bringing me closer towards him as his breaths tickles my neck, whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

My hands grasped onto Lian Li's legs, thinking them to be Master's arms as I increased the speed of my hips. I was sure my juices were already overflowing at this point, mixing with Lian Li's to gather in a puddle on the bedroll.

Our rhythm increased in speed as we reached the height of our climax, the pleasure tethering on the precipice of no return.

Lian Li pulled my legs hard as she came, her clit flicking against mine and releasing my own orgasms at the same time.

Both of us screamed out Master's name as we came, not caring if we were heard.

We lost strength in our limbs as we collapsed on our backs, breathing hard on the bedroll.

"Ha… Ha… That… Was the best one… I had…" Lian Li commented, still recovering.

"Fuuu… I admit it is better… When compared to my past experiences…" I agreed.

"You… Had past experiences?"

"Fufu… I do… But we foxes do it differently from you," I stated smugly, sitting up.

"Oh?" Lian Li sat up, interested. "What do you do?"

"Fufufu, our tails are quite sensitive you see. Usually, unattached fox youkais will find partners with each other to relieve themselves in the village. We would usually entwine our tails with each other and pleasure ourselves that way."

That was another reason why I was ostracised in the village. With my crippled tails, there was no way any other foxes would relieve themselves with me, a stark contrast to the constant crowd that sought me out when I had nine tails.

"Oh?" Lian Li's eyes gleamed.

Her hands gripped one of my outstretched tails suddenly, pulling roughly along the tailbone.

I let out an uncharacteristic yelp, pulling my tails back behind me.

"Wha-wha-what do you think you're doing?!" I yelled at her, hugging the tail that she groped.

"Hmmm? Hehehe, that's a rather interesting reaction I got from you. So your tails are also your erogenous points hmmm?" Lian Li smirked, crawling towards me on her knees.

I scurried back away from her, hiding my tails behind me.

"No, wait! Stop! What are you trying to-- Funyaaaa~" I screeched as she managed to grope another of my tails.

"So soft… So this was how you were going to tempt Master…" Lian Li muttered, stroking my tails.

"Hyaaa~~ Don't… Don't be so rough with them! You're not supposed to… Funyaaaaa~~"

"Oh, this turns you on more than normal?" Lian Li smirked devilishly, gripping my tails tighter while slipping a hand between my soaked thighs.

"Now imagine Master stroking these tails of yours…" Lian Li whispered into me ear. "Telling you how soft they were and how naughty it makes you."

That very image crossed into my mind.

"N… Nnnn… No~ Master… Master! I… I love..." I huffed. My fantasy running wild of Master bearing down on me, his hands stroking my tails so lovingly.

The rest of my tails wrapped around Lian Li, covering her almost completely in fluff.

"Oh.. Er… Wow. This… Actually feels good too… So soft~ Master… So warm~" Lian Li commented after being surrounded by fluff.

Her grip tightened on my tail as she slipped into her own fantasies, her hands retracting from between my thighs to pleasure herself.

I slipped my own hands to my dripping sex in place of hers, rubbing my clit in rhythm to Lian Li's tail stroking.

I came the moment my fingers went in, but it didn't stop me as I continued to thrust my hand, my hips quivering violently from the orgasm.

Lian Li was immersed in her own fantasies as well, her hips rocking back and forth against her hands as she continued stroking my tail like a piece of meat.

The two of us screamed out each of our orgasms, calling out Master's name as we did so.

It was almost dawn when we finally stopped, collapsing on top of each other in blissful unconsciousness, soaked in each other's love juices.

I really need to get Master to stroke my tails soon...