Bath Time As Outsiders

*Takes place before chapter 27*

Lian Li + Manami + Eris voyeur

(Lian Li POV)

"Eris, we're leaving. Are you coming or not?" I asked the girl who was sitting in a corner of the room.

"Uhh…. Huh? Mmmm… Princess… Carry…" She mumbled.

"Oh for Master's sake, it's already been more than a week!" I yelled out in frustration, pulling the girl up on her feet.

"Eh? Hmmm? What? What are you doing? I was having a very nice dream of Master carrying me in his arms!" Eris protested.

I flicked her forehead, "Stop dreaming already, last chance I'm offering you. Manami and I are going to watch Master bathe, are you in or not?"

Her eyes lit up, "Oh?! Public indecency?! Count me the hell in!"

"Stop shouting, Cai Hong is having her afternoon nap," I chastised, pointing to the loli dragon that was using Master's robes as a hug pillow.

"Ah, alright alright, let's go already. Do I need to bring anything? Binoculars? Whips? Candles? Rope?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "I have no idea what you have in mind but we're just going to watch, nothing more."

"Pffft! Yeah right! Are you suuuuureeaammm… Apologies… Please lead the way…"

I pulled open the door soundlessly, stepping out into the courtyard where Manami was already waiting for us.

"Ara ara. Eris is finally done with her dreaming? Fufufu~" Manami giggled, hiding her mouth from view with her sleeve.

Eris shrugged, "Mmm… Can you blame me? It really was something unexpected after all."

"Hmm… Truly envious," Manami sighed. "But let's not tarry, I believe Master is already in the changing room."

I squinted my eyes at the sky, estimating the sun's position, "We have about two minutes. The sun will be right behind the mountain which would provide optimum shade for the bath waters. Master likes it better when it is shaded."

The three of us flitted out of the courtyard, leaping from rooftop to rooftop until we reached the the very back of the Sect grounds.

Over here, within the depths of the bamboo forest, there was a small bath house that Master had claimed as his own unofficially.

Most of the other Elders and Masters prefer to take their baths in their own courtyards while others favour to bathe within the shared bathhouse that boasted larger bathing facilities.

Master preferred this small bath house as it was quiet and serene. He had mentioned that listening to the sounds of nature while bathing always soothed his mind.

It was perfect for us since there was a small hill overlooking the bathing area that had conveniently grown bushes to hide us.

I will admit that I figured this was the most optimum spot for peeking through multiple incidents of trial and error. Too close and Master would sense my presence, too far and I won't be able to appreciate his divine form.

We circled around the bathhouse to reach the hill, spreading out a clean linen sheet for us to sit on.

I began moving the branches of the bush around, giving me a clear view of the bathing area from where I was sitting.

Just as the bathing area began to darken, Master stepped out from the changing rooms, wrapped in nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Mmm… What I'd do to caress those meaty bunny hun huns." Eris commented.

Master was in no way muscular, it would be more proper to call him slim. But his body looked so sculpted and perfect with all the unnecessary weight chiseled off, making him look more pronounced.

He stripped off his towel, turning around towards the washing area before we could get a view of his delicious meat pole.

The three of us moaned in appreciation of his mouth watering behind.

My nipples had started to tent under my robes, pushing against the fabric and seeking attention desperately.

My hands complied, pulling open my robes to let the open air caress against my skin.

Master waved his hand in a circle above his head, forming a small rain cloud that provided a constant stream of water above him.

Flicking a finger towards the bathing area, he sent a small, ethereal flame that hovered at the edge of the bath, just slightly above the water level.

Grabbing one of the bars of soap, he began lathering himself with it.

My hands began to roam around my own body, trying to match his movements while imagining myself as the one that was was soaping him up.

I shuddered in pleasure every time my fingers brushed against my nipples, trying my best not to moan out loud.

On my left, Eris had already stripped herself bare while a length of rope acted as a makeshift gag was in her mouth, her fingers rubbing against her clit in frantic, circular motions.

Manami was still fully dressed, sitting in a seiza position while calmly stroking one of her tails. It was still obvious she was aroused by her heavy breaths and the way her other tails were moving behind her.

Soon enough, Master was done soaping himself and stepped beneath the cloud, rinsing himself with the 'rain'.

I couldn't help but moan as I watched the water cascade down his skin, the water droplets reflecting the light and giving him a divine glow.

I leaned back while spreading my legs, my left hand seeking out my throbbing clit to play with it, coaxing it out from under the hood.

Master turned around, revealing his glorious front to us.

Three moans of appreciation emanated collectively from our lips.

Manami undid her sash and pulled open her robes, two tails immediately curling around her naked bosoms when she did so. Her hands reached down just as she began spreading her thighs, the slick sound of her playing with herself showed how wet she already was.

Master turned back around and continued his ritual cleaning of his body, scrubbing at his body with the soap bar once more.

My hands quickened its pace, inserting a finger into my dripping hole to find my sweet spot.

Master bent over to scrub at his feet, giving us a perfect view of his sculpted behind.

"Mmmff… That… Ass!" Eris moaned through her gag, her two hands busy with her own entrance.

Master rotated on the spot again, letting the water run down his back and giving us a view of the thing we desire most.

Manami's tails seemed to have a life on its own now, entwining with each other and wagging back and forth while the fox youkai herself plunged her hand into a sopping wet depths.

By the time Master stepped out of the 'shower', the three of us were already quivering on the edge of an orgasm.

Master stepped towards the bath water, now beginning to steam from the flame that Master had summoned earlier.

He sat at the edge of the bath, slowly edging himself in.

We watched his entrancing form submerge itself into the water, the scene worthy of a thousand ballads.

There was a muffled grunt as Eris came, her juices spewing all over the cloth while her entire body started convulsing.

Master fully lowered himself into the bath, the water barely disturbed with his graceful movements.

I was next to orgasm.

There was a sense of weightlessness for a fraction of a moment, as though I was soaring through the skies without a care. But the next moment gravity took control and brought me straight into the depths of pleasure, drowning my entire senses in it.

I managed to retain my reasoning just in time to hear Master's sigh of pleasure echo out from the baths when he fully submerged himself.

Manami was next to reach her climax.

Her tails were standing straight upwards as she collapsed on her knees, biting on her own finger to suppress her scream of pleasure while her love juices gushed from between her legs.

The three of us took some time to wind down from our high, letting our labored breaths calm down even as the cool evening air chilled our naked bodies.

I sat cross-legged as I continued to watch Master enjoy his bath, his entire body relaxed in the water.

"Please tell me you got a good shot of it," I whispered.

Manami pushed her hand towards me, palms up. A small rectangular frame floated out of her palm, displaying a perfectly captured picture of Master entering the bath's water.

With Astral and Light quarks, Master demonstrated how we could project fragments of our memories out as floating, intangible pictures.

Manami had taken it further and used Space and Energy quarks to imprint those pictures on objects like pieces of paper.

We already have several stacks of Master's delicious pictures squirreled away in our secret stash, the number increasing by the day.

"Oh… That one looks absolutely divine," Eris praised while licking her lips salaciously.

I nodded in agreement, already feeling my nipples hardening again.

Manami pulled out a few pocket-sized pieces of paper from within her robe, waving her hands over them to imprint the picture on them before passing one to each of us.

"Mmm… It's perfect," I complimented, tucking it underneath my robes to be added to my own stash in my drawer.

Manami sat back down in her seiza position, not bothering to fix her clothes that were in disarray.

The three of us sat in comfortable silence, just enjoying the scene of Master enjoying his bath.

The picturesque scenery coupled with his calm and peaceful expression… It truly was the pinnacle of divinity.

One day, I thought to myself, one day I'll be able to share the same bath with Master instead of watching from afar.

But for now, let us just enjoy this moment for a while longer.