Into the Foxhole

*Takes place after chapter 41*

MC X Manami

(Manami POV)

I moved the cotton bud slightly to the left, picking up the little speck of dirt in the corner.

Pulling it out of the little cave, I deposited said dirt in a piece of tissue I had at the side.

After making sure the cotton bud was clean, I lowered it back into the ear I was cleaning, gently rolling it in between my fingers.

"Does it feel good, Master?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm, it is good," Master sighed, his voice as melodic as the hymn of an angelic choir.

I suppressed my inner urge to mate with Master right there, continuing my ministrations on his ear as he laid in my lap.

I'd have never imagined that such a scene could be reality.

The both of us in his bed, Master using my lap as a pillow while I dutifully cleaned his ear. If this is not the scene of a newlywed couple, I do not know what is.

Please ignore the tails that have been wagging constantly behind me.

I picked the last of the dirt that was in Master's ear, dropping the cotton bud on the tissue.

Tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear, I blew lightly on Master's ear.

"All clean, Master," I whispered.

Master got up from my lap, stretching his arms.

My thighs feel lonely now.

"Thank you Manami, that was lovely."

I bowed my head, "Not at all, Master. This is expected of me as your mate."

Masted patted my head, scratching the back of my ears, "Judging by how your tails are waving around so much, do you want some tail brushing from me?"

I sighed in pleasure at his touch, "Mmm~~ Would it be too shameless of me to say yes?"

"Not at all. Come, sit at the bed's edge," Master patted the bed with a hand.

I occupied the space obediently, forcing my tails to stillness as Master sat behind me, the brush already in his hand.

"Tell me if it's too rough," Master whispered, his voice sweeter than honeyed wine.

I nodded my head, not trusting myself to speak at the moment.

He grasped one of my tails, his fingers sinking into my fur as he brought the appendage closer to him.

My toes curled as the brush was pulled from the base of my tail to the tip, a moan almost escaping my lips.

My tail twitched as he repeated the motion again, his dexterous hands giving me nothing but pleasure.

"Your tails are really soft…" Master complimented.

I could only hum in reply, my mind already lost in pleasure.

Usually, I would let myself relax and melt into a puddle of bliss, but I had an agenda tonight that I will not miss.

No, it's not the night visit I have with Lian Li tonight, that was secondary.

It's my mating time with Master that is the highlight of tonight!

I extended a few of my tails around Master, slowly wrapping around him.

Noticing my tails' movements, Master stopped his brushing, "Manami? What are you doing?"

"Fufu~ Don't mind me Master. This big sister just thought that Master might like to have some mofu mofu time as well."

My tails enveloped him, drawing him closer to me.

I turned my body slightly to face him, my heart hammering in my chest as he drew closer towards me.

Master had a wry smile on his face, "You could have just asked, Manami."

I gave Master a cheeky smile, "Ara ara, this big sister wanted a little excitement. It is the night of our union, after all."

By now, my tails has already wrapped him up completely, caressing every little bit of his body while only leaving only his head untouched.

"Well then, what is my dear fox planning to do to me, I wonder?" Master teased.

I resisted the urge to lunge at Master right there and then.

"I wonder… What does Master want me to do?" I asked, slipping a tail underneath his robe.

"Since you offered some mofu mofu, it would be a waste to decline it."

"Fufufu~ I'll make sure to spoil Master properly then~"

I unwrapped Master from my tails, spreading all nine of them outwards in a fan shape.

"Enjoy yourself, Master."

Master buried his face into my mound of fur, his breath tickling me.

I moaned as his hands sought out a tail each, his fingers sinking into my tails and stroking them ever so gently.

My other tails curled around him, slowly undoing the strings that held his robes.

While my tails were busy undressing him, my own hands moved to undo my own nightgown, pulling the clothing over my head and ending up on the floor.

"It's so soft~~" Master groaned, rubbing his face deeper into my fur.

Ufufufu~ Who knew Master had this side of him too?

Ah~~ The feeling of enveloping Master… It's incredible~~

I wish I could bask in this feeling forever~~

His smell, his taste, his sound, his touch and his gentle gaze… I wanted them all!

I can't wait anymore!

I swiveled around, pushing Master onto the bed just as my tails tossed his clothes over my shoulder.

Without hesitation, I buried my face into the crook of his neck, licking it hungrily.

His scent was driving me wild, my entire body was aching for him.

"Master…" I moaned. "Feel me, feel how my heart beats for you..."

I pulled one of his hands to my chest, his hands sinking into my breast. His fingers brushed against my erected nipple, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine.

"Can you feel it? Master?" I breathed into his ear. "This heart beats for you and only you. For you are my destined mate and Master~~"

Master gave my breast a squeeze, "Your body is really hot…"

"Fufufu~ That's my love burning for you, Master."

I pinched his chin, pulling his face down towards me.

My eyes met his, his infinite black pools of wonder enchanting me instantly. It felt so easy to get lost in his eyes, that mesmerizing gaze of his that seemed to burn through me.

I parted my lips a little, edging forward slowly.

Master met my lips halfway, his own lips wrapped around mine in a deep kiss.

My tongue invaded his mouth, carrying my lustful moans with it.

I felt like I was on fire, my entire insides burning up as I tasted the insides of his mouth.

His hand continued to massage my bosom, squeezing it in circular motions while his other hand supported the back of my head.

His tongue prodded mine, enticing me further into his mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer to my mate as we deepened the kiss.

I hooked my leg over his, my leg curling around his like a snake. I could feel his erection pressing against my belly, my insides begging to be filled with it.

I broke our kiss slowly, a trail of saliva bridging our lips.

"Master… Make me your mate…" I moaned.

Master flipped around, gently lowering on my back as he spread my legs wide open with his palms. My dripping wet pussy was revealed for him to see, a clear indication of my need for him.

Master smiled at me, "It's beautiful"

"Fufufu~ Master, please don't tease me like that~"

I gasped as he pressed two fingers against my entrance, the contact on my clit sending an electric shock of pleasure straight into my brain.

He pulled his hand away, marvelling at the strand of love juice that followed it.

"With you this wet, I suppose you're eager to be claimed?"

"Ara ara… Does Master want to reduce this big sister to begging? It is--"

Master plunged his manhood into my core, piercing straight into my depths in a single smooth motion. As if that was not enough, his hands had grabbed two of my tails roughly, the pleasure I was experiencing instantly overwhelming my senses.

I screamed out Master's name as I came, my body shaking from the orgasm.

My juices gushed out from my entrance, thoroughly soaking Master's hips that were joined with mine.

The world spun around me, my vision a kaleidoscope of colours with Master's face in the centre.

I feel complete.

It was another minute before I calmed down, breathing hard.

"Master… Funyaaaa~~ That was… So not fair~~"

Master grinned, "I want my little fox to feel good too."

"Fwuaaaa~~ My tails~~ Master~~"

Master stroked my tail from the base to the tip, making me quiver from his touch.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, grinding my hips roughly against him as my vaginal walls clenched around the pulsating rod within me.

"Master!! Make love to me! Do me roughly! Mate with me!"

Master obliged, his hands moving to the sides of my head as he bent down.

He captured my lips with his, prompting me to wrap my arms around him to pull him in deeper.

His hips began to piston, slowly at first before picking up speed.

Every thrust filled me to the brim, his tip kissing the entrance to my womb while my walls tried to milk his cock.

I kissed him desperately, my haze of lust overwhelming my senses. I could just barely make out the sounds of his hips slapping against mine through my chorus of heated moans.

"Master… My insides… So hot… I need you…"

Master brought his hands to my back, lifting me up. He sat down on the bed, letting me sit on his lap even as he continued thrusting from below.

His head dived into my bosoms, sucking a nipple into his mouth.

I moaned as more pleasure filled me, hugging his head to my chest.

My hips gyrated, matching his thrusting motion as I was desperate for his release. I had already lost track of the number of times I came.

He released the nipple from his mouth after a moment, "I'm coming."

I pulled his face to mine, kissing him for all that I'm worth.

My hips slammed up and down with more force than before, anticipating the love he was about to fill me with.

His grunt was the only warning I got before my womb exploded with his seed.

The biggest orgasm I ever had hit me like a tidal wave, causing me to black out for a short moment.

I realised I was screaming out my pleasures.

We collapsed on the bed, Master below me. Master waited for me to regain my bearings as my breathing calmed down.

"Again?" Master asked.

"Please," I begged, kissing him.

We went for a few more rounds before Master finally fell asleep in my embrace, my tails wrapped protectively around him.

I waited for him to fall into a deep sleep before slipping out, confronting the waiting Lian Li outside.