An Outing With The Loli

*Somewhere before Chapter 60*

MC X Cai Hong Fluff


"Alright, I'll be going to the city to get things for the Festival with Cai Hong, you girls going to be ok here while I'm gone?"

Lian Li nodded, "We will be fine, Master. Have a great trip with little Cai Hong."

"Cai Hong and Papa trip!" Cai Hong squealed, grasping my hand.

Manami giggled, "Ufufufu~ Little Cai Hong had been looking forward to it since yesterday~ Enjoy yourself, Master."

"Ok, ok. Just tell me if anything happens. I'll be going now."

"Have a safe trip Master~"

I waved to them before teleporting both Cai Hong and I to the outskirts of Jin city.

Since Lian Li already showed me around the city, I'm quite confident I knew where to go for this little shopping trip.

"Papa! 'Bwig' city! Carry?"

Oh this cute little thing.

I lifted her up in my arms, letting her snuggle herself on my chest.

"Ehehe~ Papa warm~ Cai Hong like~"

I patted her head and approached the gate with my loli dragon in my arms.

I could have just teleported into the city itself but well, spending the time walking there with Cai Hong in my arms feels like a much better alternative.

"Oh, good morning Master Lin," the guard on the left side of the gate greeted. "Out for a stroll in the city with your daughter?"

"Good morning. Yes I am," I greeted back, recognising him for the guard that ushered us in the other day.

Cai Hong peeked out from my chest and gave the guard a happy wave, "Goo' morwin'! Cai Hong shopping with Papa!"

"Oh! Must be for the New Year Festival right? It's a little early but happy new year, Master Lin."

"Happy new year to you as well," I returned his greeting with a smile. "I shall be going ahead first then."

"Have a good day, Master Lin."

I nodded and walked past the gate and into the city.

"Hmm… I'm going to have to pick up some new clothes for the girls. Does Cai Hong want new clothes?"

Cai Hong looked up at me with sparkling eyes, "Papa new clothes? Cai Hong want see!"

I patted her, "Haha, ok, ok. Papa will get some new clothes too. Then Cai Hong can get a few as well."

"Yayyy~~ Papa! New clothes!" She squealed, pointing to a conveniently located boutique just to the side.

Oh my, since Cai Hong has already decreed that shop as the target, of course I'll have to go there.

"Welcome, dear customer," A female clerk greeted me from the entrance.

She gasped when she looked up and saw me, "Oh! Isn't this the famed Master Lin of Heaven Sect! We are honored to have you here!"

"Umu… I'm surprised you actually recognise me."

"Oh, but you're the youngest Master within the Sect right? It's easy to guess."

I looked down at the Heaven Sect's Master robes I'm wearing that probably gave me away.

"Anyway, is there anything I can help you with, Master Lin?"

"Papa clothes!" Cai Hong squealed.

"Umu, as she said, I'm here for new clothes for my daughter and myself. I'm also looking for female clothes as gifts."

"Ah, for the New Years am I right? In that case, feel free to browse our selections at the back, we have some new arrivals in store. There's even some really nice ones for children."

I nodded a thanks before moving to where she had pointed out, I was definitely not disappointed.

There were a lot of children's clothes on display, all of them definitely would bring out Cai Hong's cuteness.

"Papa! Papa! Fluffy!" Cai Hong giggled, her hands grasping onto a bunny onesie.

"Mmm… Does Cai Hong want to try them?"

"Can I, Papa? Would Papa think Cai Hong is cute?"

I patted her head, "Cai Hong is already cute. But maybe you can get cuter if you wear one of them?"

Cai Hong pointed to the bunny onesie, "Cai Hong try this one!"

Of course I let the cute loli dragon put on the cute bunny onesie.

Have you seen a dragon loli wearing a white, fluffy bunny onesie?

Because by the gods she was so cute.

The onesie even had these two bunny ears sprouting from the top, both of them wiggling back and forth when Cai Hong kept nodding her head to see them wiggle.

"Wiggle, wiggle~ Wiggle, wiggle~ Papa! Cai Hong cute?" She asked, while sucking on a finger.

I patted her head, "Yes, Cai Hong is the cutest~ Does Cai Hong like this onesie?"

Cai Hong hugged my waist, "Cai Hong like Papa more!"

She's sooooo cute!

Of course I had to hug her back and give her a lot of head pats, the little girl giggling happily when I did so.

The clerk approached me again, "Dear Master Lin. We have more selection of those if you would like?"

I looked at where she was pointing to see a clothing rack that was filled with onesies of various designs. There were cats, dogs, hamsters even a phoenix and dragon onesie too.

Cai Hong looked at them with sparkly eyes.

"I'll take all of them," I decided.


We walked out of there with Cai Hong wearing a dragon onesie. Ironic, I know.

But she looked absolutely adorable with the dragon horns and that little wing at the back. It even has a tail that wiggles just like the bunny ears and Cai Hong spent a while chasing it trying to grab it. Most importantly, Cai Hong was the one that wanted to wear it.

"Papa! Rawr! Ehehe~"

My heart.

Cai Hong reached up and grasped my hand with hers, "Where are we going now, Papa?"

"Mmm… Is Cai Hong hungry? How about some snacks?"

Cai Hong looked up at me with sparkly eyes and pointed at the nearby pastry shop, "Cake!"

"Ahaha, ok, ok. Let's go get some cake."

"Yayy~~ Cakey with Papa!"

She held my hand as I brought her to the pastry shop, getting us an outdoor seat so Cai Hong can watch the scenery.

I got Cai Hong and myself a strawberry fruit cake to share, the little girl ecstatic about letting me feed her.

I would have got one for each of us but Cai Hong really wanted me to feed her.

Oh well, what am I to do but spoil her?

"Who's a good girl?" I asked, lifting the spoon with some cake on it.

"Cai Hong!"

"That's right, good girl gets a cake from Papa~" I cooed, moving the spoon to her mouth.

Cai Hong chomped down on the spoon, squealing cutely as she tasted the cake.

"How is it?" I asked the cute little dragon in the dragon onesie.

"Papa, yummy! Papa want?"

"Haha, will Cai Hong feed Papa?"


Cai Hong used her own spoon to cut a bit of the cake with a bit of the strawberry on top before presenting the cutlery to me with sparkly eyes.

I opened my mouth wide and Cai Hong fed the cake to me with great enthusiasm, looking up at me as though expecting something.

"It's sweet, like my little Cai Hong," I told her.

"Ehehehe~ Cai Hong wuvs Papa!" She hugged me.

So cute.

I plucked the rest of the strawberry from the cake and offered it to Cai Hong.

"Muuu? Strawberry for Papa?"

Oh this cute girl, she wanted me to have it.

I shook my head, "Mmm… Papa wants to give Cai Hong the strawberry since you've been such a good girl. Does Cai Hong want the strawberry?"

"Ehehe~ Cai Hong want!"

Of course I gave the cute dragon the strawberry she wanted, the loli dragon accepting it with a 'nom'.

I slowly fed her the rest of the cake before the waiter came by with a teapot, "More tea, sir?"

I nodded, "Umu, thank you."

"Not at all sir. Could I also say that you have a very cute daughter?"

"Hahaha, thank you. She is very cute indeed," I laughed, reaching over to pat Cai Hong.

Cai Hong squealed and burrowed her face in my chest, the little girl suddenly shy from being complimented so much.

The waiter chuckled and left us after filling up our cups.

I took a sip of the tea, CaiHong following my actions by grasping the cup with both hands, "Mmm… Does Cai Hong want to go anywhere after this?"

Cai Hong looked up at me, "Cai Hong follow Papa! Play?"

"Hahaha, alright. Let's go buy the things we need and stroll around the city, ok?"


As promised, after we finished our tea, I brought her along to buy the things needed for the New Year Festival.

Cai Hong was really cute walking around in that little dragon onesie, so much so that all the shop owners fawned on her when they saw her, calling her a cute little dragon.

Cai Hong would just hide behind my legs muttering, "Papa, Papa" when they got close, the little girl being shy from all the compliments directed at her. I would then pat her head and call her cute which made her beam at me.

It was evening by the time we finished the shopping trip, Cai Hong holding my hand while humming merrily.

Her hoodie was pulled back this time so her rainbow hair was on full display, catching the attention of some of the passers-by though she paid them no heed with me there.

She pulled at my hand and looked up at me while sucking on a finger, "Papa… Cai Hong hungry…"

I promptly materialised a cookie from my storage ring and gave it to her, the loli dragon nibbling on it so very cutely.

She's not supposed to have it before dinner but… I guess since we've walked so much, it's ok to spoil her a bit.

We took a break at one of the benches near the city centre, Cai Hong taking her time to finish the cookie I gave her while I watched the crowd.

"Cute daughter you have there," An old lady told me while passing by.

"Thanks, she is very cute indeed."

Cai Hong pouted at me, "Muuu! Cai Hong shy, Papa! Papa is cool too! Coolest Papa!"

Oh this cute little thing, I gave her a lot of headpats for that.

"Shall we head home for dinner?" I asked the little dragon.

"Papa cook?" She looked up at me expectantly.

"If Cai Hong wants to, Papa can cook for you."

"Cai Hong want! Cai Hong want!"

She was so excited she started hopping up and down while tugging my hand to pull me up from the bench.

Since my cute dragon asked so nicely, I teleported the both of us back to our courtyard.

Manami was there to greet us, "Ara? Welcome back Master, Cai Hong, did you two have fun?"

Cai Hong lifted her hands up and cheered, "Papa cook!"

"Ara, ara? What a great night this is! I shall go ask the rest to make preparations for you, Master."

She bowed her head before disappearing to the back of the courtyard, presumably to ask my other disciples to prepare the kitchen for me. They do still like my cooking after all.

I looked down at the still smiling Cai Hong, "Did Cai Hong have fun today?"

She nodded her head vigorously, "Mnn! Mnn! Cai Hong wuv Papa!"

Oh, just for that, I'm giving my all for tonight's dinner! I'm not gonna stop until she's satisfied!

Needless to say, everyone was quite satisfied that night. Cai Hong even got to be headpatted to sleep while still in her cute little onesie.

Yep, today was a good day.