The Witch Behind Some Bushes

*Takes place during Chapter 306*

MC X Diao Chan


Diao Chan pulled me into the thicket right as my silencing inscription came into effect.

Diao Chan's swimsuit was already pretty risque from the start. In fact, I wouldn't even call it a swimsuit but more of an erotic costume.

Her private parts were only covered by the barest strips of cloth that dangled in front of them, a small breeze was enough to reveal everything for everyone to see.

By some miracle though, it hasn't happened yet, not even the volleyball game had resulted in any of her womanly parts being exposed.

I suspect it was a Spell she had made to prevent that from happening, though I'm not sure if I should be proud or upset that she created a Spell just for something like this.

Such thoughts were immediately removed from my head when Diao Chan turned around to brush the strips of cloth on her chest aside, revealing her erect nipples for me to see.

As though that wasn't enough, she lifted one of her legs in the air and flipped the cloth between her legs up, giving me an unobstructed view of her dripping wet pussy.

"Master… Look at your naughty little pet all wet and ready for you~ Won't you come and punish this naughty girl?"

Well… I did agree to this and we're on vacation anyway so…

Before I could approach her though, she suddenly gasped and quickly came up to me, summoning an item from her storage ring into her hands.

"I almost forgot! If Master doesn't mind… Please use this!"

I looked at the circular, leather object that had a length of rope attached to it.

It's a collar.

It's the kind of collar you would put on your pets.

Can't say I didn't expect this though, so I didn't show much reaction when I plucked the collar off her proffered palms.

Diao Chan was almost hyperventilating when I undid the clasp of the collar to wrap it around her neck. There was even some drool escaping from the side of her lips.

I smiled at her, "Anything else you might want to ask for before we start?"

She licked her lips and purred, "If… If Master can be as sexually depraved as possible… That would be puuuurfect…"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What do you have in mind?"

Diao Chan slowly slid to her knees, making sure her bosoms brush against my hard on as she did so and causing my manhood to twitch against the contact.

She smiled sultrily at me as her hands reached up to pull down my swim trunks, revealing my rock hard cock for her to behold.

My Witch pressed her nose against the tip of my manhood and inhaled deeply, letting out a moan of appreciation as she did so.

"Ahnnn… Master's cock… Already so big and hard for me... I can't get enough of your scent…" Diao Chan moaned before placing a kiss on the tip of my cock.

Just when I thought she would start devouring my meatpole right there and then, Diao Chan stood up unexpectedly, leaving my cock to twitch in the air.

"Fufufu… I'm not going to do anything more, Master~ What is Master going to do about it?"

I smirked at her, "How rough do you want it?"

"Ehehehe~ I already said if Master can be as depraved as-- Kyyyaaa!"

I didn't give her the chance to finish her words before I roughly shoved her onto the ground, causing her to land on her back. Of course I made sure to cushion her landing so the fall didn't hurt her at all.

While Diao Chan was still surprised by the fall, I knelt down in front of her and pulled her legs apart to rest her feet over my shoulders.

I took a moment to position myself in between her dripping pussy before sheathing myself deep inside her in a single motion.

"Ahhhnnn!! Master!! You're so deeeeep!!" Diao Chan moaned, her entire body shuddering in delight at being penetrated.

I ignored her cries and pulled my hips back, making sure only the very tip of my manhood remained inside her before I slammed myself back in.

Diao Chan's back arched and I could just see the small bump pushing against her navel.

I repeated the action again and her mouth was opened in a soundless scream. Adding one more thrust to that was enough to cause her eyes to start rolling to the back of her head.

My hips began to piston back and forth as I fucked her as deep as I could, the tip of my cock pressing itself against the entrance of her womb with every thrust.

I reached my hand forward to cup her face, sliding my thumb into her mouth.

Her mouth instinctively clamped shut around my thumb, the Witch sucking on it greedily like her life depended on it.

My other hand reached down to wrap around her waist, increasing my leverage against her as I continued to fuck her senseless.

I made sure not to be gentle, making use of her hips and mouth as handles to piston my hips against hers.

She was still sucking on my thumb even though it was obvious she was tethering on the edge of unconscious bliss, the action nothing more than instinct at this point.

I continued slamming my hips against hers, making the slapping sounds of flesh echo even louder around us.

Suddenly, she regained focus and her legs moved to wrap around my back, pulling me even deeper than before.

Her pussy clamped down hard and she grinded her hips against me as she tried to wring me of my seed.

I groaned as I moved my hand from her mouth to her collar, pulling on it as leverage.

That made the Witch even more enthusiastic in grinding her hips against me, her waist slamming against me just as hard as I was slamming against her.

Try as I might to hold out, with the way her pussy walls were massaging the entire length of my manhood, I was brought over the edge and my seed flooded her deepest parts.

Her body spasmed as she orgasmed from the creampie, her legs wrapping even tighter around me to make sure I emptied my entire load inside her with not a drop left to waste.

I couldn't help but let out a groan when her pussy continued to massage my cock even after I had ejaculated my load into her womb, making sure that I truly gave her all I had. Only then did she finally relax her grip on me, though her legs remained locked firmly behind me.

Even after that, her hips still maintained a slow, grinding rhythm, giving me enough pleasure to make sure I stayed hard inside her.

"You really are insatiable, you know that?" I groaned.

"Ehehe~ Master's cock just feels too good after all~ Could I have more of it?"

I smirked at her, "Since you asked so nicely…"

Snapping my fingers, a floating penis appeared near her left hand.

This was something I learned after so many group sessions with her. It was easier to just control multiple copies of my dick than multiple copies of my entire body.

"Ahhh~ Now there's two of Master's cock!" Diao Chan screamed out in delight, her other hand already reaching up to grasp my second dick.

I hissed as she began stroking it with her hand, pumping it all the way from the base to the tip.

With my first dick still inside her pussy, it felt like it was her pussy that was giving me the handjob.

Diao Chan looked up at me with pleading eyes, "Master… More… Please? I want more of Master's cock!"

This greedy Witch… Fine.

I snapped my fingers again and three more copies of my penis appeared in the air.

"Ahhh!! Master's cock!! There's so many of Master's cock!! Cock!! Master's cock!!"

Ok, ok, calm down you nymphomaniac.

I moved one to her other hand and another one to her mouth.

Her other hand immediately began to pump the dick offered to her while her mouth opened wide to allow my third dick to push itself past her eager, drooling lips.

The last one was brought to her rear hole which I found to be already lubed and ready.

Yep, this Witch definitely made a Spell of some sort that allows her to be lubed up whenever she wants.

Tossing such thoughts aside, I concentrated on pushing my fourth floating penis into her ass, the lube allowing me to penetrate her easily.

She moaned from the penetration before beginning to suck my cock in earnest, her head moving up and down while her tongue ran along the entire length of my floating manhood.

I let out an involuntary groan as the feeling of my dick being sucked and pumped at the same time overwhelmed me. Coupled with the fact that Diao chan was still grinding her hips on me, it really felt like her pussy was alive.

With the pleasure overwhelming me, I couldn't help but begin pistoning my hips again inside my horny Witch.

The rest of my cocks also mimicked my hip movements, each of them thrusting back and forth into their specific orifices.

Diao Chan matched my rhythm, her hands and head speeding up to jerk and suck me off all at once while her pussy and ass clenched down on the cocks penetrating her.

My hands went down to her waist and I doubled the speed of my thrusts, her juices literally spraying out of her pussy with every slam of my hips.

She tried to mumble something but that simply caused her throat to vibrate, sending even more pleasure up my spine.

With the intensity of my thrusts, I got captivated by how her bosoms were jiggling back and forth so I couldn't help myself but reached upwards to grab them.

Diao Chan moaned and sped up her hands, as though desperate for me to reach my climax.

Not wanting to lose out, I pinched her nipples hard, causing her to let out a scream of pleasure. That only served to egg her on more though as her hips were gyrating as well to try and milk me.

With five times the stimulation on my manhood, it didn't take me long to cum again.

I groaned as my balls tightened, flooding her womb, ass and mouth with my seed while the two in her hand spurted all over her naked chest.

All of her orifices clenched down tightly around each of my manhood, her mouth in particular as she swallowed everything I shot inside her.

I felt her tongue run against the opening of my cock, causing me to shiver from the contact.

Not wanting her to choke, I pulled out the cock in her mouth, ignoring the moans of protest from her.

"Ahhh… Master's cock… No… Cock…" She moaned, her mouth reaching out to try and suck my manhood back past her eager lips.

I snapped my fingers and cleansed her of my cum before lowering myself down to kiss her.

That brought her back to her senses and her hands released her grip over my floating penises so that she could embrace me in the kiss.

Although her hips still continued to grind against me so I was still kept at full hardness despite that simultaneous orgasm I just received.

We broke the kiss after a while and spent a minute just gazing into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Master," She whispered, her hand caressing my face adoringly.

I pecked her on the lips, "I love you too, Diao Chan."

"Can I spend the next hour worshipping your cock?"

This girl is really…

I pulled myself out from her and stood on my feet while unsummoning the extra cocks as I did so. Diao Chan immediately got on her knees with her hands holding my waist, bringing her mouth forward to suck on my cock adoringly.

She really did spend the next hour just simply sucking and licking it, making sure I was on the edge of cumming but never reaching it.

So when that hour was over, I made her go on all fours and pounded her from behind while using her hair as a leash.

Needless to say, my masochist loved every second of it.

I only stopped when she blacked out from her twenty-sixth orgasm, her body collapsing onto the sand in an exhausted heap.

No regrets.