"They were your classmates Jeya." Marjorie remembered 3-N is Jeya's section.

"They are warfreaks Marj. Everyone is fighting over petty things. We are like prisoners and criminals." said Jeya.

"Atleast they aren't pretentious like us. Our section are like the previous, Everyone are friendly snakes." Marjorie said.

"I guess you're right." Jeya said. "Theres is one in us but then she was disgusted by them. I think they are not so bad."

On principals Office.

"What is this all about?" the principal ask them. She saw her niece,Betty was beaten up. She had a bruises on her hands.

"This is nothing Maam. We are just playing but got in an accidental slide." Janine explained being the class President of their section.She wanted to protect them from being suspended and parents calles to school but.

"They bullied me." Betty complained and cried in front of her auntie.

The principal scratch her head. She already said to her niece and sister that they should enrol her to the private because she knows how stubborn and wicked her niece is. She will not survive the public. Public has its own rules, and one rule to that is 'never tell your elder you are a loser.'

"Tch.Loser" Beverly was disgusted with what Betty did. "You are so brave in offending someone on her back but so coward when is faced."

"Alright,what did you do this time?" Principal who was also graduated from public class and she know her niece wicked ideas.

"I did nothing auntie." Betty stubbornly deny it.

"Okay" Principal wanted her niece to agree with their solution but to no avail, her niece is dumb. "I want your parents be called today and you will be suspended for one week."

"What?!" Betty was surprised, she thought her auntie will be impartial to her. She thought the rule is right will be justified. "I did nothing wrong."

"Are you questioning me? Didn't you fight with each other?" Principal asked in high voice.

"She fight with me first!" she pointed at Beverly.

"That's not true Betty." Janine and others disagree with her, they were their accomplices.

"Where is your evidence and witnesses?" Principal ask. "Nothing!"

"They are lying!" Betty said.

"Sigh.With only yourself Betty, you will never survive here. I will transfer you to Private class right after your suspension." Principal said in calmer way.

"No Auntie!" what about Cris. She can't be out. She need to charm him, she was only her inspiration now how can she leave the class when it's the only chance for them. "I.. I'm just kidding. We were just playing." she change her mind.

"Is that true?" Principal ask the other group. She already knew the truth but with a fight record to her niece good moral papers is troublesome so she just pretended like them.

"Yes maam." Janine agreed.

"Then, take care of each other.You can leave." she said to them.

Beverly grab Betty like they were best buddies going out to the room but when they got outside they were again separated to each other with a "hmp!"

Beverly and Janine group walks towards the Canteen while Betty goes to the School Clinic.

Beverly saw Jeya eating their lunch on the table with only just the two of them so they approach her.

"Isn't this our new Vice-President in Class?!" Beverly said with sarcastic tone.

"..." Jeya and Marjorie just look at them. This is not their character. They won't interfere or talk with someone who is just rude to them.

"Can you please go outside, We need this table." Beverly said.

"Okay" Jeya said and she stand up with Marjorie with their unfinished lunches.

Someone from the side heard them and said.

"Excuse me? They were still eating." a beautiful girl with decent uniform stand against them. She looks smart and she had a small badge pin of the student council member. It was a small golden torch.

"And who are you bitch?" Another girl from Beverly group ask.

"I am Phoebe from section 3-A, I'm one of the student council and as a council, I want you to apologize to them for being rude!." Phoebe pointed at Beverly make a scene at the canteen.

"The Campus Belle!"

"Oh the Goddess!"

"Student Council Secretary!"

The students who are eating on another tables stop and watch the ruckus.

Many students gathered from outside. The workers from the canteen didn't bother with them. They still cooks,cleans,and counts.

Scenes like these frequently happen there so they are not bothered anymore. After all there is a student council member. She'll be the responsible of everything then and every member of the council aren't easy. They have frats and gangs to back them up behind the scenes. They are more likely be a future politicians.

"You're mistaken. We're friends." Janine said to Phoebe. "They're just about to go and that's our friendly jokes."

"Yeah were just fooling around with our friends." Beverly added.

"Is that true?" Phoebe ask Jeya, she was sure that they were lying.

Janine and her group was so sure that Jeya will agree to them after all, Jeya was only a toy girl for No One and she didn't have any good backgrounds.

"That's true." Jeya nodded seriously.

Phoebe was shocked. 'how coward is she!?'

'Am I not reliable?! My gosh! Is she always been bullied? No. I gotta take care of this.' she thought to herself.

"They are fools who love to fool around." Jeya added before walking out.

Marjorie just smirk, she knows Jeya doesn't like to be bothered but she doesn't want to be bullied also.

The group were stunned. They can't believe that a weak girl called them fools. And she looks cool while saying that.

"Ha ha!"Phoebe began to like Jeya. She didn't think that the girl she thought was coward was just not putting her level to them. Everyone also who saw the scene thought so.

"Wait!" she rush outside to follow Jeya. She really wanted to be a cool girl instead a campus belle. She wanted to learn some cool skills from Jeya. Winning without even fighting.

"They are just bunches of annoyance."

"Yeah. look how warfreak they are."

"They aren't our level of mentality. Ignore them."

Said the crowd inside the school canteen after hearing Jeya's cool statement.

"What!?" Beverly ask everybody who is looking at them.

"See. Barbaric." Someone added.

Beverly wanted to fight with them again but Janine stop her. They ended up sneakily eating their lunches inside their subject rooms while their teacher was teaching later on.