Jeya checked Owen temperature before she goes back home to take a bath. Luckily he only had a slight fever, she organize his medicine for fever and pain relief in label with a hot bowl of rice porridge.

She sneaked away from his house, ride a bus and rush home. She knock on their door.

'Creak' the door opened by her mother who was smiling at her. "Come inside, eat your breakfast and take a bath or you'll be late."

Jeya rush inside without any answer or reaction. She already knew her mother's attitude. Whenever she is mad she will act unreasonable to them, chase them away or scold them for almost everything and then suddenly, wait for them at home the next day.

She and her two brothers got used to her behavior. Her brothers don't stay at home even when they had a free time or on weekends. They like to go home late and avoid witnessing their parents unending quarrels over everything too, so the three siblings actually didn't got closer relationship but even had a distance relationship with each other.

It feels like they don't matter for them and they were always reminded of how much their parents spent for their schooling and food likebit was their fault for being born in this world.

And not to mention, Comparison. Their mom always says that 'the daughter of my friend was like this, the daughter of my cousin was like that and etcetera!'

Jeya's grades and studies is doing well during her elementary and freshmen years but when her close friend Jason died, She began to rebel silently or she began to realize how lonely her life is so she unnoticely looks for something interesting that would make her forget how miserable her situation is.

When she finished her meal her mother only gave her money for the transportation. Just exactly the amount of payment for the bus back and forth.

"We are short so... If you want,just pack your lunch." her mother said. She knew they aren't used to pack their lunch in school.

"It's fine mom, I'll eat when I got home later." she said while going outside.

Inside the bus.

Jeya already paid her fee but when she was about to put her change in her pocket a coin was drop missing. "Tch!"

Infront of the S University.

Jeya was looking for a single coin at her bag because sometimes she would put coins to her bag and now she needs to find one or she'll walk home.


Jeya felt someone cling to her arm which was scratching her bag. "What?" she look at the guy who cling to her. She saw a pretty boy, Emo like, Punk like, and Rockstar like guy. "You?" the one she accidentally hug before.

"Yes, Me." the guy smiled at her. He didn't know that the lucky girl was the girl who hug his back before at the corridor inside the school. He looks at his feet stifly. "Can I ask you a favor please?" he begged her cutely which opposites the aura of his looks and attire. It was a school uniform but with his own twist. Like black buttons instead of white pearly, Long hair with bangs instead of clean cut, Black nail polish, too much eyeliner and mettalic belt, pants and back pack.

"What? Can you first remove your hands off to me?" Looking at his hands still clinging to her.

"I saw a hundred dollar bill on the ground so I step on it. Can you get it and pretend that I just got my leg sprained?" the guy said to her and take his hand off of her arm.

"Okay." Jeya took the dollar bill on the ground after massaging his leg to his ankle and when the bill was slightly exposed, she carefully take it and gave it to the guy.

The guy refused. "Give me the half fifty dollars when you got the change already."

"Are you in short of money? Did you know who own this?" Jeya ask the guy, he doesn't look poor.

"No, I'm rich." he bluntly said while boasting his hidden white gold earrings and silvers. "But this is a lucky day, I want the other half of the lucky money. It's the first time I found a money on the ground."

"Lucky?" Jeya did put the hundred dollar to her wallet. "You're the lucky charm, I guess." she zipped her bag back. "I gotta go. See yah!" patted his shoulder and rush inside.

"Lucky charm" the guy slightly smiled. Instead of going inside the school he walks towards beside the school wall where there is a narrow road.

Jeya rush inside their classroom and sit to her seat she was five minutes late. Fortunately, their teacher still hasn't arrived yet. But what surprise her is she saw Cris talking with their classmates with Beverly in circles. They were happily having conversations. Beverly lean on Cris back flirting around with only her fitted blouse uniform away from skin to skin contact with him.

"Oh? you think I'm clueless? After exchanging saliva with me? You think you can just bully me like this?" Jeya thought to her mind while sharply looking at them.

Cris look at his dog, Oh I mean at his one trusted underlings, we will call him Mark, the one who is punch by him and the one who rejected Jeya being his seatmate.

Cris gesture him to look at Jeya. Then, Mark take a glimpse at her with his super fast moving eyes. But Jeya was super faster with her instinct, she felt they were about to look at her so she pretend to be looking at them sad.

Mark was surprised to see her looking like that. While everyone in their circle talks with each other he was stuck looking at her drama.

Jeya felt someone is watching her so she look away facing her back to them while slightly shaking her shoulders pretending to be sobbing.

Mark was overwhelmed with her acting so he look at his OG sad, he looks like he was brokenhearted.

Cris was shock in his reaction so he suddenly stand up and approach Jeya, Beverly was surprised she was nearly fell on the floor.

He didn't know that the jealousy plan proposed by his underlings would upset her badly. He won't let her feel this again besides even him didn't like the feeling that's why his hiding devil inside him tricks every man surrounding her.

Cris saw her figure like she was sobbing but when he face her he saw her holding her phone while laughing. No! she's not shaking from her sobbing but from her laughing silently.

"Are you playing dumb with me?!" Cris frowned.