Chapter 9

Today i was a little satisfied with the Xia shit.She said something and then i started being rude,as well as Xia.

After when she got a little pissed she started throwing whiteboard pens at me so i throwed them back at her,then text books then whiteboards.In the whiteboard case i didnt throw at her but then everything else she kept on throwing i throwed them back.

Well who cares of that piece of shit,face that looks like a duck,50% alien face and 50% chinese face (she aint chinese though she's romanian)

The good news is i finally got to tell Rahel if he wanted to come to the trip with me.

He replied 'yes' happily.

When i was in the bus i saw something happening outside,so then i was like "GUYS there is a fight outside lets get off the bus!"

Me,Balla,Oumar and my brother Erik got off and ran towards the fighting part.Erik asked his friends what happend and apparently Xia got banged by a pregnent lady who already has 3 kids.

She said to the lady "Can you MOVE!" in a rude tone.The lady asked why and Lexia started being rude so then the lady smacked her face and she fell to the ground.Im not entierly sure.


That was entertaining for me,eventhough i feel sad cause i didnt see the fight with my own eyes.It would have been sick.

But remember,I dont know what actually happend,so let's say is half correct and wrong.

My friends missed the fight,too bad.

The only thing I heard from the lady is "I wont do anything to her,i'll show respect untill i die in the name of God" or something like that.