
Alexander was just sitting in his Chair writing a song in his notes that came to him during the meeting, probably because of the meeting, It's called They Doubt me as he finished the chorus he thinks 'I wonder if they have any good Rappers under contract or if I could secure a feature from someone well known with the labels help.'

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a dejected "anything else?"

When he looked up he saw Mia looking smug and daisy wiping invisible sweat off her forehead and the other 5 people sitting with her across the table releasing a sigh.

Then I remember something important "actually yeah I do, this spring break coming up I have a project I have already begun working on with two other people"

Daisy went to reject but I said "now, you can let us record here when the time comes and receive the credit by having your name attached on the song that's released, because we recorded here or you can reject and I won't do it at all and risk losing out on all that clout and money by being the label that released a what I think is a good song."

I smiled and said "Because... I won't be doing it at all in the future, if you say no of course I'll listen to the rules."

Daisy was looking at me with a serious look probably not expecting something like this from a "high school" kid she probably expected to jump at the chance to sign away and "be famous".

I grab my phone click on the sample of The Best Of Me and put it in the middle of the table.

"Of course I wouldn't expect an answer that I'd like or one at all until I give you a preview of a good song"

She grabs the phone and pressed play and it played for the full 45 seconds I have on there of just me and my Guitar, her right hand man looked at me and scoffed.

"if you think you can make demands out of Daisy with trash music like-"

Daisy yelled "that's enough! If you can't see the potential In this UNFINISHED song, not trash! Then I don't know why I gave you such a high position, please leave and I'll talk with you later" 'not to mention the numbers he can bring right off the bat'

He stutters "B-but Ms.-"

"Now!" The man quickly gets up and walked out of the meeting room Daisy sighed and she looks at me.

She says "Okay but after that you'll need to run things like this through me moving forward and of course we get a piece of the pie."

I nod and say "that's fine but you'll only be getting the money from my Thirty three percent you won't touch a penny from their cut"

Daisy eyes narrow as she is leaned back in her chair has one hand holding her chin the other holding her elbow she thinks to herself 'it's a risk that may not pay off but this kid is interesting, very interesting. well if you never step out of your comfort zone you may not reach the goals you set for yourself and I plan on reaching them.'

She says "Hmm, I suppose that will be fine but moving forward the split we already agreed to is applied to everything else that's released." her employees look at her in shock because she agreed.

I look at Mia then she hands me the pen and I Sign my name on every thing that needs my signature and then I smile and say "Sure thing Boss, I just didn't want to be seen as liar by people that put their trust in me"

Daisy finally smiled and relaxed after I signed and she said "I completely understand we'll see you soon I'll contact Mia when we're ready to go. Now all I have to say is Welcome to the family Mr. Rose"

I grin when I looked at her and said "so your going to put our second agreement in writing, right?"


I plop down in the front seat and sigh "I officially hate meetings"

Mia starts her car and says "well I don't, I had lots of fun getting as much in our favor as I could your pretty decent at it yourself you know"

I ignored that and said "I'm hungry, let's get some Mick's a Meal sounds good right now especially the fries"

She sighed and said "Teenagers and their appetites it's like a bottomless pit"

She pulled out of the parking garage and drove to Mick's I said "number 7 please, Large"


As I walked into the house taking a sip from my soda I saw dad walking to the garage with a box that I knew was the garage they had converted into the room of my now little brother. I haven't seen the finished product so I walked over there and... It looks like a normal room not Like a garage at all. Carpet, a full size bed Against the wall were the garage door used to be, a corner desk, the rest of the bed set when you walk in the right wall has a window and there's a three small windows on the wall we're the garage door was so the outside still looks like a garage door but it's not, and a tv stand with a tv against the wall by the door you walk into dad had the water heater moved outside built a small shed/closet onto the house for it and the second back door was also removed it's not like we use it anyway and there was a ceiling and ceiling fan added and of course the AC/Heater was made to reach and work in the new room.

I whistled "nice, it's even a little bigger than my room"

Birdie yelled "Yay! Your home!"

Everyone was in there unpacking the boxes I walked up to Chris and gave him a quick hug I said "sorry for not being there when they picked you up I know it was an important day"

Birdie quickly joined the hug as we separated Chris said "don't even worry about it, it was an important day for both of us"

I move to an unopened box and start helping to unpack mom asks "so how did the meeting go?"

They all looked at me expectantly and I smiled "it went great I signed, they are going to contact Mia when their ready to move to the next step"

They all yelled happily and were excited saying congratulations, I thanked each of them and said "yeah after this I have to go make some changes to my channel since they plan on using it."

We quickly finished unpacking I welcomed Chris again then I went upstairs to my desk and one by one put my covers on private I couldn't bring myself to delete them. I then made a 2 minute video saying that I took down my covers and that a huge announcement was coming soon and thanked them for their support.

When I posted it their was somehow 30 likes and no views almost instantly than it started growing I read the comments for an hour many people were sad that I took them down and some put the dots together but I didn't confirm that they were right obviously but they were eagerly waiting for the news so they can probably decide to continue to sub to me or not.

I then texted Ben and April to keep it a secret and told them they should be expecting my Label to be in contact with them soon and that Ben doesn't need his mom to drive him since they'll take care of his trip.

"ALEXANDER!" I heard mom yell after I put my phone down from texting them and I went downstairs quickly to see what she needed I could hear my phone vibrate with notifications most likely messages from them.