Chapter 1: Been a Star Once, Now I've Become More Like An Assistant

Nicolai woke up three days ago in a recording studio and to her surprise, she was not in her own body.

She woke up having short blonde wavy hair that reaches only the top of her shoulder, ocean blue eyes, and was wearing a formal attire of black suit with a white shirt inside and fitted skirt.

Which was not her style. She scrunched up her nose in distaste. "What the hell am I wearing? And - And what the hell is this?" She turned around hoping to catch the thing on her back. If someone could see her, one could describe the scene as 'a dog chasing their tail'.

If it was ripped jeans and converse, Nicolai would have smiled instead, she screamed.

"What the actual hell?!" Waking up in an unknown body knowing you died from cancer was not what she was expecting.

After fully freaking out, the memories of the previous owner of the body hit her like a speeding truck. She was a 20 years old manager who lives in Marfate which seems to prove that she has no idea wherever the hell she is, and to her surprise, she graduated with high awards and was quite intelligent.

Nicolai groaned in pain from the sudden rush of memories of someone else. She could even say that hangover is pretty much better than this. It feels like her head is being cracked open with a faulty hammer.

Nicolai's figure was that of a model, with wide hips, toned muscles, and have abs which she was thankful for. She wouldn't spend a lot of time to be fit, it would have been a hassle for she has quite the body before. She can see her own reflection from the thick glass of a recording studio.

This body has a family, which was not really in a happy and smiley bond with Nicolai. And which works for her. She hates to break it to them and say, 'Hi, I'm not sure I am your daughter anymore. I entered her body as a soul and now I'm a different person. I also hate the way you raised the previous Nicolai.' Yeah, no thank you.

And Nicolai has no idea how to act in front of them, in all honesty. Plus, she has a distaste for family members.

After pursuing music and going against her parents' dream job for her which was to become a doctor, World War III started in their family, and she was in the middle of it as her uncle and some close cousins sided with her.

Nicolai's parents became cold towards her. More like, have given her the cold shoulder and spit venomous words.

Even though she tried fixing it, nothing seems to change, instead, it got worse after time goes by. It didn't help that her career went rock bottom after the owner of this body made a horrible mistake, according to some news article. This made Nicolai's reputation crumble, and in her career, reputation is your VIP card.

She was not getting any talented clients, no discovery, which means, no money.

She needs to work things in her favor. And Nicolai has to do it fast.

Time to have an existential crisis, know where the hell she is, research as soon as possible.


Wearing only a white shirt with some words written on the front that says 'Stay positive and you'll achieve it.' Which was pretty much a good quote. Partnered with skinny jeans and white shoes.

Even with simple clothing, she was eye-catching. Or she's just being a narcissist.

"Man, I hate the heat when it's summer. Makes you all sweaty and sticky." Nicolai mumbled as she fixes her headphones around her neck.

Glancing through the glass wall of some coffee shop, she looked at her reflection, stopping herself from walking further.

'I look more like a teenager than a manager.' She thought and deadpanned, her reflection showing a young lady with mature sharp eyes, a tall nose, pinkish kissable lips, and long slender legs and arms, Nicolai won't deny it. She looked hot. Again, she's just being narcissistic.

Nicolai was about to start searching again, after three days of not doing anything but coping and some panicking and screaming, she needs to go out hunting, it was already lunchtime having been out in the open for almost five hours when she noticed some people playing inside the shop.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to spend some money here to see what they're doing. Plus, I need sweets, been too long not having to taste the good side of having money. Even if I'm rock bottom in that department right now." Nicolai pushed open the door and with a jingle, she caught the eyes of many customers as well as the staff working in the shop. "Haven't had breakfast this morning, why not now?" She mumbled not noticing the attention she was getting at.

Upon entering, she heard music playing, which got her attention, because it was not just music, it was the kind of music that has content and potential. Of course, she could tell, she was a singer and a composer before cancer went on its way. And she has a knack, more like a third sense when it comes to good music. She's in luck.

She quickly went in line and looked at the band playing at the little mini-stage in front.

The one singing and playing the electric guitar was a brunette with brown eyes. She was wearing a blue shirt paired with ripped jeans and blue converse. In one looked, Nicolai nodded in confirmation. 'Yep, totally an alt girl. She's like the rebel kind of girl though, nah maybe a gothic? Looks can be deceiving sometimes..' But she's still leaning more to the former.

Squinting her eyes, she looked at the one's playing the acoustic guitar, a redhead girl with wavy and curly hair that reaches on her breast. She has green eyes and moving forward the line, Nicolai noticed some freckles on her which she thought was somehow cute. She was taller than the brunette, like way taller.

Looking at the one who was playing the bass, with her looks, she was an Arkney girl. The eyes could tell, people from Arkney tends to have narrow eyes, she looks like one too.

Arkney is a city on the south of Marfate which is the center of this country, Warcester. Marfate could be said as the main capital of the country.

Sharp and eyes that looked like when she smiles will be gone though, she was definitely will be a Korean. If Nicolai was still in her world, which seems unlikely possible as the day goes by.

The bass player has long brown hair that reaches to her waist. Her hair was pulled in a ponytail which made her light brown eyes stand out and her features. Her breast may or may not be the biggest of the three, the second was the redhead than the brunette.

No offense. 'She is small, not being judgemental here.' Nicolai thought. Almost her turn to order, she took a glance at their drummer.

With blonde long hair pulled in a messy bun, boyish style, and headphones around her neck, she was the second tallest person in the group in Nicolai's opinion. She has a piercing on her ear, wearing a red jacket with a white shirt inside that says 'You're hot that means I'm Cool.' with some blue line on it. Paired with some shorts that reach her knees and some red converse.

Nicolai grinned, she found her band.

`"Welcome to Hot 'n Cold Coffee Shop. What can I get you ma'am?" the nerdy boy spoke at the counter and smiled shyly at her.

The boy was a bit intimidated by Nicolai's sharp blue eyes, she was pretty in the eyes of the nerdy boy but quite scary for his taste. 'I would pee before I can even ask her out.' He thought as he pushed his round glasses up.

Nicolai ordered some caramel lattes, three, in fact, she just can't help herself when it comes to her favorites. Even in her past life, she's a coffee addict and has a sweet tooth.

"Would that be all ma'am?" the boy said as he punched some things on the cashier and looked again at Nicolai who was looking at some sweets, looking like she'll devour everything in sight but controlled herself.

"I'll also have three slices of custard cake thank you." Nicolai showed him her dimpled smile and she was sure, the boy's knees went weak after that.

He wasn't subtle, he was shaking after she left to sit down and giggled at the sight. 'Oh my god, this is quite amusing.' Nicolai thought.

The brunette who's singing her hearts out noticed Nicolai's arrival and squinted her eyes out at Nicolai who was bumping her head at some time along with the music.

The brunette was sure, she has seen the tall blonde before, she just can't seem to remember where though. The redhead noticing her friend's look, gaze her eyes to where she was looking to. Her eyes meet ocean blue eyes and she almost made a mistake at playing the guitar to her surprise. The redhead bit her lip, she almost missed a chord.

Looking at each other, the brunette and redhead nodded.

They know something was up with Nicolai. The headphone and the tattoed notes on her left ear that went along to the left side of her neck was a hint.

'She is part of management. Every management has its insignia.' the redhead thought and keep a lookout at the beautiful blonde.

She smiled brightly, this was the chance they are all have been waiting for. The chance to shine!

Nicolai noticing the red head's sudden determination was caught off guard.

"It seems she knows what I am. A band like them should after all right? I'm the kind of people they are trying to impress." She nodded to herself and was thinking of some ways to get them to agree.

Nicolai, remembering the previous owner's accident, almost made her sulk in the corner. 'You, my body, has got too many issues, we're too much alike. I don't like it, especially that I'll be the one fixing this.' Nicolai sigh, she stares at the window seeing people pass by not even appreciating the nice weather and view they have and a small smile made its way to her lips and closes her eyes.

She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the boy from earlier bringing her orders. She looked up as she places her order down the side.

"Hey, do you know who those are?" She asked the boy and the boy looked behind them to see what Nicolai was pointing at.

The boy nodded in confirmation and looked back. "They're the band that plays here at this shop, they call themselves Holler or something." He said while putting down Nicolai's cakes in place. "They got some music but I don't know, they lack some composer and they still haven't been discovered by any management so I think they're not gonna last long." He said which made Nicolai nod.

'What a jerk, judging them already. Look who's not gonna last. I'm gonna prove that to you, just you wait.' She thought and smirk which made the nerdy boy frown.

"Just watch me, I'm going to bring them to starlight. And tell me later who's not gonna last long in here." Nicolai chuckled at the scared boy. "Dude, never heard of scaring for the fun of it?"

The boy shivered suddenly. 'When did it got cold? It's freaking Summer! Why do I feel like I've just bumped into the wrong person?' He thought as he waves his hands. "I thought I'm going to run away from you. No offense, the music industry is popular in Marfate, making a name for yourself is like battling for a piece of meat from hungry wolves," he looked in front of her as she unlocked her phone under the table and grinned. "Watch me prove you, and everybody wrong."

It's this thing that made Nicolai be hyped. Oh, the pleasure of proving them wrong.

Proving someone wrong. And listening to someone who's lying knowing she already knows the truth. And working in silence and making her success be her noise

This thing makes her life more challenging and worth it.

'Just watch as I'll make their dreams come true as they have ever wanted as a band.' She thought as she hit play on her phone and music started blaring on her headphones.