Awareness Generates Advocacy

The trip from Athena's school serves as an eye-opener to Rosa. She becomes more curious about children with ASD so she surfs on-line to find more information about it. She stumbles upon a link of an organization based in Australia. She clicks the link of the Autism Awareness Association (AAA).

She sends a message to the autism association asking how can she join the forum of parents in their web site. She scrolls through the recommended books and she takes interest in a book title I Am An Aspien Girl. It looks like the book can help her have more idea in giving a hand to Athena's development who is going to face puberty in a few years.

An idea comes to her – if she can affiliate and consult with them in creating Ronia's autism organization. She has to bring this up to her husband's attention. She feels her school visit was truly worthwhile of her time. The head teacher's words boosted the advocacy spirit in her. Maybe she has to prepare Athena in the future to become a spokesperson of the autism organization.

She lies down in bed that night all fired up with a new mind set. She feels her stomach cramps all of a sudden. She holds on to her stomach. Maybe it is due to her over excitement with what she wants to do. She did not wait for Graysen to arrive. She decides to calm down and rest already.

One afternoon, Rosa sits in front of the vanity mirror inside the walk-in closet. She just feels pampering herself today. She is patting her face after removing her home-made face mask of honey and oatmeal. Then she puts a moisturizer as a primer before putting on a liquid foundation. Athena has been standing beside Rosa watching her in the mirror putting on the make-up. Rosa turns to Athena. She asks the little girl if she wants to have some make-up on. Athena subtly lifts the side of her lips and nods. Then Rosa starts painting the little girl's face too. Athena giggles while Rosa curls her eyes and applies lipstick on her. Rosa gets her phone and takes several selfies with Athena. She sends it to Graysen.

She brings Athena downstairs and parades her in front of Nana Amor. Modena who is busy trimming her dragon fruit plant species collection smiles when she sees Athena. Rosa calls Nana Amor to join them and clicks her phone camera for more selfies. Modena is delighted on how Athena warms up to Rosa. The little girl does not like to take pictures but she allows it with Rosa.

The pictures Rosa sends to Graysen lightens up the Senator's dull day drowning in hours of deliberation inside the Senate Chamber.

Rosa remembers to ring her constant companion in her boredom, "Brie, please call Magnus. Schedule a photo shoot in his studio."

Brie's afternoon nap gets disrupted. She growls, "For whom?"

"Me and Athena. Rosa realizes something, "Did I disturb you? What are you doing?"

Brie promptly replies yawning, "Meditating."

"Really? Sorry about that. Bye." Rosa bites her lip. She guiltily ends the call.