Shrinking With Brie

Missy Shrink as Brie refers to the psychiatrist takes on a more wholistic approach in treating her guests. She lets them wander around and they can just approach her for whatever they want to talk about. She is like a resort owner getting acquainted with the guests.

Rosa is only a few years younger than her but Dr. Jerryl Sofer is already very accomplished in the field of her profession. She studied and practiced in Germany for three years then she obtained a fellowship grant to further her education in the United States. She stayed in Asia for a while when she received an offer to Xiamen International University to teach and practice as a shrink. She just came back to Ronia a year ago and decides to improve her family's mountain range lands and turn a part of it as a retreat resort to disguise as her clinical treatment.

Brie informs Senator Graysen on behalf of Rosa that they are going to stay in a mountain resort for a few days. Graysen just agrees without even asking anything. Violet wants to bring them to the resort but Brie convinces her that she likes to travel on a long drive.

Brie insists on staying with Rosa in the same room. Rosa sits under a tree or lies in a hammock the whole day not even talking to Brie; while Brie enjoys herself roaming around the place singing and humming and talking from time to time to the resort attendants.

The next day Dr. Sofer joins them in eating breakfast. Brie interviews the doctor if she has a boyfriend and how many past relationships she already had. Jerryl chooses to laugh at Brie's inquisitiveness rather than answering her.

Dr. Sofer is having her afternoon tea under a gazebo when Rosa approaches her. She offers Rosa to take a seat and enjoy the resort's very own harvest of rose dew tea. She receives the teacup from the doctor and takes a sip. She looks at the doctor's gentle eyes. She gauges the depth of understanding radiating from it then she starts talking.

"My husband kept the knowledge about her daughter from me until we came to their villa several days after our wedding. I was so angry at him. I chose to forgive him when I learned after almost two months that I was pregnant. I was a fashion model since young but I have to give it up for a while to take care of the growing life inside my body.

Out of boredom doing nothing, I even included my step daughter Athena in my plans just to do other activities. She has autism and I want her to stand as a spokesperson for the autism organization connected to Australia.

When Anita, my gynecologist, told us that we were having twins, I saw the glow in my husband's eyes. Everything was going well. The Andrei's even allowed Athena to do fashion modeling at my beseeching. She would be the front cover of a teen magazine. I'll send you a copy once it comes out."

Rosa sighs then her tears start to form, "I experienced some cramps in my stomach during Athena's shoot. I don't know..." She starts to sob.

"I don't know that I can only take care of them in my stomach for five months then I would just lose them." Tears keep rolling on Rosa's face down to her neck. The doctor just stays still listening.

Rosa bits her lip, "Do you know my babies were a boy and a girl? A little Graysen and a little Rosa at home that could never happen anymore."

Dr. Sofer gives Rosa time to let most of her grief comes out. After a while she asks Rosa, "How do you know that it's not going to happen anymore? What do you plan to do now?"

"I don't know," Rosa shugs.

The doctor inquires, "How about Athena?"

"Well, her cover is coming out. I'll come with her at the launch and I already promise you a copy."

"And the autism organization you are talking about, are you going to push for it?"

Rosa answers indecisively, "Maybe."

"What else do you want to do?"

"Eat desserts," she grins with her response.