The Trap

"Let's play a game."

"Alright. What's the prize?" Brie demands.

"If your team loses, Hermes is going to pay for our dinner."

"No problem with me," Hermes replies. "I am up for anything Rosa wishes for."

Brie blurts out, "Yeah, sure rich boy agreeing at once. But that's unfair! You own this place, mia Rosa!"

"And so?" Rosa smirks at her. She turns her head to Hermes, "Be careful with your words. You might get trapped with it."

"As long as it's for you, I'll agree." He assures her.

"Really? Alright, the rule of the game is you have to imitate our couple acts while at the dinner table. If you can do it all, you win. If you missed three times, you lose."

Brie glowers at Rosa.

"Are you in or are you out?" Rosa glowers back at Brie.

Hermes looks intently at Brie waiting for her decision.

Brie looks at him and asks, "Are you prepared to win?"

Hermes raises his eyebrow, "I don't intend to lose either."

Graysen and Rosa's eyes meet. Rosa grins. She announces, "So, our game starts now!" She holds Graysen's hand on top of the table. She intertwines her fingers on his.

Brie sees it and clasps her fingers with Hermes.

Rosa kisses her husband on the cheeks.

Hermes move his cheek closer to Brie. She gives it a light smack.

Since the dishes are already on the table, Graysen begins serving his wife. He puts some salad on her plate. Then, he slices the steak into bits and feed her. Rosa happily opens her mouth and slowly chews it.

Hermes did the same with Brie.

Rosa sips a bit of wine when Graysen leans closer to her and smacks her on the lips.

Brie pauses a little seeing it.

"Well, if you want to lose, that will be alright with me. I can afford to pay for this whole place anyway," Hermes declares.

Braggart! Who wants to lose? Brie thought to herself. She smacks on Hermes' lips. From her peripheral view, she finds Rosa and Graysen deepened the kiss.

Since Brie feels challenged, she also deepens their kiss. Hermes' eyes open wide. He gets a little shocked but starts to enjoy it. He takes over by French kissing Brie. Brie gets surprised. She wants to push him. She decides to go along with it, as long as they win the game.

Senator Graysen and Rosa wait for them to finish. Rosa is having fun watching with her face resting on her palm.

When Brie pulls away, Hermes comments, "Not bad. Not bad, Brie. I don't think we are going to lose. What do you think, Senator Graysen?"

Graysen just shrugs his shoulders.

Hermes sips some wine and turns to Rosa, "I do not know you have that naughty side?"

"Now you know." Brie continues to eat her steak.

"I thought you knew all about my wife?" Graysen butts in for his wife.

"I did not go through all of Rosa's information report. Some other things about Rosa are for me to discover on my own. It's boring if I know it all." Hermes refills all their wine glasses while looking at Graysen in the eyes.