The Important Discussion

The fashion shoot ends. Rosa and Brie wait for the photographer Magnus to pack his stuff. He requested Brie a favor to drive him to the airport to catch his flight. When they come out of the studio, Magnus's arm clings on Brie's shoulder.

A black four-wheel-drive vehicle parks right outside the lobby door. Hermes Marco rolls down his car window.


"Why are you here?" Brie asks. Her eyes turn to Rosa with a smile.


Rosa tries to sound Hermes out. "Who are you waiting for? Not me I'm sure." She covertly points to Brie.


Hermes looks at Rosa and faintly nod with a blush on his face. Rosa giggles. It is funny to see this overconfident top executive blush.


Hermes gets off the car. Another vehicle stops behind Hermes' car honking at them. Its door opens with Senator Graysen coming out of it.


Rosa's face brightens up. "Good, you're here. Brie is taking Magnus to the airport."  


Hermes standing beside Brie puts his palm out. "Keys."


Brie did not understand. "Your car keys." Hermes points to one of his security, "He is going to drive Magnus to the airport."


Brie looks perplexed. "Huh, why?"


Senator Graysen responds to Brie, "We have something to discuss."


The studio premises clears out when their group leaves. Brie has no choice but to join Hermes in his car. She closes her eyes to collect herself and adjust her emotions with the sudden change of plans.


Hermes opens the door for her when they arrive at a hotel. The manager waiting for them at the lobby door brings them to a secluded fine-dining restaurant exclusive to the diamond members only.


Hermes motions to the manager. "I know you girls are hungry, I hope you don't mind me ordering for you in advance." He hands the menu to Brie and Rosa. "Order some more whatever you like."


"Minty dark choco frappe for me. How about you Rosa? Do you like to try their burnt cheesecake? It is one of their house specialty."


The manager tells them, "It is made from goat milk brown cheese sprinkled with hemp seeds


Rosa shrugs.


Brie gives the menu back to the manager. "Alright. That's it!"


The attendants initially serve the pita bread, salad, steamed king crab, braised fish, and white wine as soon as the four of them settled in their seats.


Brie looks at the food on the table. She tells Hermes, "Can I order some lamb chops?"


"Up to you sweety," Hermes replies.


Brie's eyebrow raises. "Who's your sweety?"


Hermes turns to Graysen, his eyes fluttering at him.


The senator did not pay attention to him. Instead, he gets busy putting salad and crab meat on Rosa's plate.


"What is that we need to talk about?" Brie inquires while dipping her pita in hummus.


"Eat first. Let's talk later," Hermes tells her.


"Okay," Brie smirks. She can't stop wondering.


During the meal Brie keeps looking between Hermes and Senator Graysen, observing them.


When the burnt cheesecake arrives, Hermes takes the initiative to serve everyone with a small slice, then hands to Rosa the rest of the creamylicious dessert.


Brie's curiosity is killing her already. "So, what is it?"


Senator Graysen says, "Campaign is going to start. You should free Rosa's schedule so she can come with me."


Brie's nerves loosens up. "No problem with that."  She sips her frappe with ease. "Anything else?"


Brie waits for the answer looking at Senator Graysen. The senator sips his black coffee and says nothing. She faces Hermes. He is refilling his wine glass smiling.


She blurts, "That's it?"


"Yes," Hermes finally responds.