The Who

The ongoing election campaign requires Rosa to stand by Senator Graysen's side in every town and city they visit. At every political gathering, she has to sit on stage putting a big smile on her face for everyone. Brie declined a lot of gigs and shoot so Rosa can join Senator Graysen in this tedious presidential campaign.

The Ronian Liberal Party staff did not hear any complaints from Rosa with their strict reminder on how she should appear in front of the public. Because of her gratitude to Hermes and Godfather, she gives in to the staff party's demands and did not put up any fuss. She reminds herself that if not for their help and quick action when she and Athena were kidnapped, she was not sure if they can be rescued alive and in one piece.

Brie nudges Rosa before coming out to go up the stage again. "Hey, are you sick?"

"No, just tired." 

"Want some strawberry ice cream?"

"No, I want to sleep." Rosa covers her mouth as she yawns.

Brie teases her. "This is the first time you rejected my sweet offerings. It looks like campaign is more exhausting than posing in front of the camera, huh?"

Rosa rolls her eyes. "I know right?"

Brie stays on the side to wait for Rosa. Her eyes start to droop when a frappe pops up in front of her. "Oh, it's you. Thank you."

"How's your office?" Brie asks.

Hermes tilts his head. He smirks at Brie. "Waiting for you."

"There's nothing to do there. I'm not your secretary."

"I can give you something light to do with a good compensation."

Brie recalls something. She reverts to questioning Hermes with her one of her hand on her hips. "You got me my frappe, but where is the cake?" 

Hermes scratches his head. "My security put the strawberry cheesecake you requested for Rosa at the dressing room."

Brie lifts her lips in satisfaction. "Good. Rosa needs some comfort food. She looks exhausted from all of this. Even I feel tired going around with her."

"Why don't you stay in my office and relax? There's a free massage there." Hermes tries to lure Brie.

"I wish you brought that chair with you right now."

He reiterates, "It's better if you go to my office. You can get a massage every day."

Brie responds, "Let me consider it." 

Their conversation gets distracted when some commotion in the audience happens while Senator Graysen speaks on stage. The people whisper to each other. 

Hermes inquires with the staff what is going on.

One of the staff informs Hermes, "A blind item news is spreading online right now about a senator who dates famous models and married his wealthy and illustrious wife to help him win a higher post."  

Murmurs spread from one seat to another. 

One of the spectators asks her companion, "Do you think this is Senator Graysen Andrei?"

"Not sure. But we know his wife is a famous model."