The calm before the storm

Since the Nirvana Sect led by Ace was one of the eight seeded teams, there was no need for them to compete in the group stage. However, more than the strength of the sect master was needed to convince the other disciples that the Nirvana Sect deserved to be a seeded team.

But for now, only the top three cultivation forces of the seven cultivation forces contesting in a group will progress to the next stage, the main concern of the strongest disciples of each cultivation force was that their juniors would pull them down.

The past annual cultivation forces tournaments would only require the most powerful disciples from each cultivation force to represent them and obtain a good ranking for the cultivation force behind them.

But now, the annual cultivation forces tournament required seven disciples from each cultivation force, which was something that caught the cultivation forces by surprise even though they expected the other six disciples to be of some use.

It wasn't a team battle from the start this time, but countless battles between individuals that were going to take place simultaneously.

To ensure fairness, each cultivation force chose disciples of the same calibre to challenge each other, with the weakest challenging the weakest, while the strongest challenged the strongest.

Most of the battles went as expected, but right when most of the battles were about to end, an unexpected situation arose. The death of a young cultivator.

Everyone's attention was drawn towards the young cultivator and his opponent, yet none of them realised the assassin who had blended in with the crowd through some unique methods.

Within the Nebula Kingdom, in the Mystic Breeze Inn, a storm was brewing. Three floors of the Mystic Breeze Inn was open to the public. The first floor was for the majority of the cultivators. The second floor was for VIPS of high status. The third floor was specifically for cultivators that were Martial Emperors and a few people of sacred status. The Emperor of the Nebula Kingdom and his loyal aides.

On the fourth floor that was concealed by an array, however, a guy could be seen massacring the owner of the inn and his guards, his formidable strength unstoppable by the mere Martial Kings that defended this inn on the order of the Emperor.

"Clozer, just tell me where the Emperor concealed that item and I'll end misery right here." The man was cloaked in a robe and wore a mask that hid his facial appearance.

"Don't you even think about it!" Clozer rebutted instantly as he clenched his teeth and punched towards the cloaked man with his remaining right arm.

"What a pity, I was even thinking of recruiting you to my side, but it seems that my hopes are dashed. Who would have expected the owner of the Mystic Breeze Inn to be one of the seven stars that defended the Nebula Kingdom." The man replied in disappointment as he yanked off Clozer's right arm, resulting in him grimacing in pain as he dropped to the ground.

"Our fates are aligned with the stars, you can choose to take my life just as you did with the other six, but when the day comes when the prophecy of the Grand Oracle comes true, it would be the demise of the Moonlight Cult." Clozer sneered as he ended his own life, in the same approach the other six used. He was self-destructing by exploding his spiritual core and the energy contained within it.

Clozer's spirit flew into a hidden location of the Nebula Kingdom and entered a container that was sealed up right after he entered through the small opening.

The container was placed alongside six other containers that configured the shape of a divine animal, which was unknown to anyone else besides the Emperor of the Nebula Kingdom.

Meanwhile, the death of a young cultivator itself was still shocking news as the two cultivation leaders threatened to battle it out. One of them was from a Tiger Tier cultivation force that has existed for years, the Infernal Sect.

The other cultivation leader was the sect master of a sect that has been on the rise in the past ten years, the Blood Devouring Sect.

"Blood Sect Master, just what are you plotting by taking the life of my disciple?" The Infernal Sect Master questioned with fury in his eyes even though the disciple who died was the weakest among the top seven disciples of the Infernal Sect.

"I just want to create chaos, don't worry, six others will follow into the footsteps of your disciple soon." The moment the Blood Sect Master said this, six explosions took place simultaneously after a snap of his fingers.

The death of six other disciples whose remains were scattered on the platform. One of them even included the strongest disciple of another Tiger Tier Cultivation Force, that barely qualified for the Annual Cultivation Forces Tournament.

Yet his scream of sorrow and fury was drowned by the killing intent that loomed over everyone present, with only the eight sect masters that claimed the thrones for themselves maintaining their calm, but seriousness was written all over their faces.

The Moonlight Cult Master, however, remained expressionless, as though this was within his expectations.

"Just what is this killing intent?" Ace muttered, his voice drowned by the commotions that were taking place. Ace had thought that his cultivation law would be unmatched in the fragmented cultivation world, but it seemed that he was wrong.

The various sect masters turned towards the Announcer, only to see that annoyance was written all over his face, but more importantly, his spear was held in hand. The Announcer was going to take action.

"Blood Sect Master, do you know the consequences of going against the rules? It might be a battle between the younger disciples, but unless both cultivation leaders agreed to a life and death battle, no life should be taken. To atone for your sins, your life would suffice."

The next moment, the Announcer stabbed towards the Blood Sect Master.

The Blood Sect Master wanted to move, his cultivation base of the Martial King ninth realm was the reason for his arrogance, not to mention that he possessed a Spear of the Low Emperor Grade.

(Changes have been made and each weapon quality from the Common to Legendary Grade will correspond to each major cultivation realm from the Body Tempering Realm to the Martial Spirit Realm. Each item grade after that will follow the title of the next cultivation Realm itself)

(Items will still be graded from the Low~Middle~High~Superb quality, with a distinct difference between each. Sorry for the abrupt change, but this will greatly influence the flow of the storyline later on and I assure you that this will only result in better content)

But the Blood Sect Master found himself unable to move in front of this spear that was extremely slow, not only him, everyone present was unable to move an inch as they beheld the spear that pierced through the body of the Blood Sect Master.

By the time everyone, including the eight seeded sect masters, regained control of their own body, the Blood Sect Master had already ceased to exist. As for his disciples, the Announcer who held a sacred status, arranged for guards to drag them into the royal prison to await the final verdict.

Is this the strength of the Announcer of the Nebula Kingdom? Everyone present knew the man as the Announcer, but none knew that he was already the Great General of the Nebula Kingdom that was in charge of defending the kingdom. As for why he was the person holding the Annual Cultivation Forces Tournament, it was because this was the order of the Emperor he followed.

"I'm sorry for the loss of the young disciples, but please understand that the reason why the disciples under the Blood Sect Master was able to pull such a stunt off, was because they swallowed the Destructive Present Elixir before the battle as they timed it to kick in at the exact moment of the battle." The Announcer explained as a token appeared in the hands of the seven cultivation leaders.

The Destructive Present Elixir was an forbidden elixir, which formula was unknown to many and if it weren't the Great General that was holding the tournament right now, the reason behind the situation would have been concealed.

The Destructive Present Elixir was an forbidden elixir that would provide the consumer with strength that exceeded their body's limit by ten folds, but in return, their cultivation base would be shattered after an hour and even if they survive the backlash, they would have reached the end of their cultivation path.

As for why those disciples consumed the Destructive Present Elixir, that would require some investigation.

The Cultivation Leaders who wanted to demand an explanation resigned to their fate after seeing the token. That token would allow them to exchange for a Peak Earth Grade Martial Skill or an Emperor Grade Weapon, it went to show the sincerity of the Nebula Kingdom.

The storm on the surface might have passed, but no one knew that this was only the calm before the storm, because the true chaos has yet to descend.

"Now that the top three teams of each group have been decided, it's about time the team battles begin. Your next opponent would be decided randomly, this is also the chance for each sect to prove that your disciples aren't weaker than that of the seeded teams."

"The first battle in each group would begin now. Your opponent will be directed to the same stage as you."