Hi ,My name is Ivan. I'm 18. I was just coming home from college for a break. I had just gotten something as a gift for my little brother. I don't remember what happened after that. I think I died. I'm just sitting here...or floating here? I don't really know. I can't tell if I even have a body. I think I'm in soul form ,hopefully something or someone comes to get me out of this void.
???: What An Interesting Soul!!!
Eh? Hey. Have you been here the whole time?
???: I just got here to check if anyone has been sent here ,but I was a bit late and all the other souls dissipated into the void! I was so surprised to see a soul that hasn't dissipated!
How long have I been here anyway?
???: If I had to say....about a trillion years.
Trillion! That's A Long Time!! How Did I Not Notice That!!!
???: That's because It's difficult to perceive time while in the void and you are just a soul.
Well Then. Who Are You? I'd Like To Know Who I'm Speaking To.
???: Oh. Well ,I'm A God. I reign over the reincarnation cycle.
Oh. Well Then God. I'd Like To Reincarnate Now.
God: Oh! My Bad. I forgot that I was here to do that! Well. I have a proposition for you! Since you are the only soul to not dissipate in the void ,I'd like to offer you three wishes and you can keep your memory!
For My First Wish ,I'd Like To Be A System! There Are Not A Lot Of People Who Write Novels About This And I'd Like To Try Being One.
God: Ok.... Weird ,but good view on it ,I guess?
For My Second Wish ,I'd Like To Be Able To Make Skills Through Just Thinking About Them And What They Do!
God: That's also a good wish. I wouldn't want you to be useless.
And For My Third And Final Wish ,I Want To Be Able To Make My System Abilities To My Liking. I Want To Customize My System And It's Functions!
God: I was just gonna do a gacha to see what type of system you'll be ,but less work for me I guess. Alright ,time to send you off! I hope you have fun on your journey!