The master

Kevin and the woman walk up to the old man and the woman bows before saying "Master Kyoma, this young man would like to join the dojo." Master Kyoma is a decently-built old man, he isnt buff but he isn't scrawny either. He has dark grey hair but no beard, it looks like he shaves alot so he doesnt look like a cliché master from some ninja movie or something with a really long grey or white beard.

Kyoma speaks up "Oh, what is your reason for wanting to join this dojo?" Kevin remembered what the system said about needing to gain sympathy from him, so he puts on the best act he can "I-I want to learn to protect myself, I live alone in an abandoned basement I found in an alleyway, I have no one to help me, no parents or family and no one who loves me, I like my home but it is very dangerous in the alleyways, its a miracle that I have managed to survive this long."

Kyoma starts to visibly shake a bit and so does the woman, Kevin worries that he said something wrong or made them angry, but then a few seconds later they both do something that surprises Kevin. Kyoma and the woman start to cry and then hug Kevin and Kyoma says "You have it so rough, I'm so sorry that you have had to live like that all this time." The woman says "I feel so sorry for you, it must feel so terrible."

Kevin hangs his head down and frowns before saying "Yeah, it was terrible and it sucked heck I don't even have any furniture in my basement home, I just sleep on the carpet floor." Kyoma stops hugging Kevin and when the woman sees this she does as well. Kyoma looks kevin straight in the eyes and says "What's your name young man?" Kevin says "Kevin Reven." Kyoma nods at Kevin and then says "Well Kevin, I'm letting you join the dojo."

Kevin says "Really?" Kyoma nods and then says "I'm also going to help you make your home be a little better, why don't you come let me train you for a bit to see how good you are and then I will decide what class to put you in later, after I'm done training you can take me to your home so I can see what you need in there."

Kevin nods and then Kyoma says "Alright then follow me into one of the private training rooms that we have here." Kevin follows Kyoma to a training room and the woman parts ways with them upon their arrival to it. They then enter the room and walk up to a rack with wooden swords on it. Kyoma gets two and hands one of them to Kevin before saying "Alright now show me what you got so far Kevin."

Kevin nods and then runs at Kyoma as fast as he can and swings the wooden sword down, Kyoma blocks the sword and manages to knock it out of Kevin's hands. Kyoma then says "Your fast, but you lack the strength that comes with speed, even though your fast, if your not strong enough then your enemy could overpower you even if your the first one to strike, pick up the sword again and come at me, keep doing this for about 20 minutes and then we will leave."

Kevin does as he says for a whole 20 minutes and by the end is completly exausted, but he feels like something has improved in him he just isnt sure what as it was to small a change to know what exactly it was. Kyoma says "Alright, go ahead and put the sword up, now take me to this home of yours so I can see what exactly you need there."

Kevin nods and walks back home with Kyoma following right behind him, Kevin almost collapsed halfway there so Kyoma picked him up and put him on his back and told kevin to point to the direction they need to go. for some reason Kevin isnt embarressed by this act and he does as Kyoma told him to. They eventually arrive at the basement and Kevin gets down from Kyoma's back and unlocks the door, then they both enter and Kevin turns on the lights.

Kyoma looks around the basement for some time before saying "Alright, as far as I can tell your going to need a few things, a bed obviously, a working oven, that extra room needs to be turned into a bathroom," Kyoma goes on to list the things that he is going to get kevin, kevin tries to tell him he doesnt have to spend all that money on him but Kyoma kept insisting saying that its alright and he isnt spending alot of money compared to how much he has overall.

Kyoma makes a phone call and then sits down and chats with kevin for about half an hour before a knock is heard on the door. Kyoma says "Ah, that must be them." Kevin looks confused a bit at who he invited over but then he relized that he made that phone call right after he finished talking about what all he is going to get Kevin for his basement. After Kyoma opens the door 10 people come in and place all the things that kevin needs to live a good life there and then an hour later they leave.

Kyoma says "Alright, there you go you have everything set up now, im going to go now, remember that training starts tommorow at noon so be there by then." Kevin nods and says "Thanks for all you have done for me Master Kyoma, your so nice." Kyoma pats Kevin's head and says "Dont mention it Kevin, anyway have a goodnight." Kyoma then leaves and closes the door behind him when he does.

{Quest completion requirements:

Find the Kyoma dojo 1/1

Get some sympathy and join the Kyoma dojo 1/1}

{Quest complete please say "Quest awards" to claim your rewards}

Kevin smiles and then says "Alright show me what I got system, Quest awards."

{You have the following rewards available for completing quests:

Gain one level

5 stat points

Unlocked experience leveling up}

Kevin says "What's experience leveling up?"

{Experience leveling up is the process of leveling up by gaining experince from certain things, such as killing, completing certain quests and other things. From now on quests where you just gain levels will be extreamly rare and if you do come across one then it will probably hold other huge rewards too due to how rare it is.}

Kevin's eyes widen and then he says "W-Wait, did you say killing?"

{Yes, killing is a way to gain experience and thing that you definitly wont be able to avoid doing forever, however seeing how you currently dont want to do such a thing the system will try for as long as possible to help you avoid doing so.}