Prologue: Abyss of the Ether

White light flashed on me and I froze like a dear in the face of head lights. The truck driver wasn't present, or rather he was asleep. The second I noticed that the truck drove over me and then into the glass wall of my shop. That was the last thing I remember, the trucks lights and the sleeping driver. Now all there is,is well nothing except empty space. Floating in an expanse of darkness with small flickering lights dotting all around me. Time seemed to flow slowly as the lights came and went clusters of stars burst to dust and reformed over time once again.

*Snap* I landed on a comfy couch that smelled of lavender and peppermint, the room was old and warm, a women dressed in purple and black sat behind a desk sorting out files. A fire crackled besides me, the oak wood table in front of me had a set of cup, a kettle, a sugar bowl and one cup of coffee grains with a spoon in it. She looked up and motioned for me to help myself. I did.

"Where am I?" I ask.

" You are in the Abyss of the Ether. I am sorry that you had to die. But luckily you died at the right time, under a full moon." She says, her voice sounded soft and sweet like silk. I looked up confused.

" How does that influence my death?" I ask surprising myself that I'd speak about my death so easily.

" It influences your death because a full moon at midnight opens a gate way for people who die at that time. A gate way that leads them here, and grants them three wishes and a choice of where to reincarnate." She explains. I sipped at the now finished black coffee.

" Anywhere?"

" Anywhere." She answers.

"But isn't that cheating?" I tilted my head and asked.

"Sort of. So what will it be?" She asks and straightens.

" The Teen Wolf world please. Or universe?" I hummed then asked.

"Universe. Then your wishes." She says writing information down on parchment.

"Uh...." Why not? "For my first wish I'd like to be have a familiar, a ten tailed spirit beast that is apart of my soul and can not be removed by anyone, if it's doable?" I ask fidgeting. She nodded her head and motioned for me to continue.

"Uh, can I have some parchment so that I could explain my second wish?" I ask. A parchment appeared in front of me along with a pen. I quickly wrote down what I wish to be. " This is my second wish." I say and was about to give it to her when the parchment dispersed and reappeared on her desk, she placed it down on the paper she had been working on.

"For my last wish, I wish that I can be reborn at the same time as Scott and the others in a rich family that's in Beacon Hills California. Both scientists of different things, if that's also doable?" I ask.

" It is. Your memories will remain in tact and you'll start off now. Good luck and remember to have fun and that the story line in Teen Wolf is a tad bit different from the one you know." She says as my body began to fade into light specks.


I woke up with pressure on me from all sides, it felt like I was being squashed. It felt incredibly painful, each and every part of my being screamed in pain as I was pushed and shoved into harsh light from above. Gentle hands wrapped me in a blanket after cleaning me up and handed me to softer hands, I still couldn't see and all the sound that came out was that of a babies. My eyes widen in shock as I realized that I was infact a baby. Aw, great. A woman drenched in sweat looked down at me with bright hazel green eyes that stared at me in curiosity and warmth.

"Hi, there little Khaleesi, look how cute you are. " She mumbles as she held her hand up and over my body. Huh, cool name. Where's my new dad though.

" A name already, I thought we'd decide together, Inu." Says an bored tone of voice like he barely cares.

" Oh, you and I both know you don't care about children and could love them less, so I gave her a name before you came up with a weird one." My mother pointed out. So one parent is awfully nice and the other is passive, oh yeah that's simply great.

"Right, YOU do realize that this is my child as well, Inu." Pointed my dad out.

" Mhmmh." Mom responded and ignored my new found father from there on out.