Scott finished his last piece of pizza and looked at me meaningfully.
"Why didn't you eat any?" He asks, startled I stared at him before realizing what he meant.
" Ah, right, food just doesn't taste right anymore." Crap I was staring at his veins again! And this time I could smell something nice! Stiles gulped down a mouthful of pizza before starting to mumble under his breath, which unfortunately I can hear. It's really distracting.
"Stiles." I interrupted. He blinked and looked up.
"Stop it."
"Yes, ma'am." He says and took another bite of his pizza.
" So where are we going for this test, and what apart from the obvious are we going to do there?" I ask shifting to pick Scott's plate up and gliding toward the sink, washing the dishes off before sitting back down again, oddly enough I don't need to sit, I feel just as comfortable when standing as I do when sitting. Maybe I'm a vampire like the Cullen family... I immediately scratched that out of my thoughts, I don't glitter in sun light, nor does it bother me.
"The junk yard." Says Stiles between another mouthful of pizza, I glared at him immediately, but than smiled sweetly as ideas of pranks ran through my head.
"Sure, sure, but what'll we do?" I ask.
"I have a bag of blood with me, so we'll test that one out. " I interrupted him my eyes wide.
" Why the hell do you have a bag of blood with you?! And where did you get it!" I nearly shouted.
" From the infirmary, where else? I got it during my off period after break." Says Stiles shrugging his shoulders.
"..... I'm honestly speechless. Nice going there, Stiles. But next time..... don't steal from the school, I hope you know there's cameras there." And here, but I'm doing my own test here. Trying to see what my parents will do.
" Wait, there's cameras?!" Stiles shouts dropping his pizza on his lap but it slid off and onto the ground. I raised an eyebrow and pointed towards the pizza stain and then the ground.
"You better clean that, up because I am certainly not." I say, Scott sniggered and shook his head.
"..... Fine." Stiles got up and cleaned his mess up. Unfortunately for him that was his last slice of pizza.
"Any homework left?" I ask as I cleaned the last plate and walked out of the kitchen, knowing that we would have to go now, otherwise my parents will have all of our necks by the time we got back. Luckily there's a Junk Yard not far from here.
"Nope, we finished homework during practice, like you did." Says Scott, I raised an eyebrow at that.
" Weren't you supposed to pay attention, what's the point of going to practice if you don't even know how the gamer's move?" I say, they exchanged looks before shrugging, aw well, they are nit wits, so what was I expecting, but they'll grow up soon.