Chapter 23; Awkward moment

* Being in love isn't a game, it isn't about beauty or attraction, it's about the feelings you and your love share, in good times and in bad ones.*

-- A very Special Friend

(Wifi had been down because of cellphone towers, I apologise for being late.)


"Um..... D.. Derek. Move away or I'll... uh, throw you over the railing. " I warned, not sounding threatening at all as I moved my head away, suppressing the warmth that crawled up to my cheeks as best as I could. He blinked and stepped back, but his arms were still around me, so without taking account for the added weight and gravity we both went tumbling to the ground, I ended up on top of him, my face nearly as bright as the stars shinning behind me. Cursing myself and Derek inwardly I struggled to pull myself free. Suddenly with a jerk from Derek he let go and I went over the railing, but quickly caught the cold stone bricks to keep me from hitting the ground. With one swing I flipped over the railing and landed crouching like a tug on the ground, shooting daggers at the still grounded wolf and soon to be paste on the ground.

"Didn't you notice me?" He asks, getting up and dusting himself off, like what happened just now didn't. I huffed and stood up, brushing myself off like I caught the plague, which wasn't far from the truth, I caught the Derek one of though, I smelled like him, I scrunched my nose up after the scent hit me when I sniffed my clothes, yeah I liked it but I didn't wanna smell like I was his mate! I shuddered and looked up finding that Derek was towering over me an expectant look on his face.

"Why were you distracted, you're able to hear, smell and sense me, yet you didn't even notice that I was here? " He pointed out, I backed up until my back hit the balcony wall, next to my door, I had turned to insure that I didn't almost fall again.

"Uh... well.... I was thinking about.... unh.... boys... yeah, boys." I say nodding my head as if I was a genius, how wrong I could be sometimes. He raised and eyebrow as he stepped closer, I shrunk against the walls, my heart was beating normally, the equivalent of a pounding one in my case. He placed his palm next to my head and leaned down.

"Don't get distracted over boys, or I'll have to learn you to be focused on your surroundings no matter what you are doing, what you are thinking, do you understand? " He asks his voice low, I gulped and nodded my head, then shook it the next second, I got distracted by him!

"What're you doing here in any way?" I ask pushing him back gently, I caught a slight flicker of an emotion in his passive eyes before it disappeared as quickly as it had came.

"I came to s... tell you that the Alpha will call Scott soon." He says. I blinked, so soon? Shaking my head I pushed off of the walls and walked to the glass doors entering and going straight for my bed, I know I slept the entirety of the day, but I still feel sleepy.

"Right, you better find a way to train him, cause I certainly won't." I say as I flop down on the bed and pulled a book out from my bedside table,Derek sat down on the chair that sat next to me,for when I was to lazy to lay on my bed.

"Fine, don't you have homework?" He asks crossing his arms as I flipped through the pages of the book called 'Holes'.

"Mhmm,this is my homework assignment from English,by the way thank you for dropping me onto the couch, but I would have preferred if you had brought me up to my room." I say skimming through a few sentences until I found my spot.

"Mr. Mason had chased me out, whether I wanted to or not he told me to dump you onto the couch so I did, if you're gonna complain, complain to him. " Derek grumbles.

" I can't, he'll only ignore my complaints and ask what I want. So since I have nothing and no one to complain to it's only a given that I complain to you, now isn't it? Since you, are after all still here after reporting that the Alpha's coming." I hummed in a sing-song voice. He groaned and walked away after rising from his seat. I raised an eyebrow as he went through my personal shelf. It didn't contain much, just some old movie books, CDS and DVDS, an old radio and a few sketch books from when I was little and the beach from my other life and also a few dairies covered as History and Chemistry books.