Chapter 42; Forest

* . "Be happy – it drives people crazy."


Something tiny and cold gently tickled my nose as it landed, melting the instant it touched my slightly warm skin. The lids of my eyes fluttered for a brief second as I struggled to see. A foggy mist coated my eyes,abstracting my sight even more. But as soon as I started to focus colour returned and the mist slowly disappeared,what greeted me was long acorn trees that sheltered me from the sun's eyes, it's rays flickering through along with droplets of snowflakes that slipped through the greeny facade that acted as bars above me. I stared for a long moment before I sat up,my body was covered in rags that vaguely looked like a white dress which made me blend in to the snowy landscapes even more then I had already been with just my skin and hair. A locket hung from my neck, my fingers went up to cup the beautiful pendant. Popping the locket open,I was greeted with two blurry images that portrait two silhouettes in a garden with a natural looking house behind them,that seemed to be made from nature itself. Sighing my feet took me off of the ground as I finally realised I have little to no control over my body,it moved on its own. Dream,this is another dream,and here I believed I was finally clear of them,how naïve. Something warm was wrapped around me, compelling me to turn to go towards it, my body refused and moved without my consent. A lullaby sung by crickets and birds filled the lonely evening, smoothing over the rising tensions in the air.....but the further my feet carried my the softer their song, until it was eerily quiet. The trees lost their luster, until there was no more leaves to block the fading sun. The snow slowly turned a soft red then to a scarlett red that coated the ground with each step that I took. The forest once filled with life and tranquility, was dead and in despair,I could feel it with every breath that I took,my chest shaking,tears coming to my eyes that were not my own. A clearing looked on the horizon. Bodies littered the grounds, the air frozen with a sudden anger a sudden change that reverberated through the silent forest. Voices rang through the night, accusing, sad and angry. But one shook me to the core one that sounded more reassuring then anything else. Tugging at me from behind until warmth encased and flooded my sudden sadness replacing it with a sense of relief.

I gasped as I sat up, Peter's arms around my waist holding me close to the bed, which I have no recollection of getting on.

"It's okay, Khaleesi, it's just a nightmare." He whispered in my ear as he pulled me back to his chest,the warmth from earlier vibrating from him and to me,as if to give me strength. I smiled gratefully up at him but then I shook my head, laying me head on his shoulder. His eyes had returned to their icy blue.

"It was so vivid. So realistic, bringing me to a place I don't recognise, to faces I have never even seen before,Peter. A dream is a dream, this is not a dream,it's to vivid to be one, I could feel the emotions in the air, I could hear and see everything with a clarity only possible in reality. " I say frowning with each word that I said.

".....I have never personally experienced that, but for now ignore it." Peter advices.

"But what if.....what if it becomes reality?" I ask shaken.

"Then we'll deal with it. But for now,get some sleep, love,you need it." He reminds me as he pulls me closer. I sighed as I closed my eyes relaxing in his arms.