Chapter 47; I'm Gonna Show You

* Your mind is always in a war, whether to be good,bad or to make a simple decision. It plays around with ideas that could ruin or rise you. Whether you follow your brain or your heart is up to you.*

-- Ray-Ray

Scott rushed in not so long after that, looking unnerved and like he had gone through a war. I watched as he slipped on an invisible banana peel. The shell flew in to the air,my body quivered and shot forward, catching the bullets shell midair in a velvety hankerchief, which Scott had used. I walked towards Derek and handed it over, then pulling Scotty boy to his feet.

"What's up?" I asked.

"The sky." He replied with an eye roll,I raised an eyebrow,he gave an exasperated sigh. " Alison's dad nearly killed me." Scott says a look of pure horror plastered across his face making me giggle.

"Well at least your still standing,wolf boy." I say and turned to a now fully healed Derek and Stiles who held out Derek's jacket. The air slowly tensed as it became rather awkward at that moment. I rolled my eyes,no way was I going to brake this tension,they need to sort their shit out on their own. "Welp, I'm off,I gotta go provide for a 10 year old. And Stiles I expect to see my Toyota in two hours,my bike is already home. If I don't see it,oh you will suffer my wrath." I say to Stiles who gulped and nodded his head,I flickered out of the room, whipping out my phone and dialling a number I had given out to a certain someone.

"Am I in trouble?" Came a husky voice from the other side,I rolled my eyes as I swept past speeding cars and lit up traffic lights.

"Yes. You are." I say slowly as I turned a corner nearly crashing against a car in my over usage of my speed.

"What did I do?" He asks.

"....Lemme see.....Hmm,you and Hale nearly got your nephew killed!" I shouted loudly. Causing passer by-ers to turn their heads but only seeing a slight misty blue,pitch black and a snowy white blur. I can imagine him flinching as he cursed softly away from the phone. "Don't you dare curse,Peter! Ugh! You best tell him who the hell you are soon! I don't want either of you to get hurt and he almost died! He was in pain! He begged me to suck the wolfsbane from his arm,Peter! For Gods sakes he even bribed me!" I scolded and rushed past the Junk Yard,waving to Fluffy as I passed by. I heard a sharp in take of breath on.the other side.

"Did you?" He asked with bated breath. I sighed as I slowed down to a walk.

"Yeah, but I didn't drain him, (scoffs) luckily." I grumbled.

" ...You....nevermind." He sighs.

"No Peter! What were you about to say!" I ask stopping in my tracks my eyes narrowed. Someone gulped,Peter I assume.

".....uh,you may have ripped a part of his soul if you drank from him." Peter says,his voice barely audible,he had probably taken the phone away in hopes of preventing his ears from bursting if I scream again. But I was frozen as fear began to shake through me.

"Well shit. Why did no one mention this little detail to me?" I ask my voice eerily calm.

Shifting on the other line echoed around slowly.

"....I....I didn't think.... you'd,you know drink from someone so soon." Peter says sounding slightly on edge. I groan as I raked my fingers through my hair removing the strands from my woven braid.

"Ergh,I'll let this tiny detail slide for now,but Peter...." I trailed off.

"Yep?" He replied popping the P sound.

" Hide something like that from me again and I will brake every bone in your body, got it?" I threaten my voice emotionless.

"Yes, ma'am."